It has been a while since the last gathering (Bintaro XIII). So finally at December 21st, the 14th Bintaro gathering held again. You must be quite familiar with below setup, owned by Mr. Didik Wiryawan (the host): The giant DIY speaker, F4 power amplifier (along with big fan on the back), Aikido pre-amplifier, and NAD/CEC as source.
Mr. ATP and Mr. Didik, checking a package from the colleague contains CD Audio. Unfortunately, we missed to try the CD.
Mr. Dhanny, Mr. Tjahjo, and some other colleagues are enjoying the system.
It’s time for digital. Cocktail Audio has all-in-one system. The owner, Mr. Dhanny uses separate DIY linear power supply to power the unit.
F4 power amplifier. Interesting amplifier which the sound will depend on the tube stage used.
Mr. AH on action before setting up Mr. ATP’s BA-3 pre-amplifier.
Mr. Didik, Mr. AW, Mr. ATP, Mr. AS, and Mr. B in a serious discussion.
Sabre ES9018 and the XMOS are playing the music from laptop.
Tuning the harmonic on the BA-3 pre-amplifier. Easier with distortion analyzer than with the ears, though. Also can see Lundahl on the output stage.
Mr. AW pre-amplifier with dedicated power supply, but Nippon Chemicon and some vintage oil capacitors. The four tubes on the back are the rectifier.
There were some more DACs coming at the late of the day, like Audio-gd, Lynx HiLo, and ASUS Xonar Essence One. They have their own taste and character which is quite interesting. The last person left the gathering at around 21.30 pm. Quite tiring session, but definitely very fun to hear and learn more, especially about digital music and DAC.
Jimmy Alexander Elie
December 24, 2013 22:20Waduh……andai saja di Surabaya ada kumpul2 kayak ginian, hehe…….Thanx for share pak Jim. Lama gak nulis ya? Salam
Auw Jimmy
December 26, 2013 22:58Hi Pak Jim,
Iya Pak, sudah cukup lama.
Terima kasih.