It’s a sunny Saturday. It has been agreed to have a measurement of some amplifier to check their power output. Located at Bintaro, I bring my Rigol Oscilloscope and Sanwa True RMS Multitester. Both should be enough to give rough measurement of the power output (and check whether they operate at A or AB class). As a source, we use 1 kHz tone, and around 7R/120W of dummy resistor.
I forgot how to activate Vpp and Vrms of this Rigol, so we use an additional RMS meter to measure the output. But finally I remember how to activate them and that simply simplify the testing.
After the test has been completed on several amplifier, we continue the session by some listening test and I take some pictures. Enjoy it π
Ultimate version of MP50Di. PCB designed by local hobbyist, Mr. Didik. Complete unit below made by Mr. David.
Seriously made power bank!
Boutique part test! Mention at least 10 pcs of high end brands used here. Don’t say you areΓΒ a serious DIY if you can’t mention at least 15 brands… (roughly IΓΒ see at least 14 brands).
Bias measurement. Also can see whether the amp still operates at A or already move to AB.
Bias measurement in detail.
Ultimate modification of Yaqin VK-2100 hybrid amplifier. Need some magic touch on its SRPP side. Very powerful on the final stage, with around 90W of power each channel!
Seeing something unusual here? π
The F4-Hybrid amplifier. Massive power bank, some interesting tweaks also found here (if you can notice that).
It’s time to fire up. Three Talema toroidal transformers definitely more than enough to deliver the juice needed by the power amp.
Plugging in the tubes for the SRPP side of Yaqin VK-2100. Different tube could produce different sound.
July 15, 2012 16:31Wow… that MP50Di must be sound killer. Lots of expensi ve components. Including Kendeil for the supply banks.
BTW, the VK2100 unusual final transistor is only from Toshiba changed to TO-3 shaped transistor? And lots of it? π
So…hows the measurements?
Auw Jimmy
July 15, 2012 19:33Measurement result could be ask to Mr. David, bro… π
July 16, 2012 12:04Wow ada Jengkol Krell, berapaan itu satu pcs ?
July 16, 2012 14:10Pak Abut minat ama jengkol krell yah? π
Auw Jimmy
July 16, 2012 15:15Uda telpon2an aja langsung… π
October 12, 2012 16:27Dear Sir
I would like to know how you get the 8 items that at your “Seeing something unusual here ?”
I am looking for it, but can’t get it up to now.
Best Regrards!
Auw Jimmy
October 12, 2012 23:11Hi,
It was my friend… collectible items. Not quite sure if we can get it again.
June 19, 2015 08:52bos klw pengen bikin power 12 transistor tpi pake travo 15A Kira* kebakar g yah..