It was a nice session at DWA’s house located at Bintaro. We held a long session, from morning to night, from amplifier, preamp, DAC, to speaker. The event was started with a lunch 😉
This time, we had several special guest, welcome Mr. Atok and Mr. Handy who came from Bandung with some of their equipments (like “classic” BC preamp and special DAC with AD chip and 11 separate Power Supply).
As usual, we were evaluating the sonic performance of each equipment. That time, we used song from Waldjinah (Putri Solo). Was a classic and well recorded Kroncong music performed by Waldjinah. Then, song from Mozart (Eine Kleine Nachtmusik) and Norah Jones also used.
Strange and unique amplifier. Sorry I didn’t take closer shoot.
We had 6 finalists with different amplifier and style.
We took photo together, as usual. This reflected the great brotherhood in Indonesia DIY group.
We continued the event with preamp, DAC, and speaker audition. By doing this, we could evaluate and benchmark the performance of our own creation. Well, we had lot homework…
Speakers audition. We had at least 4 pairs of speakers to be auditioned.
Mr. Atok with short crash course of CLIO and impedance measurement. We got free impedance measurement of our speaker by him. Mosf of us (DIYers) used ears when tweaking our creation. Mr. Atok showed that we could use sophisticated equipment to easier our life – and to show whether we had took wrong direction or not.
The expensive CLIO used to measure the impedance of the speakers.
That was a really nice session. Thanks for the hospitality of Mr. DWA (the photo on this page also courtesy of him). Hope to held similar event again in the future.
April 11, 2009 01:25wah, jim.. kayaknya asyik bgt neh.. ngoprek audio sambil makan2… he3… btw, apakabar neh? inget gw kaga yah? dulu gw pernah chat ama elo tanya2 ttg speaker 😉 udah lama bgt gw kaga mampir blog elo.. dulu gw sering baca2 blog elo loh.. bagus2 articlenya.. msh di chip kan?
Jimmy Auw
April 11, 2009 07:43Halo bos,
Inget koq. Tapi uda ga di chip. Uda 2 tahunan lebih deh ga di sana lagi.
Anto (@nto')
February 1, 2013 09:17Alo Bro Jimmy,
Apa kabar, udh lama nggak jumpa (di forum Chip)
btw gw masih penasaran ama suara sepasang speaker yg warna merah diatas 🙂
Salam buat keluarga Bro Jimm, anak udh berapa ?
Auw Jimmy
February 1, 2013 09:46Hi Bro,
Saya juga sudah lama tidak main ke forum CHIP. Maklum sudah tidak update teknologi.
Ga usah penasaran bro, la wong barang komponen biasa2 saja. Suaranya ya biasa2 saja juga.
Salam juga untuk keluarga Bro.