Still remember my “silly” project, this one and this one? I think I will make it even more “sillier” than before. Watch out.

First, I’m thinking of testing my new Mundorf Silver/Gold/Oil on my Gainclone. This top of the line capacitor from Mundorf sounds promising. Before, I was thinking to try a pair of VCap. But since VCap only available in lower voltage (250-300VDC for value over 1uF), so I need to think multiple times to spend large amount of money for that capacitor. Well, with this 1200VDC Mundorf, I can use them on my tube amplifier. While for 250VDC VCap, my usage will be very limited. So shall we welcome the Silver/Gold/Oil?

Then? I have good experience of using Mundorf Supreme for AC Filter application. Shall I use them now? Off course. The 3.3uF value should be sufficient. Price is ok, improvement is superb.

Shinkoh vs Allen Bradley? From price point of view, it’s Lexus vs Toyota, but this Toyota does the “drift” sometime 😉 With Mundorf Silver/Gold/Oil, I predict this AB resistor should be better than Shinkoh in feedback position. But we will see…

An extra ASC X386S. Well, I don’t think I will use it for my Gainclone project. It’s preferable for my Aikido project. I think I have enough stock for my next tube amp project.

Then, a little bit out of topic…

I just returned from Shanghai for a business trip last week. Not my first time to Shanghai, and I was too lazy to go around (prefered to sleep after tiring meeting). But finally I managed to push myself opening my camera and took 1 shoot. It was a fast shoot, no tripod, no adjustment, just default automatic camera setting. It was a famous TV Tower at Shanghai. Very beautiful, near Huang Pu river.

View from riverside of Huang Pu. Was a beautiful night light, cold wind, romantic, sweet, but feel lonely…