Here is short review of my ‘No Name’ Capacitor Rev. 2. Before, I have given short introduction here. So here is some more explanation and short review later.
I got mails from several people asking about the physical dimension of this ‘No Name’ capacitor. Well, it’s a bit big and a bit heavy. I will let you know some more later on this article.
First, we start with the pin out of this capacitor. This is 4-Pole type capacitor. Means, it will have 2 inputs and 2 outputs. Think of an isolation transformer where we have 2 sides, input and output. This 4-Pole design should be similar. On this special ‘No Name’ capacitor, I have added additional Ground pin which is not connected to the negative pins. This Ground pin is purely act like a shield and also part of the tweaking possibility. You can try to ground it or leave it floats and decide which one is the best.
Make sure you will connect the right polarity (positive-negative) and also position (input-output). Reverse the input-output will not damage the capacitor (but it will not sound best with wrong position). But if you connect to the wrong polarity (positive-negative), then surely it will break the capacitor’s internal construction. The final result (after several seconds or minutes, depends on your luck) is you will get explosion (which is very dangerous). This kind of warning is applied to all polar capacitor. So please wire it carefully and always double check before you turn on the main switch. I think with additional Ground pin located on top right corner (1 o’clock position), it’s gonna be easier to figure out the correct polarity of each pin.
Below if the top view of the pins. Always put the Ground pin on 1 o’clock position and you will get the idea of the other pins. If you see it carefully, actually bewen the “Output +” and “Output -” don’t have same distance with “Input +” and “Input -“. If you still remember trigonometry lesson, then it’s more likely a kite shape instead of square or rhombus.
I take picture from Jensen 4-Pole application guide. With below illustration, I think it’s gonna be easier for you to understand the different between the ordinary (electrolytic) capacitor and this 4-Pole type. I will not discuss too much technical thing related with this 4-Pole type. You can search around the Internet or visit Jensen Capacitor website under Application Notes or White Paper. Some readings are there for you who is interested with this topic.
Like I mentioned earlier, this ‘No Name’ capacitor is a bit bigger than standard electrolytic capacitor. The diameter is around 4.6 cm. This is for 470 uF / 450 VDC working voltage. Smaller value could have smaller dimension, but I think this is my favorite capacitance size. Don’t worry if someone says too big of capacitor will slow down your speed, since this capacitor has no such behavior.
The length is also quite long, around 10.6 cm. Again, this is for 470 uF / 450 VDC working voltage.
The weight? I don’t really think anyone will have a concern on this as this is not designed for portable application anyway. But here you go. It has around 229 grams of weight.
The first revision has only 180 grams of weight. Around 27% of extra weight.
The second revision (which should be the final revision) also a bit longer than the first revision. But again, this doesn’t really mean anything.
Just a comparison. A Black Gate WKz 100+100 uF / 500 VDC has 173 grams of weight.
So, the most important thing, how does it sound (the Rev. 2)?
Compare to Rev. 1, this Rev. 2 has more speed. A little bit less sweet in vocal, but not too significant. I can enjoy Patricia Barber on “Black Magic Woman” in better way now, while some romantic vocal like 月光å°å¤œæ›² by Cai Qin is still quite seductive. Resolution also improves on this Rev. 2 compared to Rev. 1. Background is also a bit darker, and slightly bit wider.
As I implemented extra tweaking component inside, then this capacitor will be a bit tricky in terms of placement. From my observation, it will sound best for me when positioned vertical, instead of horizontal (but both positions are quite interesting to be tried). And grounding the ground pin also improve the sound.
I’m anxious to see the final commercial version of this capacitor. Hope that could happen soon in the near future 😉
June 8, 2013 02:03Pak Jimmy,
no name cap ini termasuknya poly atau electrolityc? sorry mungkin sdh pernah pak Jimmy sebut…saya kelewat kali hehe
Auw Jimmy
June 8, 2013 06:38Hi Pak Eherdian,
Electrolytic juga, Pak.
June 8, 2013 11:27Suaranya menandingi WKZ ga pak?
Kalau iya lumayan kalau nantinya sdh launching sale bs buat alternatif diy’ers
Auw Jimmy
June 8, 2013 12:16Saya pake dua2nya Pak, karena fungsinya berbeda (nilainya juga berbeda). Jadi agak tidak fair dibandingkan.
September 28, 2013 19:07Hey Jimmy,
Just wondering if there is any further movement/news with this as I am looking to get some 4 pole caps for an equipment build.
Also, do you use these caps as the first filter cap or the last?
Auw Jimmy
September 28, 2013 21:24Hi Drew,
They are on production for the final prototype. If the result is satisfactory, probably it will be on the store soon.
October 4, 2013 18:41Do you need a tester….?
Auw Jimmy
October 4, 2013 19:08Hi Drew,
I’m planning to have some tester/reviewer for this if eventually released. But will see…