I used to review a lot of stuff, including capacitor. But it comes upon a time when I have to be reviewed – I mean, my stuff. If you haven’t got any chance to understand this ‘No Name’ Capacitor stuff, feel free to review the journey below:

When I wrote a post asking for testing this capacitor few months ago, I got several dozens of emails. It seemed many were interested to try (and surprisingly I got a lot of silent reader who never commented but suddenly applied for testing the capacitor). Quite unfortunate due to the sample limitation (and also the price), I couldn’t fulfill all of the request. Only some who were considered qualified were chosen. By the way, I still received a lot of emails several months after I posted the ‘vacancy’. Some of my good friends also got privilege to test this special capacitor. One of them is Rob, from DHTRob.com. Rob has similarity with me. I would say: RGN, Tamura, and Black Gate WKz could describe our similarity. And surely he didn’t mine to borrow me his ears testing this capacitor and share his comment on his website here. Comparison between ‘No Name’ Capacitor and the legendary Black Gate WKz.


I believe Nichicon is not on the same league with this ‘No Name’ Capacitor, but what Rob says regarding the ‘no electrolytic signature’ and ‘no harshness’ are two keys that could describe the ‘No Name’ Capacitor sonic signature.


Different generation and technology, but with similar objective to bring the ‘Nirvana’ sound signature into the system’s power supply section. Both will be used on my ‘Reference Aikido Pre Amplifier’ which is still on progress – a very long and delayed project.


‘No Name’ Capacitor will have a new aluminum label instead the ‘el cheapo’ sticky paper. So it will be on the level to compete with the legendary Black Gate WKz in terms of sonic and also appearance.
