I used to review a lot of stuff, including capacitor. But it comes upon a time when I have to be reviewed – I mean, my stuff. If you haven’t got any chance to understand this ‘No Name’ Capacitor stuff, feel free to review the journey below:
- Firstly introduced ‘No Name’ Capacitor
- First version tested
- Second version introduced
- Understanding the second version
- Final version
When I wrote a post asking for testing this capacitor few months ago, I got several dozens of emails. It seemed many were interested to try (and surprisingly I got a lot of silent reader who never commented but suddenly applied for testing the capacitor). Quite unfortunate due to the sample limitation (and also the price), I couldn’t fulfill all of the request. Only some who were considered qualified were chosen. By the way, I still received a lot of emails several months after I posted the ‘vacancy’. Some of my good friends also got privilege to test this special capacitor. One of them is Rob, from DHTRob.com. Rob has similarity with me. I would say: RGN, Tamura, and Black Gate WKz could describe our similarity. And surely he didn’t mine to borrow me his ears testing this capacitor and share his comment on his website here. Comparison between ‘No Name’ Capacitor and the legendary Black Gate WKz.
I believe Nichicon is not on the same league with this ‘No Name’ Capacitor, but what Rob says regarding the ‘no electrolytic signature’ and ‘no harshness’ are two keys that could describe the ‘No Name’ Capacitor sonic signature.
Different generation and technology, but with similar objective to bring the ‘Nirvana’ sound signature into the system’s power supply section. Both will be used on my ‘Reference Aikido Pre Amplifier’ which is still on progress – a very long and delayed project.
‘No Name’ Capacitor will have a new aluminum label instead the ‘el cheapo’ sticky paper. So it will be on the level to compete with the legendary Black Gate WKz in terms of sonic and also appearance.
Jimmy Alexander Elie
February 10, 2014 20:59mantap pak Jim……lanjutkan pak! Meski bukan diyer senior dan berdana pas2an, tolong jangan lupakan saya diinfokan jika udah launch ya pak Jim. Salam buat keluarga anda dan God bless
February 11, 2014 00:56Look like you have done well so how about a price ?
Auw Jimmy
February 11, 2014 09:31Hi Pak Jimmy,
Terima kasih atas doanya Pak.
God Bless!
Auw Jimmy
February 11, 2014 09:33Hi Triodethom,
I’m still trying to find a way to make it cheaper. But unfortunately, I think it’s still too expensive for most consumer. Will see if it can find way to the market.
February 12, 2014 07:35The ‘No Name’ looks quite similar to Duelund’s new RS Copper Foil?
Auw Jimmy
February 12, 2014 16:18Hi CKKeung,
Chassis wise, I believe they are the same in terms of the material.
They are all Paper Tube.
February 16, 2014 01:29mantap om jim..sayang saya telat waktu itu..hahaha
harga kalo dibandingin sama WKZ tinggian mana om?..
Auw Jimmy
February 16, 2014 21:27Hi Bro,
Harga WKz memang berapa sekarang bro?
February 17, 2014 13:45ga tau juga om :p
ga pernah berani nanya harganya sih..takut kena serangan jantung :p
Auw Jimmy
February 17, 2014 15:18Nah ya kalo gitu susah Om.
Terima kasih.
February 24, 2014 20:14Untuk harganya brp ya om?..
Auw Jimmy
February 27, 2014 14:11Hi Bro Alvin,
Harganya masih terbilang sangat mahal, sehingga saya belum putuskan apakah jadi diproduksi atau tidak.
Terima kasih.
February 27, 2014 14:43Ohh .. ok klo gt om
March 3, 2014 02:03is that around $5-$6/piece may be?! (but of course multiplied by x100). ha~~~
Auw Jimmy
March 3, 2014 10:36Hi Bro Heru,
More or less, a bit less, I think… 😉
Terima kasih.