Posts tagged with: Reference Capacitor

Hiroko Williams: A Time for Ballads

This is my first post after been absence for quite some time. Frankly speaking, I have tons of project on hand, but simply no time. Again, all this audio and...... Read More

‘No Name’ Capacitor Revision 2: To Know More (and To Review a bit)

Here is short review of  my ‘No Name’ Capacitor Rev. 2. Before, I have given short introduction here. So here is some more explanation and short review later. I got...... Read More

‘No Name’ Capacitor Rev. 2

I believe you still remember this one? After some listening test, I decided to have another revision. It was a good capacitor, but I was thinking if I could improve...... Read More

No Name Yet…

Before your mind gone wild, let me give you a clue: This is not a film capacitor… Specially designed capacitor based on my ‘short’ experience testing a lot of capacitors....... Read More