Upon searching for a value Chassis RCA for my ASUS Xonar Essence One upgrade, I remember one of new audio brand owned by local colleague. The brand is Vermouth Audio. So, I order the highest grade, CR-M02-Rho (which is surprisingly very affordable). Usually I use Cardas GRFA series which is also quite affordable (and so far a best performer at its price level).
Spec wise, Vermouth Audio CR-M02-Rho is quite premium. The base material is (audio grade) Brass with Rhodium plated (this Rhodium material is also used by Cardas). Teflon is used as insulation material. Teflon is surely a standard for such high grade connector as Teflon has higher temperature resistant (for longer soldering time). The most interesting thing is the contact pin which made from Tellurium Copper (plated with Rhodium). I don’t really see many audio stuff utilized Tellurium material (I remember Italian tube socket made by Luciano also uses Tellurium). Finally, this RCA is non-magnetic type.
I got chance to listen this on my friend’s system few months ago. He upgraded from the standard RCA Chassis. It was a huge improvement in terms of the sound. Transparent, smooth, detail, and quite natural. I’m not on the position to compare against my favorite (one of best value/performer, Cardas GRFA) as I haven’t compared them side-by-side. But hearing the change from standard RCA to Vermouth CR-M02-Rho and standard RCA to Cardas GRFA, then I think they are both should be on the same level of musicality (more or less, subject to personal preference).
So, I think I can add this Vermouth Audio CR-M02-Rho on my favorite list, along with Cardas GRFA. And if we are comparing the price, I think Vermouth Audio CR-M02-Rho is surely a clear winner.
August 23, 2013 00:12Hello Jimmy
Where can you buy the rca vermouth in France or on d ‘other site?
Auw Jimmy
August 24, 2013 21:21Hi Fred,
I have passed your request to the manufacturer. You should hear from them soon.
August 31, 2013 02:56hello Jimmy
Thank you the manufacturer my contact would have another question which na have nothing on the subject of capacitors the “noname.et are manufactured by which it resembles jensen paper? Are there copies of jensen paper cooper oil in China?
Second question the jensen axial chemical are there better than the philips chemical or other best
thank you
Auw Jimmy
August 31, 2013 09:45Hi,
Have no comments at present time 🙂
September 6, 2013 21:23Merci Jimmy pour infos le le fabricant ma contacté ! vous parler français ?
les axial jensen sont il meilleur que les chimique elna cerafine ou silmic II
Auw Jimmy
September 7, 2013 21:58Merci Fred!
Je ne parle pas français, désolé!
Pour moi, Jensen est plus naturel …
September 23, 2013 12:35hello jimmy
merci pour le renseignements , ok les jensen sont plus naturel, mais dans le grave sont il aussi précis que black gate n , nx , fk
les chimiques Mundorf qu’en pense tu ?
Auw Jimmy
September 23, 2013 12:42Bonjour Fred
Black Gate est différent … difficile de comparer …
Mundorf est un peu un «analytique», mais pas «à froid» que le Téflon comme VCap CuTF …
September 24, 2013 08:44Bonjour Jimmy
je recherche un bon chimique faible esr de 100uf 100v minimum pas de mkp trop grand malheureusement ,juste en parallèle d’ un tube 6922 en buffer pour un lecteur cd celui ci est rubycon yk je vais le remplacer par un jensen axial
envoi photo par e mail plus tard
j espère que cela ne t’ennuie pas que j écrive en français
Auw Jimmy
September 28, 2013 21:24Salut Fred,
Vous pouvez essayer de Jensen ou Mundorf.
Je vous remercie.
September 14, 2014 02:22How did you solder it? I found it hard to solder (especially the ground) although I’ve applied enough rossin flux.
Auw Jimmy
September 14, 2014 14:28Hi Pak Ricky,
Most Rhodium are not easy to solder. You can ‘scratch’ the surface a bit to solve it. Or you higher wattage iron.