As I’m about to move my Aikido Preamp to a new ‘home’ (I mean, new chassis), then it’s time to fix all the components used there. Before, I have tested several components on different section and later then I got final conclusion to put what on where, etc. Below you can see one of the original parts used during my earlier testing stage. Now it’s time to finalize?
One most difficult thing is to unsolder all the components first. As you can see below, most of the parts are not yet fixed (long leads, hanging here hanging there, etc etc). Unsoldering them definitely would not be a nice evening job.
I spent several hours to unsolder those two PCBs. Approximately 3 hours each. After finishing the unsoldering process, we still have another job: to clean up those PCBs.
Clean them up, clean them up… 🙂
Detailed shoot of those dirty PCB. Can’t live with it definitely.
Now it’s clean. Very clean. All the solder pads have been recovered (re-holed). All the solder flux has been cleaned up from the PCB. All the remaining components (although only few, very few) have been re-soldered with WBT silver solder (already use WBT from the very beginning construction actually).
Next stage is to put new selected components one by one to populate the PCB. I also just remember that I’m still missing one set of resistor for the grid section. So I place another order then. Must wait several weeks to arrive 🙁
Below is one of my favorite, the Z201 or TX2575 resistor. Although claimed as 1% (not like its older sister, S102/S139 which has 0.01% tolerance), but still this 1% resistor shows its class. I order 330R, and I got exactly 330R. Hmm… nice! A little bit expensive though, or to be precise, one of the most expensive resistor after my Duelund CAST Resistor.
November 10, 2011 15:13TX2575 untuk posisi R Grid memang maut …. Saya melakukan hal yang sama di R Gate Mosfet Final F5-Lateral saya ….
Auw Jimmy
November 10, 2011 20:59Hi Bro Aphinx,
Saya enggak pasang sebagai R-Grid loh… 😉
R-Grid rencananya pake Duelund CAST R (salah satunya)…
November 14, 2011 11:21bersihin pcbnya pake apa tuh om jim??
Auw Jimmy
November 15, 2011 00:31Bersihin PCB ya dilap aja Om…
November 22, 2011 09:18Lha, 330R di Aikido bukannya untuk R Grid ya, Bro Jim? Seinget saya, ndak ada posisi lain untuk nilai 330R …. Anyway, breakthrough untuk pake Duelund Cast di R Grid memang super maut !!!!
Auw Jimmy
November 22, 2011 11:27He he he… Emang 330R cuman boleh buat R Grid doank bro? 😉