I always enjoy the beauty of vacuum tube, especially when the heater is glowing bright on thoriated tungsten tube and in a dimmed room. The photo below only taken for fun. I power up the EIMAC 8165/4-65A tube with 4x AA battery. The 6V filament glows, but I think due to limited current from the AA batteries, it can’t be as bright as normal. But even with the limited current, we still can enjoy the beauty of it…
More EIMAC tubes to follow… 😉
Tube Power
October 17, 2011 10:56Wuih dari mau pake 2A3 jadi pake ginian dia.
Auw Jimmy
October 17, 2011 14:23Kemaren penasaran ama ‘Duelund’, lalu ‘Hashimoto’, lalu ‘Tamura’, sekarang ama ini ‘Tube Power’ lagi… >.<
October 17, 2011 16:24skr Alexander ahhh he…..he….
November 4, 2011 19:50Salam kenal,
lampu bagus yang suaranya gak kalah sama lampu yang tenar seperti 211 dll…..
Dan bonusnya dapet lampu baca lagi hehehe