After reading my article about finding out capacitor inner-outer foil, some of my readers asked me to do the similar test on the resistor. Well, technically speaker, resistor shouldn’t have any inner or outer foil, since most likely it’s a piece of carbon or wire on the ceramic core. But let’s see the testing result. On this simple session, I used Kiwame (Carbon Film Resistor) and Mills (Wirewound). I also have some Riken or Shinkoh, but not really available in many values. For Kiwame, I used 1M, 470K, 100K, and 2K2. For Mills, I picked one value, 22K.
1 MegaOhm readings below showed 332 mV.
If I reversed the orientation, it read 248 mV.
470 KOhm readings was 200 mV.
If I reversed it, we got 132 mV.
Getting lower, I tried 100 KOhm. We got around 59 mV.
If I reversed it, we got around 52 mV.
I went even lower to 22 KOhm with Mills. I got 57 mV readings.
Again, let’s switched the orientation and we got 52 mV readings.
Now we went even lower to 2K2 Ohm, back to Kiwame again. The first readings showed 7.4 mV.
If I reversed it, I got 7 mV.
Some conclusion from my own is:
- I rarely see any resistor marks the in and out orientation.
- The larger the resistance (for the same resistor) the larger also the different between one side and the other (on 1 MegaOhm resistor, the different was between 332 vs 248 mV, while on the 100 KOhm resistor, we got 59 vs 52 mV only).
- Just like the capacitor, different type (structure, design, material, etc) may have different noise level (as you can see on the test above, 100 KOhm Kiwame has similar noise with 22 KOhm Mills, one was Carbon Film while the other was Wirewound).
- Can I ignore those resistors orientation? For most value, around 100 KOhm, I think the different is so small to be noticed. But if you are a perfectionist, you better measure it one by one – at your own pain of course 😉
Here is some of my collections used for the testing purpose.
Dino Ary
May 3, 2010 16:17Yippeee….
Uncle Jimmy and his new toy!!..Haahaa…
Moga2 jadi tambah kaya websitenya Oom!
Jimmy Auw
May 3, 2010 20:43Thanks Kumendan! 🙂
Iseng2 aja sich hehehe.
May 6, 2010 07:42Dear pak Jimmy,
Saya pengen tahu bedanya Rikken vs Takman secara alat ukur, krn Takman ini dibilang lebih bagus untuk audio menurut infonya (suara lebih refined)..
Selamat atas observasinya dengan mainannya..
Many thanks
Jimmy Auw
May 6, 2010 11:30Halo Pak Pam,
Kalo resistor rasanya sulit dilihat faktor suara via alat ukur. Jadi ya the best way is to hear it.
May 7, 2010 00:33Pak Jimmy,
sy sudah pernah coba orientasi resistor mulai dr dale, riken, takman, mills, KOA, kiwame, semuanya menunjukan perbedaan kok, misalnya pada dale, searah arah baca suaranya lebih tegas, kalau dibalik suaranya jd lebih sweet dan airy, jd sy kalau mau upgrade sy selalu coba2 2 orientasi, mana yg lebh cocok.
@ pak Pamuji, sejauh yg sy coba suara riken tetep lebih maknyus buat telinga sy, takman carbon beberapa kali sy notice membuat suara female vocal agak sedikit “hard”
boleh coba kalo ada dana lebih ke Vishay TX2575
yahuud banget
May 7, 2010 09:33Who would have thought it!!
May 7, 2010 17:07Pak Eherdian, bagaimana dengan Tantalum?
May 7, 2010 21:52Pak Arie,
untuk tantalum yg pernah di jajal shinkoh ma audionote, karakter suaranya lebih condong ke vocal yang sweet dan analog, ttp (menurut sy) terlalu over ke vocal, untuk shinkoh, bassnya agak kedodoran,tp highnya airy bgt, audionote bassnya lebih tight,kurang airy, tp sy lbh cocok suara audionote sampai akhirnya ketemu dg TX2575..
suaranya neutral kemana-mana, bassnya tight, clean, less noise, musical..(jd kayak ngiklan hehe..)
maap ya pak Jimmy… 🙂
Jimmy Auw
May 7, 2010 22:06Karakter Foil Resistor memang seperti itu, seperti juga pendahulunya Vishay S102. Cuman kalo buat saya, dia terlalu licin, jadi kurang ada nuansa analognya. Tapi ini tentu preferensi pribadi masing-masing yang bisa berbeda-beda.
Masalah orientasi, saya belum sempat bandingkan di circuit. Namun hasil pengujian memang menandakan ada perbedaan, tapi untuk nilai yang besar (di orde K). Kalo untuk orde kecil (Ohm), sepertinya bedanya akan semakin tipis.
May 8, 2010 16:25Pak Eherdian,
Terima kasih atas sharingnya..
Maaf ya Oom Jim, numpang ngobrol di blog nya hehehehe.. 😀
Jimmy Auw
May 8, 2010 22:08Monggo Om Arie… silaken.
May 16, 2010 04:42hukum tangan kanan berlaku? (buat komponen yg materialnya digulung-gulung).
May 26, 2010 19:30Pak jimmy sy msh newbie, mau tanya nih, di PCB tertulis resistor 332R, itu artinya nilainya brp ya? Sy ty ke penjual komponen ada 2 jawaban:
1. Nilainya ya tetap 332 ohm
2. Nilainya 3300 ohm ato 3k3
Sy jd bingung, yang bener yang mana ya om jimmy??
Thank u…
Jimmy Auw
May 26, 2010 21:25Halo Pak Rizal,
332 Ohm Pak.
May 26, 2010 21:52Ohh gitu ya… Hehhe
Kalo 332 ohm ga ada yg jual kira2 sy kasih nilai brp utk 332 ohmnya,
1. Kalo sy ganti 330 ohm gmn pak?
2. Atau ada saran nilai yg cocok lainnya?
Thank you pak
Jimmy Auw
May 26, 2010 21:56Tergantung posisinya Pak. Mestinya 330R tetep Ok koq.
May 29, 2010 18:20Pak jim, sy liat di salah satu blog anda, ada kapasitormeter digital yg selectornya dr 200pF smp 20mF(picnya lg ngukur caps black gate F 680uF).
Itu merk n type apa ya pak? Hrg kira2 brp? Thx
May 29, 2010 18:27Pak kalo py ref utk penjual capsmeter spt py om jim bisa email ke sy pak, thx
[email protected]
Thank u
Jimmy Auw
May 29, 2010 21:19Hi,
Cari aja di Glodok. Harganya 150-200rb-an. Mereknya suka ganti2, namanya juga barang China punya.
May 29, 2010 22:33Tanya lagi om jimmy 😀
Mau cr caps electrolit yg 330uF/100v ama 330uf/50v, tapi kok susah ya, Kira2 yg bagus pake yg type. N merk apa saja ya om? Nemunya cm silmic II yg 220uF aja..
Minta saran2 n refnya donk om jim…
Thank u
Jimmy Auw
May 29, 2010 22:43Hi Rizal,
Cari caps yang bagus memang susah koq sekarang. Elna Silmic II itu sudah cukup OK.
Yang lain bisa coba Elna Cerafine, Black Gate (N series kalo ada budget), Panasonic FC, Rubycon ZA/ZL, Jensen, etc. Tapi semua merek ini agak susah didapat di Indo akhir2 ini.
May 30, 2010 21:48Om jim, kalo diantara cerafine, silmicII, ama blackgate STD plg bagus yg mana ya?
Ato msg2 karakter suaranya gmn om?
Thx u
Jimmy Auw
May 30, 2010 21:54Hi,
Silakan dicoba sendiri. Saya lebih prefer Cerafine atau Silmic daripada BG Std.
August 9, 2010 22:52bagaimana dengan karakter resistor dale ?
dimana tpt jual kapasitor bagus ??
Auw Jimmy
August 9, 2010 23:02Coba cari di Glodok bro, atau di LTC.
August 21, 2011 06:33om jimm resistor dale vs takman bagus mana ya om?,,
ko hrgnya mahal takman (pa betul mhl takman),,sharenya dunk om,,tq
Auw Jimmy
August 21, 2011 23:12Halo Pak Achmad,
Takman secara grade di atas Dale. Bagus jeleknya sih cocok2an juga.
January 17, 2013 10:22Hi, Jimmy Love your site. Just curious as to what signal was being measured through the resistors. Thanks. Harry
Auw Jimmy
January 22, 2013 10:46Hi Harry,
There is no signal there. Oscilloscope will detect if the resistor captures interference from outside. Which side is more sensitive should be the outer side (if any – like capacitor).
April 30, 2013 18:22is there any diffrance in Resistor Orientation for Duelund 5ohm – 10ohm resistors?
Auw Jimmy
May 3, 2013 18:14I believe the answer is NO.