A pair of Duelund CAST is enough to rob your wallet. How about two pairs? Well, sometime money is not an object – when you are pursuing the ultimate sound. No sky is high enough 😉
I welcome, two pairs of Duelund CAST Capacitor installed on 6J5-RE604-RS241 Amplifier. The installation process was done just before end of last year (31th December 2009, night!). And well, I saw many fireworks when driving home (around 00:15). Happy New Year first!
The internal wiring has been upgraded with some Duelund Hook-Up Wire (various size of 0.5/1.0/2.0). To be honest, this is definitely an ultimate amplifier with ultimate parts inside. I have heard this system several times, and after this last few modification, the result was awesome.
Before, we tried the 1 uF CAST on the position between driver-final tube, while between the input and driver tube we used the 0.47 uF CAST. What we got was a quite disappointed result! The bass lost its definition and control. The mid was so dominant, but the high lost its naturality. We lost most of the “what we called” a microdetails.
Then we exchanged the 1 uF CAST to the front (input and driver tube) and 0.47 uF CAST to the back (drive and final tube). The result was amazing. The high was so extend and sweet. The mid was no longer dominant, but overall the tonal balance was superb. Bass control also on the level of our satisfactory, tight, rounded, and well controlled. Oh almost forgot, the microdetails of every instrument, like guitar, violin, and the sweet of Stacey Kent and Rebecca Pidgeon were impressive. The different between previous and latest setup (only exchanging the 1 uF and 0.47 uF position) was so significant. Even we could judge just few second after the intro of Spanish Harlem (Rebecca Pidgeon). I believed this was not a placebo since we have tried to exchange the position few times to confirm our finding.
Another shoot of this beautiful amplifier, powered with vintage, expensive, and perfectly sounding tubes. Oh also you could see 2 pairs of Duelund on the bottom of the plate. Sorry man, it seemed that you did really need a new chassis.
The 2 pairs combo of this Duelund CAST did make a big improvement and enjoyment in listening music. We could hear an even “bowling alley” depth staging from this combination. Actually, 1 pair of Duelund CAST already made a lot of improvement, but we never guessed that 2 pairs could make the different even more significant. So, when we can stop? >.<
I have ordered a pair of CAST Silver, which cost almost 3 times of the CAST Copper used in this entry. We’ll see in next two months whether I have made a right decision or not 😉
January 4, 2010 16:19Sooo speechless Pak Jim…
Sangat2 menarik 😀
Thanks for the review..
Keep “crazy” !! 😀
Jimmy Auw
January 4, 2010 22:51Crazy forever Pak he he he…
January 7, 2010 16:50Ada yang terjerumus dalam lembah kegelapan kayaknya :p
Jimmy Auw
January 7, 2010 18:20oh enggak, just completely audio nirvana…
January 13, 2010 22:23boleh tau, pak. apa beda suara duelund kabel yg 0.5; 1.0 dan 2.0. apa cuma beda ukurannya aja? thx
Jimmy Auw
January 14, 2010 00:38susah dijelaskan dengan kata-kata Pak.
Versi 0.5 ke 1.0 bedanya jauh banget, kalo 1.0 dan 2.0 agak relatif, tergantung matching system juga.
January 14, 2010 11:16wuihh, racun nih…
thx infonya, pak
January 14, 2010 19:28kalo lg pesen duelund, boleh nebeng order, pak? thx
Jimmy Auw
January 14, 2010 20:32Ini saya lagi pesen CAST Silver untuk gantikan CAST Copper saya yang lama.
Tapi masih sekitar Maret baru jadi karena harus indent sekitar 2 bulan.
January 14, 2010 23:24bole tambahin orderan? mau pesen kabel yg 1.0.
CAST coppernya mau dibuang? sy yg buangin aja ya?:D thx
Jimmy Auw
January 14, 2010 23:28Kalo kabel hook-up wire (bukan RCA), silakan pesan langsung ke http://www.partsconnexion.com aja Pak.
Lebih cepat toh ongkos kirim juga murah kalo cuman kabel doank mah. Mereka ready stock koq. Kelamaan kalo nunggu saya mah.
CAST Copper-nya sudah keburu diambil orang dan pas kebetulan saya mau ambil yang CAST Silver juga.
January 14, 2010 23:33oke, thx for info.
kalo bole tau, hrg 2nd cap. itu kira2 brp % dr yg baru? hx
Jimmy Auw
January 14, 2010 23:40Lebih mahal yang seken Pak hehehe. At least sama dengan yang baru.
– Kalo beli baru mesti nunggu at least 2 bulan (indent time, karena tidak ada yang ready stock dan belum termasuk shipping time antara 2-3 minggu)
– Kalo beli baru mesti nunggu break-in lagi (at least 200 jam, kalo tiap hari ON selama 3 jam, itu equal dengan 2 bulan break-in time)
– Kalo beli baru otomatis ga bisa nyoba dulu (kalo beli seken ada chance nyoba dulu cocok atau gak di system kita)
So, kalo beli baru minimal Anda harus nunggu 3-5 bulan sebelum bisa menikmati kualitas aslinya. Bersediakah menunggu selama itu?
January 15, 2010 00:15ha..ha… alasan yg bagus!!!
btw, sy ada speaker made in babe Har, mid scans 18w4531 tw scans 9900. mimpinya sih xo pake duelund. kalo ada waktu, bersediakah pak Jim audisi layak tidakna pk duelund? thx berat!
Jimmy Auw
January 15, 2010 00:20Speaker buatan Babe Har yang pernah saya dengar kualitasnya OK dan di atas rata2.
Tapi kalo mau dipakaikan Duelund saya ga berani komentar he he he. Soalnya mahal he he he. Kalo salah ngasih saran, berat konsekuensinya.
Kalo sekedar audisi OK lah, tapi saya ga berani nyarankan bagusnya pake caps apa ya.
January 15, 2010 00:28ha..ha.. itu dia!! gr2 MAHAL makanya gak berani gegabah…
nanti kita janjian aja yah. thx
Jimmy Auw
January 15, 2010 00:29OK.
Dan Haines
February 5, 2010 13:56Did I understand correctly, that you got your best result using 1.0uf at input/driver location and .47uF as interstage coupler between tubes, or output coupler? Thanks
Jimmy Auw
February 6, 2010 15:240.47 between the driver and final tube.
May 29, 2010 11:51KAPASITORNYA NGERI PAK..
ini caps buat di pre amp ato di power amp nya pak??
utk menangani bagian apa ya pak caps ini?
thank u
Jimmy Auw
May 29, 2010 21:18Hi,
Namanya capacitor ya mau mahal murah fungsinya sama aja bro.
Bisa di preamp, bisa di amp.
February 16, 2014 11:59pak Jimmy,
Saya sih tertarik dengan power single ended pan yg memakai RS241 Telefunken. Mau tanya belinya dimana pak?
Auw Jimmy
February 16, 2014 21:27Hi Pak Darma,
Sepertinya RS241 harus DIY alias bikin, Pak. Atau dibikinin oleh DIYer lokal.
Belum ada yang branded.