Not really published on the market (at least not well spotted around big online webstore), but I manage to get a pair of it.
This is the CAST version of the Duelund Resistor. Well, for the Capacitor, the CAST definitely better (less ringing, so quiet, dynamic). How about this Resistor? Not sure though, plan to test it somewhere. Picture below is the 5W version.
The comparison between the old Duelund Resistor (1oW, brown enclosure) and the new CAST one (5W, black enclosure). Also I put a pair of Auricap 6uF/200V behind as size comparison. This is definitely a “long” Resistor.
The price? Expect to pay at least double to upgrade from the standard to CAST one.
December 22, 2009 06:23I’m glad they’re smaller, the standard line can be cumbersome. I should be ordering two pairs soon.
December 22, 2009 17:03Where I can buy this one?
December 29, 2009 04:51Cool. I got myself a pair of these and plan to install them to replace regular duelund resistors in the HF section of my x-over. The colour is interesting, but since the resistors are filled with a dark coloured substance (presume to help damping) I suppose this bleeds into the regular paper tube causing the dark colour. I look forward to your impressions Jimmy.
SS Wong
December 29, 2009 16:16Wish to hear your comparison, never the sound of duelend resistor….really wondering how much its differences from RMG as the price is huge different.
Jimmy Auw
December 29, 2009 21:27Hi,
RMG is different and can’t be compared with Duelund. Basically Duelund is for speaker, so very limited in terms of the resistance value (maybe around 500 Ohm max). While in circuit, 500 Ohm is practically not usable. On the other side, Riken RMG is more popular for circuit application, not speaker. The value is available up to several KOhm.
So it’s gonna be difficult to do the comparison.
SS Wong
January 4, 2010 12:43RMG RIKEN got low ohm at 2w but you need to parrallel them to get higher W, i’m using them in speaker crossover.
Jimmy Auw
January 4, 2010 22:50Hi,
Usually I prefer Mills for XO. Some other good candidates are Sfernice, Kiwame, and Duelund.
SS Wong
January 6, 2010 11:52Had tried kiwame, mundorf and sfernice but i like RMG Riken the most so far.
Jimmy Auw
January 6, 2010 15:33Well, it’s your call then 🙂
No problem. Enjoy the music!
ice audioworkshop
January 30, 2010 01:49halo ko jimmy…
mao tanya, resistor duelund nya brapaan yah harganya?? jauh lebih bagus yah daripada caddock??
saya sebenernya lagi cari resistor caddock / vishay dale 10watt ukuran 1ohm & 3,9ohm..untuk pasif XO di car audio..
saya suda cari ke bbrp org home audio kenalan ko malion tp pada kosong barangnya…..
moga2 ko jimmy mau membantu saya…
tolong emailin saya harga2nya yah ko..
[email protected]
thx before…
Jimmy Auw
January 30, 2010 07:52Hi,
Duelund coba kamu tanya di forum modifikasi. Setau saya ada agennya (tapi saya lupa nama yang jual karena sudah lama ga online ke sana).
Saya sendiri ada stok beberapa value (rasanya 1R dan 3R9 sih ada), tapi biasanya buat dipakai sendiri saja sih (ya kecuali kalo ada kenalan yang butuh banget dan saya kebetulan gak pake, kadang saya share).
Thank you.
September 5, 2011 02:26Pak Jimmy, sy barusan coba ganti L pad pd tweeter Fostex T900 pengurangan -7 dB, aslinya sy pakai metal film resistor + dale 5w wirewound, skg sy ganti pakai Duelund yg coklat, capacitor mundorf silver oil – 1st order
Sy tempatkan L pad sesudah cap, tp kok suaranya malah kepotong bagian atasnya ya? Apanya yg salah?sekedar info tweeternya 106 dB + Fostex fullrange FE208ES 99 dB
Mohon pencerahannya. Thx
Auw Jimmy
September 5, 2011 13:16Hi Pak,
Kalo nilai sama sih mestinya ga ada penurunan gain ya? Saya ga nangkep maksudnya kepotong bagian atasnya itu gimana? Mungkin ada salah wiring? Sehingga L-Pad-nya menurunkan impedansi tweeter sehingga menggeser cut-off-nya tweeter.
September 5, 2011 19:45Hi Pak Jimmy,
kalo wiring kayaknya tidak ada masalah kelihatannya, maksud sy kepotong itu freq tinggi misal pada cymbal jd tumpul
wiringnya spt ini:
— C 1uF —- R 4.2 ohm ——- + 8 ohm
6.8 ohm
——————————– –
sperti itu wiringnya, aslinya bagian yang paralel memang pakai 22 ohm, tetapi suaranya memang bright sih, apa yg 6.8 nya saya seri lagi misal + 10 ohm gitu?
September 5, 2011 19:46itu gbr 6.8 ohm nya ngaco, hrsnya sesudah 4.2 ohm naro nya.
Auw Jimmy
September 5, 2011 22:25Ya kalo aslinya 22 Ohm diturunkan jadi 6.8 Ohm ya otomatis merubah network-nya jadi tidak ideal lagi donk…