Some singers have their own unique “tone”, which reflects their “style” when singing. This uniqueness will make us remember his/her specialty.
This old vintage CD Audio, produced around 2001, shows the wonderful soprano named Cui Yan Guang. She comes from Dalian, China and getting famous on the USA, HK, and Japan for Opera and Orchestra singer. You will understand when you hear her voice on this album.
She sang “vintage” (or I should say, “oldies”) songs. Perhaps at the age of Teresa Teng (邓丽å›). But it’s a little bit different sensation to hear Teresa’s songs sung in an “Orchestral” way.
The CD inside. Just a standard CD, nothing really special. Recorded by King Record Co., Ltd. Japan. Labeled as SFR or Super Frequency Recording.
The back cover, also nothing special. But I’ve searched over “half the world” to get this CD. As I’ve told you, this CD was released on 2001, or around 8 years ago.
The overall quality of this old CD is excellent. Superb naturality – that’s the first phrase hanging on my head when hearing this CD for the first time.
It emphasized on the Cui’s soprano. You will not hear extra “cling” or “bling” for the instruments, but only the soprano – the superb soprano. I think all the songs sung in very emotional and involving way. As I have underlined, no extra “cling” or “bling” for the instrument, but it just there – just right there. No extra boost on the low or high tones. No extra special or unique instrument. So this CD really highlights Cui’s soprano. That’s it.
Overall, this CD is different than most Chinese CD Audio which usually highlights the “cling” and “bling” instruments sensation and “thin-pop” teenage female voice. This just like going back to 80’s, you are watching old classic opera, vintage-sepia background, but in excellent recording quality.
Track list:
01. ä½ æ˜¯æ˜¥æ—¥é¢¨
02. 總有一天ç‰åˆ°ä½
03. 何日å›å†ä¾†
04. 葬花
05. æ‹·ç´…
06. 嘆åè²
07. 雪裡紅
08. 夢
09. 何日å›å†ä¾†
10. 三年
11. 我有一段情
12. 痴痴地ç‰
13. 何必æ—人來說媒
14. 斷腸紅
15. 明月åƒé‡Œå¯„相æ€
I’m not done yet. The SFR (Super Frequency Recording) label and Cui’s soprano do tingle me a little bit. I grab the CD-Audio and check the frequency with WaveLab. Below is the Cui’s soprano when singing. Well, not really high to reach “ear-piercing” frequency, so her voice is quite enjoyable and still comforitable for most tweeter without giving excessive force.
About the SFR, I think this symbol is not just a label. King Record does prove their words, the recording reaches the maximum available frequency. You can see below, the tone up to 20+ kHz are there. I think for a 2001 filter technology, they deserve an applause. Some are too lazy and cut the frequency too many before it reaches 20 kHz – but not on this recording.
March 20, 2011 23:20Bro Jimmy,
Saya barusan beli juga album ini, aneh juga sih denger suaranya hahahaha….tapi gpp, biar ga bosen, kadang perlu ganti selera 🙂 Kalo lagunya sih saya masih suka dan kenal. Kebetulan di toko juga ada album dia sebelumnya yang produksi tahun 1995 kalo ga salah, tapi kualitas rekamannya tidak sebagus yang ini, lebih butek suaranya (dominan suara vokal penyanyinya)
Thanks reviewnya.
Auw Jimmy
March 20, 2011 23:29Sip bro. Btw, nemu di toko mana nih? Kayanya uda jarang banget yang jual.
March 21, 2011 23:44Nemu di toko Mega Disc, yang megang merek Naim di Surabaya sini. Nemunya juga ga sengaja waktu bongkar-bongkar laci bagian bawah. Nemu juga CD Andy Lau “Ben Xiao Hai” Hugo LPCD, rekamannya bagus. Jacky Cheung “Zhen Ai” yang XRCD juga bagus rekamannya. Yang agak menjengkelkan album Cai Qin “Ai Xiang Yi Shou Ge”, waktu di toko (bukan Mega Disc) coba terdengar perfect, begitu coba di rumah baru kerasa lagu pertama bass instrument ada yang over banget, tapi kualitas rekamannya cukup bagus. Baru sadar di toko itu speakernya kurang extend dan kuantitas lower bassnya, jadi kepotong banyak kuantitas bass yang keluar dari speaker hahaha…
Auw Jimmy
March 23, 2011 22:09Mantab bro Roy he he he…
May 28, 2011 15:35jimmy…please buy
1) looking good by joe gordon
2) motivation radio by steve hillage
3) solid air by john martin
all are cheap and superb recordings
Auw Jimmy
June 2, 2011 21:26Thanks Alan, probably later will check.