Well, this is a surprise news for me (at first). A “Made in America” PCB? Seriously?
Few months ago, my friend introduced me to TubeCAD (and finally led me to John Broskie). Actually, I knew his TubeCAD Journal and even his famous TubeCAD software 1-2 years ago (or more). But at that time, I didn’t have any interest on such technical things (like Broskie’s journals). Until finally, I heard his Aikido pre-amplifier and quite stunned how come a simple pre-amplifier (with cheap components) could lead into magical sound! Then I changed my mind and started to read some of Mr. Broskie’s journal.
My interest in some of his articles led me into a personal communications via e-mail (well, I do enjoy the modern technology, I wonder if I should send him an ordinary air mail to ask about his article – it will take years before I can get myself answered! With e-mail, within a night – due to different time zone, almost all of my questions could get the answers).
Finally, I decided to order his Aikido 9pin Mono PCB. John sent the package via express mail. It arrived around 2 days but due to custom issue, I accepted in around 5-6 days. Still quite a fast delivery 😉
Here is the PCB. Dual sides, plated-through 2 oz copper traces. Don’t forget that both sides are silk-screened.
You can see below that the quality and detail are amazing! Proudly and expensively made in America, right John? 🙂
The PCB is 4×6″ with 0.094″ thick (or 2.3876 mm). It’s even better than the most Taiwanese PCB (usually most audio PCBs are made in Taiwan and the quality is also very good). If I could rate the most Taiwanese PCB as “excellent”, then I have to rate this one as “superb”!
At first, most of us may consider the US$ 24 price tag for one mono PCB is a little bit too much. But after you see yourself the quality of this PCB, then I should say that you are very generous Mr. Broskie. PS: You can even get more discount if you buy more than 5 PCBs.
I enjoy the quality of this PCB. Thick, solid, and seriously built and designed PCB. Excellent copper traces and copper through-hole quality. Silk-screen on both side also and advantage if you want to create “extraordinary” design (tubes on the top and components on the back side maybe?)
I found an “extra” PCB on the package. This John “generous” Broskie sent me a special, not yet released PCB. I think he will post it in his online store within few days/weeks. Just want and check his online store.
I only could give some “small clue” with the photo below. Hope you don’t mind, John 😉
hiens huang
July 5, 2008 06:23hi bro jimmy…
btw proyek aikido ini akan menghabiskan dana sekitar brapaan ya??
emg mantabs bgt tuh pcb amerikanya,
Jimmy Auw
July 6, 2008 21:39Kalo kamu beli kit, paling 1.5 jt-an belum termasuk Power Supply.
Kalo mau bikin sendiri (beli PCB kosong aja), ya hanya langit yang menjadi batasannya… 🙂
Kalo diisi komponen super premium, dengan mudah nembus 5 juta deh…
July 29, 2008 11:55Pak jimmy, ongkos kirim dan pajak impornya dikenakan berapa?
Jimmy Auw
July 29, 2008 12:17Wah lupa… mungkin total-total ama pajak bisa US$ 40 deh.
Kalo barang dari Amrik pajaknya suka lebih gede deh.
Harga kirim USPS naik sejak awal tahun ini… Jadi yah memang terasa agak mahal.
Kebetulan saya ambil beberapa pasang PCB… jadi memang ongkos kirim dan pajaknya juga lebih tinggi. Kalo cuman ambil sepasang rasanya lebih murah.
August 3, 2008 00:25Salam kenal dari Gorontalo bung Jimmy…
Rencananya volume controlnya pake apa?
Gimana kalo pake Slagle autoformer + relay controlled switch dari http://electronics.dantimax.dk/Kits/Selectors_-_attenuators/index.html
Just my 2c. Good luck dah dgn proyek Aikido-nya!
October 8, 2008 07:48Pak Jimmy…
Apakah di jakarta ada yg jual pcb atau kitnya ?
Jimmy Auw
October 8, 2008 09:20Kit sepertinya tidak ada Pak. Lagian ini kan ada hak cipta-nya, tidak boleh sembarang dijiplak (tidak etis lah). Kecuali mau point-to-point tanpa PCB… kalo untuk yang ini diperbolehkan.
Silakan pesan langsung aja dari tubecad-nya Pak. Sekitar US$ 25 untuk satu buah PCB Mono-nya. Ongkos kirim sekitar US$ 30-an. Pajak dan cukai sekitar 17.5%.
Dulu saya beli beberapa bareng teman sekalian. Jadi ongkos kirim dan pajak2nya bisa dibagi sehingga lebih murah. Saya sendiri masih simpan 1 pair PCB Mono 9 pin-nya buat jaga-jaga hehehe…
October 15, 2009 00:55om kalo pcbnya masih ada
Jimmy Auw
October 15, 2009 17:18Silakan pesen langsung ke TubeCAD saja Pak.