My cheap L/C Meter has arrived. With this new tool, I can play and explore more, especially things related with inductance, like Choke or Inductor. Although this is not the most accurate meter, but should be enough for typical daily usage. Before, I plan to take the Tonghui L/C Meter, which costs around 4x more. But this probably later on the future as this Tonghui is not easy to get. So at this moment, this cheap meter should work fine.
Below is the measurement result when measuring our previous DIY Choke.
DIY choke measured. I just wind the copper wire on the small ferrite bar. Just wind it until the wire fully occupied the empty space on the ferrite bar. Didn’t count the total winding though. But it seems that with 0.5 mm wire, I could get around 768 uH. Should be more than enough for digital supply section, which usually only need around 100 uH. I still have spare to use 0.8 mm wire 😉
May 13, 2011 14:30Siang ko,
Beli L/C meternya di mana yah? kisaran harganya berapa? 🙂
Salam + Thanks
Auw Jimmy
May 13, 2011 18:39Beli di luar bro… sekitar 500rb-an.
May 16, 2011 00:53Pak Jimmy,
Sorry nih mo nanya. choke itu buat apa ya kegunaannya ?
Salam hangat
Auw Jimmy
May 16, 2011 09:27Halo Pak Arie,
Silakan dibaca2 Pak… 🙂
Tjipto Hendrawan
May 16, 2011 17:25Wah, saya juga barusan beli LCR meter tipe DM4070 di e-bay, harganya sekitar $34. 🙂
Auw Jimmy
May 17, 2011 00:59Halo Pak Tjip,
DM4070 max 20H, kalo yang ini bisa 100H Pak 🙂
June 3, 2011 09:45om saya pingin utk beli lc meter gimana caranya dan tlg hub saya di 085296387171 t kasih
Auw Jimmy
June 4, 2011 20:01Maaf, saya tidak jual. Mungkin bisa cari di Glodok, Mas?