I’m about to finalize this sound card mod. The output now is taken directly from the WM8770IFT, coupled with Jensen Copper Foil Paper Tube Capacitor (before it was Mundorf Silver/Gold/Oil). The sound improves quite a lot.
Soon, I will add an SRPP (tube output) in order to make this mod more compatible with most preamp or amp connected to it. After that, well, I think I will have an adequate digital player as source to replace my CD Player. Probably. Not so sure though 😉
September 24, 2010 23:28hi jimmy,
i tried on several preamp modding the output coupling cap from stock e-caps to poly caps like mundorf Mcap. i notice it gives somes kind of noise..
could it be because of the signal path is longer now cause i added about 1feet extra cable on to the cap as i need to extend to locate a new place to mount it..
noise??..is it because of the larger caps begin used or cause i extend the cable to long?
do you have similar noise issues with ur mods?
Auw Jimmy
September 25, 2010 21:00Hi Victor,
Never experience such issue. Perhaps you could try to relocate the caps position somewhere around. Probably there is some source of interference which affect your caps.
September 27, 2010 19:12Waduh…masak CDPnya tergusur oleh barang ini 🙂
Ini dalam rangka menghindari kerusakan CD ya? Kok modif DACnya sangar-sangar gini, sampe-sampe diplot gantiin CDP as digital playernya.
BTW turut berduka cita atas tewasnya CD kesayangan anda 🙁 …
Auw Jimmy
September 27, 2010 23:02Lagi mencari solusi yang lebih awet saja bro, suara sih masih jauh ya kalo vs CDP. Entah kalo ditambah tube di output.
October 6, 2010 01:26hi jimmy!
is the input coupling cap also act as a high pass filter too? same as output coupling?
does changing the parallel resistors(like riken) for output coupling improves sound quality too?
adjusting the values of resistor make any difference?..
so sorry for so many questions..
ur the best..
Auw Jimmy
October 6, 2010 09:22Hi Borgs,
Basically yes, but it depends on the other components and configuration on the schematic. But yes, in general, capacitor in series will act as a high pass.
Yes, resistor even in parallel, it will change the sound. You may try it first with a cheap one to test.
And adjusting resistor value definitely makes the different, depends on the schematic.
October 6, 2010 15:15so if my DAC output impedance is 600ohm into my preamp input impedance 10Kohm. will the calculation be the same as output coupling if i am planning to change the input impedance of my preamp. currently input coupling on preamp is 0.22uf.
as for changing the value on the parallel resistor for output coupling, is there any guide lines or any wher i can read on how to determine the values to change by trial and error?..
Auw Jimmy
October 6, 2010 18:47Hi Borgs,
Normally 0.22-0.47 is enough. But if you plan to use 10K on your preamp, then your DAC output should be 0.68-1uF. Value of 0.22 probably to low.
October 6, 2010 22:38the value 0.22uf is the input coupling cap on the preamp NOT dac. cant do much with the DAC, but i was wondering how i can improved the input coupling cap on the preamp. right now, i feel no much bass to it.
cant understand how to calculate the input coupling cap. but i understand output coupling cap calculation though…
so now the situationn is
DAC – output impedance 600ohm( not planning to mod DAC)
connect to
preamp – input impedance 10K
* by changing the values of input coupling on preamp, will it give better bass response or lower the high pass filter?
how to calculate?
thank you
Auw Jimmy
October 6, 2010 23:21Hi,
Without much information on you DAC and preamp schematic, it’s very difficult to calculate. Normally the input caps only to “protect” in case there is any unwanted DC signal from previous stage. This is on normal situation. But since I have no idea about your DAC and preamp schematic, I can’t really give you exact answer.
March 6, 2011 21:14Hi Jimmy,
you wrote that after changing the output caps from Mundorf silver/gold/oil to Jensen copper foil paper tube, the sound improves a lot.
Would that be your general finding, or in this specific environment?
Auw Jimmy
March 6, 2011 21:24Hi,
I believe this is specific environment.
August 31, 2011 18:47Bro Jimmy,
mau tanya, saya punya GC 1875 yang kapasitor coupling inputnya pakai Siemens PIO. Kalao saya ganti dengan Jensen kira2 perubahan apa yang akan terdengar? Significant kah perubahannya? Pakai jenis apa dan berapa nilai yang kira2 pas?
Auw Jimmy
August 31, 2011 23:11Hi Bro,
Karakter Siemens PIO cukup enak, tidak terlalu soft untuk kelas caps PIO.
Diganti dengan Jensen apa Pak? Jensen sendiri setidaknya ada 4 grade untuk yang Copper Foil saja. Kelas terendahnya (Copper Foil Aluminum Tube), rasanya lebih ada resolusi, namun high tidak seopen Siemens PIO. Nilai yah biasanya 2.2uF.
Namun perlu diingat, harga Jensen puluhan kali lipat Siemens PIO. Rasanya tidak worth untuk dipakai di GC1875, unless memang siap spend dana dalam jumlah besar.
September 1, 2011 00:00Hahaha.. saya sendiri juga bingung bro, mau diganti pakai type apa, masih awam soalnya. Denger2 memang mahal si Jensen ini. Ya sudah lah kalau memang tidak worth hehe.. Soalnya saya juga merasa udah spend dana cukup lumayan tapi entah hasilnya ternyata belum sesuai sama harapan juga. Hitung2 mencegah saya terperosok lebih dalam lagi.. hehehe..
Auw Jimmy
September 1, 2011 00:15Kalo bingung mending ga usah bro… 🙂
June 25, 2012 12:58Hello Jimmy,
Nice blog and nice Aureon modification, congratulations!
Did you repack it in new case and finished tube SRPP meanwhile?
These days I listen a lot of FLAC files on my 300B amp, sounds fine, but needs a bit more gain.
Thanks a lot bro, good luck!
Auw Jimmy
June 26, 2012 13:12Hi Dragan,
Not yet repacked as the Aureon is not my final target.
May 17, 2013 21:33Hi Jimmy,
Tanya dong, ada jual capacitor Duelund 0.1 uf 630VDC Full Silver?
Ditunggu kabar nya ya. Terima Kasih!
Auw Jimmy
May 17, 2013 22:11Hi Yupi,
Mungkin bisa coba ke toko online seperti PCX atau HiFiCollective, tapi setahu saya harus indent 2 bulan (ini saya jg lagi indent yg Copper/Cu sudah 7 minggu).