It’s a weekend holiday and it’s time to scratch my laziness and doing some audio DIY mods. This time, I will try a capacitor from Jensen, the 4-Pole Electrolytic.
What makes it different from standard electrolytic? Well, it has 4 poles instead of 2 of standard electrolytic (that’s why they call it Jensen 4-Pole capacitor – I wonder why 4-Pole instead of 4-Poles?) But that’s simply out of our discussion here.
Again another question, why it has 4 Poles instead of 2? Keep reading.
The basic idea it to separate the input and output lines of the electrolytic. As you can see below, the 4 poles has their own function. It has 2 Input poles and 2 Output poles, each has their own positive and negative pole. So by using this capacitor, we will create virtual separation between input side and output side – as if we are having 2 capacitors connected in parallel.
Caveat: Due to this 4 poles design, you will need to change your circuit layout to adopt this Jensen 4-Pole Capacitor. This capacitor will replace my old Mundorf M-Lytic High Voltage 560uF/400VDC. This Mundorf is very good capacitor, but I think not on the par with this Jensen 4-Pole. So that’s why I decide to change it.
I also replace the Chokes. The old one is non-gapped Choke. This new one is gapped Choke. Bigger and heavier, also higher Henries.
The new layout of my Aikido Power Supply section. Now we have all “premium” capacitors on the power supply section: The VCap Teflon TFTF, ASC X386S Oil Capacitor, and Jensen 4-Pole Electrolytic. On this testing session, I still use 5U4C instead of my RGN.
Everything looks smooth. I turn on the High Voltage switch. My meter reads about 250VDC output (about 10VDC drop compared to my old non-gapped Chokes). Time to feed the music then…
The first time I hear the sound of Norah Jones, I already could hear the different. The Jensen 4-Pole sounds so natural. The vocal is so sweet and warm compared to my Mundorf M-Lytic (I feel the Mundorf sounds a little bit aggresive compared to this Jensen 4-Pole although if you never compare it, the Mundorf seems already good enough!)
The staging also improved and locked tight on the center for the main singer. Some track from Livingston Taylor and Ingram Washington also proves this to be true.
I also feel the background is darker while the staging is definitely wider. This things actually I already got from the VCap, but this Jensen adds its “ohh so natural” sound. I think I like this capacitor… Although I have to spent around US$50 or more for each 😉
Now it’s playing for its first 10 hours. Will do more examination after another 30-50 hours.
September 28, 2009 10:16No doubt jensen 4 pole is quite sweet, but the old version jensen 2 pole in orange/gold colour even more sweet but slightly less punchy…
October 30, 2009 21:04Pak Jim, masih punya stok Jensen Four Pole-nya kah? hehehe … japri aja yaa …
November 17, 2009 12:45Could you advise me ? I would like to use 220uF 450v, I have 2 choices, one use 4-pole Jensen and one use ASC X-386S 50uF x4 parallel = 200uF.
I have enough space. which one should I select ?
Best Regards,
Jimmy Auw
November 17, 2009 22:50ASC emphasizes more on sweeter vocal, while Jensen 4-pole has more naturality.
That’s from my point of view… YMMV.
November 18, 2009 10:39Thank you so much. I will try them.
Jimmy Auw
November 18, 2009 18:19Update me the result, ok?
November 19, 2009 09:44OK.
Dan Haines
February 8, 2010 12:43What value of choke do you recommend if I only use one, or possibly two? Where do you recommend getting a quality gapped choke?
Jimmy Auw
February 8, 2010 23:49Hi Dan,
Normally, first choke around 10-15H. Multiple filters are better.
Perhaps you can try brand like Hammond or even more expensive one.
Dan Haines
March 6, 2010 05:48Could you post your latest power supply schematic? Thanks,
Dan Haines
March 6, 2010 05:50I bought some Jensen 4 pole caps, but am still unsure how to wire them, so I thought your schematic would help. Did you connect a choke between the 2 caps within the 4 pole case?
Jimmy Auw
March 6, 2010 15:23Hi,
It’s just the standard LCLCLC power supply. Nothing special.
The 4-pole wiring instruction is available on the Jensen website. You can download and check from there. Basically the + input (from the first choke) goes to + input on the 4-pole. Then the + output from the 4-pole goes to the next choke. The ground could be remain connected together (or separated) depends on your ground design.
May 19, 2010 12:51hallo
i have classe 25 a250 v and it have 33000uf 100vdc
electrolytic caps 4 of them.
i wold like to upgrade them to mundorf mlytic hc
47.000uf 100vdc.
ther is any good by canging to the higher uf?
thank you
jacob saar
Jimmy Auw
May 19, 2010 21:45Hi Jacob,
Bigger uF means bigger storage power especially on the section which needs extra energy. But beware, too big of capacitance may produce unexpected result, like the reducing of speed and dynamic.
It’s not easy to find the equilibrium point between the speed and the adequate capacitance. The best way is to try it.
May 19, 2010 23:42Hello Jimmy!
I need some help on this topic. I am currently upgrading my 211 amp.
The power caps for the high voltage are a problem. I was looking for the 4 pole Jensen because of the good reputation. But i cannot place them in series (about 950 VDC working voltage). I am planning to place them in series with a resistor connected parallel.
Now i am not sure wich cap to use, i ‘ve already seen MUNDORF M-lytic SI 560uF@400VDC on ebay, but i am not sure if this is a solution. The Config is: 10uF 1600V Pio – 10H – 10uF 1600V Pio – 15H > mundorf or Jensen ??
Hope you can help me out on this,
Jimmy Auw
May 20, 2010 09:33Hi,
For 211, I think you could try high voltage of Solen, up to 1500VDC.
For Jensen or Mundorf, you can put 2 or 3 in series, parallel with R, to get double or triple of voltage.
March 16, 2012 01:43Hi Jimmy, I like your work.
I’m using Mundorf HV’s in my main supply of my EL34 amp (SS rect’, no chokes) and was thinking if the jensen’s are an upgrade, and I was pleased to see this may be the case when I read this.
But I have one concern that has me wondering, you say you also changed the chokes? So I can’t help but wonder how much of the change in sonic character would be a result of the choke change?
Auw Jimmy
March 16, 2012 10:00Hi Ian,
Well, what you read probably ‘not that simple’. Off course I have done some testing prior changing the choke. Definitely if I change more than 1 part at same time, it’s gonna be hard to judge who makes what 🙂 But sometime I’m too lazy to write one by one and the testing in detail. So I write one story in general (multiple parts changed), but the discussion itself mostly focussed on that part only.
Anyway, I’m not saying Jensen is better than Mundorf. I have them both, and I like them both. They are good, depends on where you put them. But on my case at that system, I prefer the Jensen.
March 20, 2012 22:36Ok, I understand now 🙂
Thanks Jimmy.
November 27, 2012 06:50Hi, Jimmy, i have an EICO HF89 that i want to replace the voltage doubler circuit ps electrolytics with Jensen 4 pole. I am not sure how would they hookup in a voltage doubler circuit. btw, in my amp i upgraded the power supply with a 6H choke in a Pi configuration. thanx for the help!
Auw Jimmy
December 1, 2012 20:48Hi Dak,
Do you have any schematic?