Still curious about the different between Jensen Copper Foil Paper Tube and Duelund CAST PIO, I held another session to benchmark both capacitors. You can read previous articles here and here.
This time I visit another friend. His systems as shown below. Briefly speaking, we can see a Fostex full range speaker with extra Visaton Super Tweeter. The source are Cayin CDT-17A (fully modified on its analog stage and additional reclock module) and a turntable (VPI Scout with Super Platter and Van den Hul Grasshopper IV GLA cartridge). The preamp is Tube #26 with RGN Rectifier. The power amplifier is RS241-12E1-6J5 with RGN Rectifier also.
We compare the Jensen Copper Foil Paper Tube and Duelund CAST PIO on the position between 12E1 and RS241.
The result?
For standard music consisting a lot of vocal, like Rebecca Pidgeon – Spanish Harlem or Ingram Washington, the different is there, but not that significant. Duelund wins for the harmonic details and spacious imaging – but in a small margin. While Jensen which doesn’t have that kind of details, but it could swing the vocal very well. I would say, the Duelund with around 4 times more expensive to Jensen, won’t make my jaws drop on the floor.
But situation changes completely after we switch to an even more complex music, with various instrument (most likely, consisting a lot of cymbal or brass and live music environment). We take some track from Sheffield Labs and some other more popular like Coal Train/Stimela by Hugh Masekela. With these kinds of music, we do really enjoy the advantage of Duelund CAST PIO. The music sounds live, a real live music and harmonically rich with huge and spacious imaging. It only take few second after the first tone played, before we can say, the Duelund is definitely better than the Jensen. Does it worth the 4x more expensive price? In this session, I would say YES! This session, Duelund CAST PIO does make my jaws drop on the floor.
FYI, mostly we use Vinyl as source. I seems that we got enough with CD 😉
Caveat: Jensen Copper Foil Paper Tube is a good capacitor, really a good one for its price… BUT… if you don’t want to get poisoned, don’t ever hear the Duelund CAST PIO. After you hear the Duelund CAST PIO, it seems that you have no way back.
I also held an extra session with my Aikido (equipped with Duelund CAST PIO and RGN 1054 Rectifier) vs the Tube #26 Pre-Amp. I need to improve my Aikido mid-vocal though 😉
Also we held a Cayin CDT-17A short mod session. The best combination after several times testing is the 0.47uF Jensen Copper Foil Paper Tube + 1uF Mundorf Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil. This combination provides excellent vocal with superb staging and details.
Kasan Santosa
August 31, 2009 13:31Isi perut cd playernya bikin ngileer…
September 1, 2009 07:28When is the comparison in a loudspeaker crossover? 😉
Jimmy Auw
September 1, 2009 08:47Nah… the Jensen only available up to 1uF, too small for XO application.
And CAST would request me to rob a bank first 😉
September 30, 2009 15:27Boleh tunjuk cara sambungannya untuk ditambah dgn 0.47uF Jensen Copper Foil Paper Tube + 1uF Mundorf Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil.Pls email to [email protected]
Jimmy Auw
September 30, 2009 22:31Hi,
Tinggal diparalel aja Pak. Ga ada yang special.
October 7, 2009 15:56wahhh… saya salut dengan anda, punya perangkat audio yang kualitasnya No. Wahid
omong-omong di M2 ada yang jual speaker Fostex ndak Pak ?
kalo boleh tau tokonya yang mana
Jimmy Auw
October 7, 2009 18:06Biasanya orang beli Fostex dari luar Pak. Ga tau kalo di Indo. Di M2 sih hampir pasti ga ada yang jual.
October 21, 2009 12:00pak, kalau untuk signal coupling lebih enak mana Jensen paper tube atau audionote copper foil oil filled mylar?
Jimmy Auw
October 21, 2009 21:41Saya belum nyobain AN yang Mylar… ada rencana mau ambil juga nanti.
March 5, 2010 18:00Pak Jimmy, kebetulan sy punya CDP yg sama. Boleh sy tanya apa saja yg di-modifikasi di CDT-17A tsb?
Sy lihat sekilas resistor & tabungnya sdh diganti? Re-clock modulnya pakai apa? Apa OPA-604 nya diganti juga?
Jimmy Auw
March 6, 2010 15:20Hi Pak,
Itu kebetulan punya temen saya dan kondisinya memang sudah full upgrade semuanya (caps hampir semua diganti). Mungkin bisa cek ke Thomas ( dan tanya ke dia. Karena CDP ini dia yang kerjakan mod-nya.
April 2, 2010 20:24Thanks buat infonya pak Jimmy.
Saya bisa minta tolong menanyakan nama & nomor telp temannya Pak Jimmy yg punya CD Cayin tsb? (Sy mau menanyakan bagaimana perubahannya setelah di-upgrade).
Kalau boleh, via email saja Pak.
Terima kasih sebelum dan sesudahnya.
July 30, 2010 22:43Dear: Pak Jimmy
Salam kenal pak, saya sungguh salut dgn blog pak jimmy ini benar benar trully a legendary audiophile.. sukses selalu pak..
Jimmy Auw
August 2, 2010 20:57Salam sukses juga Pak Jonathan.
Jessie Severino
September 10, 2011 09:08Hi. I have in stock the ff:
2 pcs Mundorf Silver/Oil 0.1uf
2 pcs Mundorf Silver/Oil 0.22uf
4 pcs Mundorf Supreme 0.22uf
Can I use all of the above caps to tweak the Cayin CDT-17A?
Would appreciate your feedback.
Thanks in advance.
Auw Jimmy
September 11, 2011 00:30Hi Jessie,
It depends on your CDT-17A circuit inside (which I have no idea)…
December 18, 2011 08:57Hi Jimmy,
In your Cayin CDT-17A caps tweak, is the .47uf Jensen Copper Foil a bypass to the 1uf Mundorf S/G in Oil?
Auw Jimmy
December 23, 2011 23:15Hi Jessie,
January 14, 2013 11:07hi Jimmy,
i can see the caps that you compared have a different values, one is 1uf and the other .47uf, had you considered the difference in sound might be because of that?
Auw Jimmy
January 14, 2013 13:54Hi Chris,
I bought 0.47uF Duelund CAST and also 1uF Jensen later on. So I can confirm this is not capacitance issue.
January 14, 2013 20:47that would be great, thanx
and there is another question, have you ever compared jensen silver pio paper tube vs. duelund copper cast ?
or jensen silver pio alu tube vs jensen copper pio paper tube?
Auw Jimmy
January 15, 2013 11:21Hi Chris,
Unfortunately not…
November 11, 2013 17:07Hi Jimmy,
I have this CDP and use it for 3 years, but now it “Analog” transformer malfunction — it make fuse burn.
After discussed with agent, she charges me US$188 for transformer replacement!
It crazy! So, would you please check the voltage on CN4, CN5 and CN6 for me to make one to replace?
Thanks for your help!
Auw Jimmy
November 11, 2013 19:13Hi Aaron,
Unfortunately I don’t have access to this CD Player any longer. Sorry for it.