Finally, I put my Aikido Pre Amp on the chassis. Well, was a tough job since normally I didn’t do such thing (e.g. putting my DIY work on “little bit” neat chassis).
I separated inside the chassis into 3 chambers. The first one was for the main transformer, the second was for the power supply unit, and the last one was for the Pre Amp parts itself. I used 5 mm MDF wood covered with thick aluminum foil. The foil then grounded to minimize the interference.
Actually, I planned to put this Pre Amp to the Blind Test Session last week. But, the White Cathode Follower used in my Pre Amp seemed have some trouble when connected to higher impedance load (e.g. the input volume control on amplifier). I need to check it to find and confirm the problem later.
The power supply section. I plan to add one more LC stage. Also want to change the capacitor with my Mundorf M-Lytic capacitor. Later… 😉 I’m too lazy now.
December 11, 2008 23:05nice amp, bung jimmy!!
still my dream amp!!
nice post!
Jimmy Auw
December 11, 2008 23:38Ini cuman preamp boss… bukan amp hihihi…
December 26, 2008 02:07Nah ini dia, hehehe…. Jadi inget ngerjain itu box… eh tau-taunya udah nongol di web. Buat yg lain… cobain deh bikin tuh pre-amp. Kemaren sempet dicoba di rumah gue pake speker abal-abal aja suaranya manteeeepppp bikin ngiler…
Jimmy Auw
December 26, 2008 21:13Yoi ‘jar… namanya DIY sinting hahaha… asal bor sana sini… tapi mayan juga kan hasilnya?
December 26, 2008 21:48Hi
Just wondering thru Google to find your lovely DIY pages!
Keep up the good work!
Jimmy Auw
December 27, 2008 00:02Hi Coffin,
Long time no see, how are you?
You have a nice blogspot to.
April 16, 2009 16:04wiih…om Jimmy..keren2 audionya..Bagi satu doong…hehehe 😀 .
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