Well, I need a big-capacitance high-quality capacitor to drive my headphone amplifier (we are talking 200-500uF capacitance and at least 400VDC working voltage). I don’t have too many choices (or perhaps no choice at all!). So I would go with this Unlytic Film Capacitor.
Yes I could go with Electrolytic capacitor but the sound would be not at my expected level.
So I welcome “The Giant” Unlytic capacitor 🙂 Want to know how big is it? Keep reading.
First comparison, I use standard AA battery. How tiny are you? I mean the AA battery. The Unlytic itself measured around 75mm (diameter) and 155mm (height).
Another comparison with my RCA 5U4 Rectifier Tube and 2 smaller tube (I forgot the number). And off course with a standard AA battery 😉
Two twin towers for my next headphone amplifier project. Based on my calculation, with 290uF and 32 Ohm of my Grado, I could get the low down to 17 Hz. Hmm… not bad I think. For normal 50KOhm load, I could go as low as 0.0109817702613661 Hz!
I wonder how to put it on my chassis… Oh well, we will think it later… 🙂
August 27, 2008 10:03tidak sabar menunggu projek baru abang jimmy
August 27, 2008 21:02Wow, what a size!!!
January 2, 2009 01:15Busyeettt… Itu cap… gedenya… udah ampir segede cap-bank 1 farad, hehehe…
February 22, 2010 18:13pak jimmy, sy punya elco nganggur BHC aerovox industrial als30 4700uf 450 vdc apakah bisa dimanfaatin buat tube preamp? terima kasih.
Jimmy Auw
February 22, 2010 18:25Hi,
Bisa banget donk. Asal pakenya di bawah 450V ya (dan hati2, pastikan dulu elco tidak bocor).
Selalu gunakan bleeder resistor dan jangan menyentuh caps saat nyala atau langsung setelah OFF (harus nunggu tegangan turun dulu, silakan cek pake Multimeter).
Utamakan safety selalu. Tegangan di atas 300V lumayan buat bikin kaget hehehe.
February 24, 2010 22:45tq pak jimmy atas infonya, saya sempat meragukannya karena nilai 4700uf tidak pernah saya jumpai di skema tube power supply.
Jimmy Auw
February 25, 2010 22:22Hi,
Memang sebenarnya terlalu besar Pak…
January 31, 2011 18:10Sore ko,
Ud coba capacitor nya ini blm?
Gmn hasilnya?
Auw Jimmy
February 1, 2011 00:02Halo,
Belon tuh. Belon ada niatan bikin HV di atas 500VDC sih nih…