Well, currently I’m using about 3 Kilograms notebook. For me, I’m quite happy since it’s well equipped with giant RAM, hard drive, and screen (also dedicated NVIDIA graphic board for gaming). But at some occasion, I prefer lighter notebook. When traveling which all I need are email, web browsing, and chatting, I don’t think my giant RAM, hard drive, screen, and dedicated VGA will boost my performance. All I got is muscle training due to heavy weight on my backpack.
Today, I leave my 3 Kgs notebook at home. Then I only bring my Eee PC (900+ grams – wohoo, my girlfriend’s handbag should be nice for this ;)). Along with me also my O2 Exec (with all Contacts and Schedule synced with my notebook Outlook – except email).
You can see my clean work desk. With tiny white Eee PC adapter on the outlet. On the right side are my Motorola W210 CDMA Phone, my O2 Exec, and off course, a mouse 🙂
To be honest, I have a quite big hand. Typing at Eee PC may take some time to practice. As you can see from the picture below, my left hand will consume almost one third of the Eee PC keyboard area. My typing speed may reduce 30-40% and some keys may have smaller size (like Right Shift, Enter, Backspace, etc).
Below is another view when typing with Eee PC. Again, it takes time to type if you have a big hand 😉
Below is comparison when typing with my 3 Kgs notebook. Hmm… I have to admit, small keyboard is a disaster for the one who has big finger.
Comparison between my 15″ notebook (bottom), my Eee PC (middle), and my O2 Exec (top). But I have to admit typing at my O2 Exec is more difficult and almost impossible with 10 fingers (better call it as thumb QWERTY keyboard, since I only use my two thumbs).
I get the photo below from coolsmartphone.com because I forget to take the shoot myself. Thanks!
Side by side comparison. From 15.4″ (my big F3 notebook) to 7″ (my Eee PC) to 3.8″ (my O2 Exec). Well, I have to admit that I don’t like small screen (I usually open a lot of application so I prefer larger workspace). But again, in traveling, I prefer a lightweight, ultra compact, and “affordable” portable notebook. So, Eee PC is the one and only option for me 🙂
Now, I enjoy bringing my Eee PC every weekend. Just for replying email, chatting, and simple browsing purpose. But for serious meeting or traveling, most of the time I still need to bring my main notebook. Not because of its processing power or huge screen, but because most of my important data are located there. Hard to move Gigs of data from my main notebook to my Eee PC. I save my important data on my SD Card. Both of my main notebook and Eee PC are equipped with suitable slot. So exchanging data from both system are very easy and fast with SD Card.
Man, I really have a new life at weekend with my Eee PC 😉
PS: This blog entry also created with Eee PC 😉
December 29, 2007 18:23Yak, it’s surely fit your girlfriend’s handbag 😀
Cia ie
March 10, 2008 19:23wowww i’ve bought new 4G eepc because of your suggestion ^_^
Michael Adhi Nugroho
February 18, 2009 12:39Wow… What big hand you have Jim…