I search at Google.com to find information about place who sells CD Audio/LP at Taipei, Taiwan. Then finally my search directed to a place around Roosevelt Rd. Sec. 3. I fired up my GPS (my new Holux M-1000) and my O2 Exec loaded with Mapking and Taiwan map. According to my calculation, I should take MRT to Gongguan station and I can take a walk from the MRT exit. After exiting the MRT station, my GPS showed that the direction was not far away, around 300 metres. Ok, let’s go!

After around 30 minutes walking (I didn’t know the exact place, actually), I stop to a place where I could see a word “CD”. CD means Compact Disc (at least that’s my guess). I enter the room, climb the stair, and see a transparant door with a lot of CD inside. Mamamia!

Well, the photo below shows everything. There are a lot of shelves with hundreds or maybe thousands of CDs and LPs.

Again, another view consisting of hundreds CDs and LPs (at the bottom shelf).

You can also find LP here. A lot of LPs (old LPs to be precise).

Now you now how “old” that I mean πŸ˜‰ Freddy Fender and James Taylor LP.

Me with few LPs (Joe Walsh, Genesis, and I forget the last one) πŸ˜‰

Another side of the store (still showing a lot amount of CDs and LPs).

Below are few CDs that I consider as collectible items.

The store keeper (owner also I guess) was very nice and able to speak English a little bit. He was (always) playing some music and keep reading. Even if you stole something from his store, I guessed he would not realize. This place was very messy with a lot of CDs and LPs.

Some more collectible items πŸ™‚

It’s a LD πŸ™‚ “Astalavista” Arnold The Terminator, Sharon’s Basic Instinct, and The Abyss!

I went home bringing few LPs and CDs… spend over thousand NT but I got what I really want πŸ˜‰ Surely will come back. One and half hour was not enough to search all the CDs and LPs from this place. I believe I miss some of the CDs and LPs. Next time I will spend more time here.