I search at Google.com to find information about place who sells CD Audio/LP at Taipei, Taiwan. Then finally my search directed to a place around Roosevelt Rd. Sec. 3. I fired up my GPS (my new Holux M-1000) and my O2 Exec loaded with Mapking and Taiwan map. According to my calculation, I should take MRT to Gongguan station and I can take a walk from the MRT exit. After exiting the MRT station, my GPS showed that the direction was not far away, around 300 metres. Ok, let’s go!
After around 30 minutes walking (I didn’t know the exact place, actually), I stop to a place where I could see a word “CD”. CD means Compact Disc (at least that’s my guess). I enter the room, climb the stair, and see a transparant door with a lot of CD inside. Mamamia!
Well, the photo below shows everything. There are a lot of shelves with hundreds or maybe thousands of CDs and LPs.
Again, another view consisting of hundreds CDs and LPs (at the bottom shelf).
You can also find LP here. A lot of LPs (old LPs to be precise).
Now you now how “old” that I mean π Freddy Fender and James Taylor LP.
Me with few LPs (Joe Walsh, Genesis, and I forget the last one) π
Another side of the store (still showing a lot amount of CDs and LPs).
Below are few CDs that I consider as collectible items.
The store keeper (owner also I guess) was very nice and able to speak English a little bit. He was (always) playing some music and keep reading. Even if you stole something from his store, I guessed he would not realize. This place was very messy with a lot of CDs and LPs.
Some more collectible items π
It’s a LD π “Astalavista” Arnold The Terminator, Sharon’s Basic Instinct, and The Abyss!
I went home bringing few LPs and CDs… spend over thousand NT but I got what I really want π Surely will come back. One and half hour was not enough to search all the CDs and LPs from this place. I believe I miss some of the CDs and LPs. Next time I will spend more time here.
July 19, 2007 18:06Wah pak jim…gilaaaa….itu toko luar biasa, mengalahkan library bahkan….
btw harga disana gmn? apa termasuk “standar” harga disini?? misal, ratusan ribu utk CD…..
Steven Carlo
July 26, 2007 08:35gila jim… nge catalogue cd nya gimana tu barangnya banyak bgt !!!
jadi harus search manually, piece by piece, cd by cd, one by one ???
it could take a whole day !!!!!!!!!
Didier Pillet
May 12, 2008 06:34Hello,
Help me,please…
I such taiwan,korea,singapore store cd.
Thank you for your Answer.
Didier (Switzerland)
June 2, 2011 20:25Did you know the name of this shop? Its exact location? Thanks
Auw Jimmy
June 2, 2011 21:28Hi,
Just exit the Gongguan MRT on Exit #3, then walk straight ahead, crossed one traffic light (you can take the underpass tunnel also). Sorry can’t give you better direction.
June 14, 2011 22:41What about name of the shop so that i can ask people there?
Auw Jimmy
June 16, 2011 00:22Sorry, I didn’t remember the name as it was written in Chinese.
November 26, 2011 21:27Cmon, give us a hint! I’m desperate for a store like this in Taipei.
Auw Jimmy
November 26, 2011 22:42Hi Michael,
I think I have put some hints on my post (first few lines). That’s all the hints that I got π
January 24, 2012 20:51Jimmy, Have you been lately? I went last month and tried to find it – couldn’t. After you cross the traffic light, is it on the right side of the street? Thanks for any help.
Auw Jimmy
January 24, 2012 20:55Hi Michael,
It should be on the right side. Been there on last May 2011.
February 24, 2012 20:48Jimmy,
I found it! It’s now called indimusic. Here’s the address: Roosevelt Road, Taipei 297-5, # 3, 3rd Floor,
Auw Jimmy
February 24, 2012 22:17Hi,
Thanks for bringing back on this π
April 2, 2013 13:23Hi jimmy, I’m going Taipei in 2 wk time. Gonna buy more CDs in there. Does this shop sell CDs of 80s and 90s artistes like Wang Jie, Sally Yeh, Little Tigers? Can’t find those anymore in Spore.
Auw Jimmy
April 2, 2013 22:57Hi Retro,
Yeah, I could see some old title, but not quite sure if it has what you are looking for.
April 3, 2013 18:02Hi Jimmy, r they brand new or second hand? And r the prices cheaper?
Auw Jimmy
April 3, 2013 22:09Hi,
Surely most of them are old, but some still sealed. Some cheap, some expensive for collectible one.
April 19, 2013 18:08Yeah founded the shop! Will be bk there again!
Auw Jimmy
April 19, 2013 18:48How do you think? π
April 19, 2013 18:53Thanks for writing bout this shop Jimmy! I love it! A lot of old mandarin albums r there. The lady at the counter is very nice, she even helped me in my search for some of the artistes I was looking for. I took their name card as well.
Auw Jimmy
April 20, 2013 17:17Hi,
Great you like it. Maybe they will be surprised if they see that they are on the Internet!
April 21, 2013 22:32yap! thanks for ur online review on their shop! they have a facebook page btw. U can search under indimusic/Γ₯β¬βΉΓ©Β«βΓ¦ΛΒΆΓ₯βΒ±Γ§β°β‘è‘Ε.
Auw Jimmy
April 22, 2013 11:57Hi,
Thank Retro!
June 24, 2013 16:16addtional dirctions: they are just one store past the Starbucks
and open 13:30 to 22:00
July 4, 2013 21:40Baru kesana, hunting LP tinggal yg jelek2 katanya abis diborong org japan 200 biji.
Thanks for the address
Auw Jimmy
July 5, 2013 10:55Uda telat kayanya bro… Saya sudah kesana beberapa tahun silam he he he… π
July 6, 2013 00:27Ember,
Kebetulan aja ke taiwan ga ada kerjaan.
Byrgiel Jean-Luc
August 30, 2014 22:21Hi
i want to know if you have James Last records to sell
many thanks
best regards