I’ve just bought few parts for my stock yesterday. Now, I gather all of my stock components list them here. I found some unique, vintage “well known” good components, and expensive one (some old, some new). If you need assistance how to get these components, feel free to drop me an e-mail.
Elna Cerafine. Cerafine is well known as a premium quality capacitor. I’ve stocked some of popular values like 47uF, 100uF, and 220uF (25-100 Volt).
Dale resistor. It is quite famous as a good sounding resistor. Not too bright, and not too dull. Available in 2 or 3 Watts and various resistance.
Silver Mica. Excellent capacitor for high frequency bypass.
Nichicon Fine Gold. Quite hard to find. Available in 22uF/100V value. I can’t find Cerafine for this value, so I choose Nichicon.
Nippon Chemicon KMH. This “Big monster” has the value of 470uF/450Volt. NOS condition and very affordable.
Sanyo Oscon. Very popular for D/A application. Available in one value only, 10uF/25Volt.
Elna RBP2. I can’t find Cerafine for such high capacitance, so I choose the RBP2. Cheaper than Cerafine, but should sound good near Cerafine. One value only, 330uF/25Volt.
Female RCA from Taiwan. Good quality, solid design, and quite heavy. Some people say that this is “WBT from Taiwan” (price around 1/5-1/8 of original WBT).
Vishay Ultra Fast Avalanche Sintergrass Diode. I believe this is an excellent diode for any of your application. Available up to 1000V (SF5408), 800V (SF5407), etc. All are capable up to 3A.
Siemens Paper-In-Oil Capacitor. I got some in used stock here. Two shown on the photo are 2uF/250Volt. One was built on month 5 year 1972 (05.72), and the other on month 12 year 1963 (12.63). Some other values available are 2.1uF, 4uF, 10uF, and much more. Outstanding capacitor, affordable price (less than your Auricaps, but remember this is used capacitor). The sound is not as dull as other PIO. Uniquely, this capacitor sounds quite bright (harsh) but of course the sense of oil cap is still there.
Alpha Core Inductor. Well known as one of the best inductor. This type of foil inductor is known to have low AC/DC resistance, very low power loss, minimal phase effect, skin effect resistance up to 100 kHz, and no hysterisis distortion! The most transparent inductor ever made for your crossover.
Wonder Capacitor. This is superbly transparent metallized polypropelene capacitor in a limited value and stock. Very ideal for bypassing application in your electronics or crossover circuit. Only three values available: 0.01uF/630V, 4 uF/425V, and 10 uF/310V.
Solen Capacitor. Very popular capacitor due to excellent price/performance ratio. It will cost you 1/5-1/8 of Auricap or Hovland, but it will not sound 1/5-1/8 than the Auricap or Hovland. So, that’s why this capacitor is very popular for upgrading your crappy capacitor on your stock crossover. For a better high end extension, add a better capacitor like Wonder Capacitor for bypassing and you are done.
Auricap Capacitor. Excellent performance especially in the mid tone. Superior audio grade metallized polypropelenes. Black lead is outer foil, while red is inner foil. Please read the instruction manual how to connect the red and black lead to get optimum result (it will not damage your Auricap if you connect it reversely, but it will not perform at its full potential). Excellent quality capacitor at quite affordable price.
Hovland Capacitor. This film and foil polypropelene capacitor is for a speaker builder who expect the best sound reproduction. This capacitor has the clarity, focus, and dynamics to allow exploration of your speaker’s fully potential. The price is quite high for some people (though it’s not the most expensive capacitor), but if you expect the finest quality sound, this capacitor is the one that you should consider.
WBT Silver Solder. This is one of the most popular and standard silver solder used in many application. It contains 4% silver and produces very transparants and dynamics sound. Some people even put this solder on the PCB line to get the best signal transfer.
Sanyo Gold Capacitor. Available in one value only, 1000uF/50V and short lead. This capacitor is excellent for power supply application. Use it in parallel to achieve higher capacitance and lower ESR. Very affordable price to.
RS Capacitor. Affordable radial electrolytic capacitor. Very good for application which low capacitance but high voltage are needed. If you can’t afford polypropelene capacitor or high class electrolytic (like Black Gate WKZ) for this purpose, this RS capacitor is simply your best choice.
Solen High Voltage Capacitor. This “dynamite” size capacitor has 630V voltage rating. Currently available is 22uF only (parallel it to get even better sound). Sounds best on your high voltage application. Surely this 1.50″x2.30″ capacitor will sound better than your electrolytic. Remember, the size of this capacitor is very big (1.50″x2.30″). Check your space before you buy it. Still considered affordable for its price and quality.
ALPS Motorized Potentiometer. I have nothing much to comments for this one. This is ALPS Motorized potentiometer with one value only, 100KOhm. Sounds good at affordable price. You can remove the motor if you don’t use it.
Nippon Chemicon KME Capacitor. Very cheap and very affordable for your power supply application. Use it in parallel to get higher capacitance and lower ESR. One value only, 470uF/50V.
Standard Big Potentiometer. This standard “big” potentiometer is very affordable and has good performance. It’s better than your standard Alpha potentiometer.
Analog Device AD825 and Brown Dog Converter. This AD825 op-amp has warm, musical, clean, and good separation sound. On most occasion, this op-amp simply will beat your standar OPA2134 or 2604 in terms of musicality. The bad things is, this is mono op-amp. So you will need two of them for your stereo application. Brown Dog converter should be used for this purpose. Shown on the picture is SMD version of AD825 and Brown Dog SMD->DIP converter.
Black Gate F Series Capacitor. Black Gate is the most popular electrolytic. This F Series offers excellent performance and quite affordable (though still expensive for some people). It has a long break-in time, around 200 hours. So never comments its performance before this capacitor passes its break-in time. You will be shocked to hear its sound after this capacitor passes the break-in time. Very-very limited stock and currently available in 100uF/100V only.
Holco Resistor. Holco stands for wHOLe COpper. This highly praised metal film resistor is quite hard to find later these days. Very transparant and detail in terms of musicality. Available in H4 (0.5 Watt) or H2 (1 Watt) version and very high tolerance (specified 0.5-1%, but most of the time it has 0.25% tolerance). Common values are available at very Reasonable price.
Vishay S102 Resistor. Absolutely the BEST resistor in the world. This is very expensive stuff (almost three times than Caddock), so imagine yourself 😉 The sound is very sweet, detail, and musical. Available in used and new conditions (shown on the photo is the used conditions, but this is a high class resistor, though it’s used, but the value and condition are superb!). Limited in terms of stocks and values.
Brown Dog Adapter. Used to convert mono op-amp to single stereo op-amp. Quite tall, so watch your space.
Elna LP5. General purpose and affordable electrolytic capacitor.
Texas Instruments NE5532AP. Another general purpose op-amp. Just for collections 😉
Sfernice RLP10NI Resistor. Wirewound Non Inductive precision 10 Watt resistor. High power and excellent stability with electrical insulation and climatic protection. Expensive, but very recommended for your crossover application.
SK170GR. No comments for this. Vintage stuff, hard to find. Don’t ask for its complementary (2SJ74), because I don’t have any 😉
Wonder Capacitor. This is superbly transparent metallized polypropelene capacitor in a limited value and stock. Very ideal for bypassing application in your electronics or crossover circuit. Only three values available: 0.01uF/630V, 4 uF/425V, and 10 uF/310V.
Madisound Eagle Resistor. Affordable resistor for your crossover. Made from Metal Oxide Film Non-Inductive. The sound is transparant and quite detail at its price range. Various value below 10 Ohm. All at 10 Wattage rating.
Op-Amp Gold Socket (8 pins). Delivers better quality than standard 8 pins socket. Absolutely cheap and affordable!
I have stocked all of this components on my drawer (not much, just few of them) 🙂 Due to high shipment cost, so usually I order more than my own needs. So, some of them may be sold for you. Feel free to email me if you need assistance how to get this components. Due to limited stock, I don’t guarantee for matched pair, but I will provide the best matched value for each components.
Thank you.
October 22, 2006 07:59pls give me the prices of the following item:
elna cerafine,rbp2,rubycon, sanyo (all value)
Jimmy Auw
October 22, 2006 08:09May I know your location?
Please send it to [email protected]
Better to discuss it by email rather than using this comments function.
Paul Morison
January 21, 2007 02:08Hi
I am interested in buying all of your 2sk170 MOSFETS
How many do you have and waht price including shipping to UK would you want
Many thanks
Jimmy Auw
January 21, 2007 11:19Hi Paul, I have some, less than 100 pcs i think… price around US$ 1-1,2…
But the shipping cost could be very expensive to UK 🙁 I’m at Asia/Indonesia.
Have you look around (at borbelyaudio) to find similiar things? I think if you can have it around Europe, the shipping cost could be lowered…
February 21, 2007 06:34Hello
I’m interested in purchasing stock of the Alps 100K motorized pots. I am located in the US. Please let me know your price and availability. I am interested in 10 – 25 pieces.
Jimmy Auw
February 21, 2007 09:40Hi Mark,
I’m located far away from you, I’m at Indonesia. And the shipping cost should be very expesive (as I’ve ever ordered few parts from US and the shipping cost was crazy 🙁 ).
Have you tried to check the item on Percy Audio? Perhaps they have some stock.
February 21, 2007 18:12Percy only has the 25mm 10K motorized pots. I need 16mm 100K volume pots, which I have been unable to locate in the states. Do you have stock, if so please quote, via email.
Jimmy Auw
February 22, 2007 15:21I will try to find out. I forget whether mine is 16 mm or not, but for sure it’s 100K.
Btw, the shipping cost from my country to your is gonna be very expensive… 🙁
February 22, 2007 17:41Thank you. We could ship via Fed EX using our account. Let me know and I will forward the info to you. Thanks so much.
February 23, 2007 08:03Also, we need to move on this very quickly. The part you pictured is the correct part. Please email your price and qty.
June 19, 2007 08:46bro, mau tanya nilai resistor vishay yang ada and berapa harganya untuk yang 1/2 w
September 14, 2007 16:42bro, mo tau alamat atau no hpnya 🙂 mau tanya parts
Yusak Ong
September 25, 2007 22:56Halo Pak, mau tanya berapa harga WBT Silver Solder per-rollnya. Thx
October 9, 2007 00:42Hi Jimmy,
I am interesting a some of these fine stuff. Guess it’s time for a price list?!
Anyway, pls. send me one. Best regards from Thailand, Peter
January 9, 2008 18:32Halo Jimmy,
Madisound Eagle resistor-nya mungkin salah ketik. Tertulis “capacitor”.
Salam dari Cibubur,
Alex – http://www.langsungjadi.com
Jimmy Auw
January 10, 2008 00:15Thanks Pak Alex… Jeli juga mata-nya…
Saya sendiri sudah tidak update lagi karena rata2 habis dipakai buat experimen sendiri hehehe…
January 18, 2008 02:39Pak kalo kapasitor utk suplay 10000uF 50V yg bagus n ngga terlalu mahal apa ya? serta kisaran harganya berapa. thx…
Jimmy Auw
January 18, 2008 09:0410000uF/50V paling cari2 Elna Glodok deh hehehe… Agak susah sih yang segede gitu… Kalo mau bagus bisa dapat Nichicon… ga terlalu mahal, tapi susah dicari… 🙁
January 18, 2008 16:13Pak Jimmy wondercap itu toleransinya brp persen yah, trus harganya brp untuk yg 10uf ?
kl untuk x-over pengaruhnya kemana kl kita pake toleransi yg lbh besar dr yg ditetapkan, thx
Jimmy Auw
January 18, 2008 17:00Wondercap yang pernah saya pake toleransi max 10%, rata-rata sih 3%…
Biasanya saya cari yang sama agar dapat match pair…
Wondercap saya sudah habis… terakhir stok lama paling tinggal 30-an pcs saja hehehe… sudah habis semua diborong orang 😀
February 2, 2008 23:16Salam Pak Jimmy, AD825 2pcs dan brown dog adapter 1pc masih ada stok ? Kalo masih, berapa harganya termasuk shipping ke Medan ? Terima kasih
Jimmy Auw
February 3, 2008 23:04AD825 tinggal sisa stok pribadi saja Pak… sekitar 4 pcs… Tidak saya jual hehehe…
Btw dari Medan tinggal nyebrang ke Singapore aja… di Farnell SG setau saya ada banyak.
John Kenny
March 7, 2008 09:43Can you give me some prices please on:
Blackgate 100uF/100V
Elna Cerafine 1000uF/50V
Sanyo Gold 1000uF/50v
and shipping to Ireland?
Jimmy Auw
March 7, 2008 11:41I’m afraid the shipping cost to Ireland could be so expensive.
I suggest you try to visit http://www.percyaudio.com
Thank you.
March 17, 2008 12:22saya tertarik dengan wonder caps hargnya berapa yaa??selain yg 10mF
hargnya timah solder WBt brp? terima kasih
March 22, 2008 12:54is Texas Instruments NE5532AP a ceramis op amp..? some body give me price 250000 include service.. is it cheap price..?
-best regard-
March 22, 2008 13:08i have modified my player dvd toshiba sd-1850 with siltech silver solder and gets a real sound warm..
i agree with you, op amp BB 2604 is op amp run of the mill in compairing with ADA 825.. i’m plan will change my op amp 2604 with ADA 825, buys LTC glodok..
Jimmy Auw
March 22, 2008 21:09For 250.000Rp, you better pick LM4562 or AD825. Million times better.
March 24, 2008 19:07what if I already got LM 4562 n still want to get some improvement?
Jimmy Auw
March 25, 2008 00:40Every opamp has its own characteristic. Pick based on your own taste.
March 27, 2008 11:27Halo pak Jimmy, kemarin liat caps Nippon Chemicon SMH 10000uF 50V 85’C. ringan bgt, emang ringan ya bobotnya dibanding merk abal2? harga pasarannya brp sih? kalo dibuat mod bagian suplai speaker cocok ngga ya?
Jimmy Auw
March 27, 2008 20:50Harusnya sih gak ringan2 amat Boss…
March 28, 2008 00:20wah berarti palsu ya pak? kalo ringan nya sih ngga tau yg asli seberapa, tp dibanding caps yg merk marcon jauh lbh ringan. harga 30k blm ditawar.
Jimmy Auw
March 30, 2008 13:02Wah kalo itu sih saya gak tau Pak hehehe… mesti liat dan bandingkan dulu…
April 3, 2008 16:10Bos Jimmy,
Apa ada saran untuk kebutuhan saya, elco 470uf atau 680uf 63v untuk power amplifier?
Jimmy Auw
April 3, 2008 20:48Kalo bisa dapet, coba cari Nichicon yang supply series (KG atau sejenisnya).
Bagus price performancenya…
April 13, 2008 00:17pak Jimmy minta info resistor Holco skalian pricenya ya, trims
John Crenshaw
May 5, 2008 05:37Id like to get a poteniometer, a big one for 12/24 volts Im testing things and need to regulate the amount of voltage to my units.
How much please for a few?
Thanks for your time
May 22, 2008 23:37Bro Jimmy, gw pingin tanya:
caps yg tiga kaki (nichicon 6800uF 40 volt, bawaan ampli bisa gk diganti dengan caps yg dua kaki saja. rencana saya mau ganti dengan nippon chemicon 10000uF SMH yg hanya dua kaki. thanx pencerahannya Bro Jimmy.
May 23, 2008 14:51Bro Jim, di forum chip bro dah jawab.. thanx
tp masih ada yg saya belum ngerti..
di circuit/pcb-nya memang ada lubang tiga kaki & caps aslinya memang pake 3 kaki.. tp ada yg bilang boleh pake yg dua kaki saja.. tinggal cari pada lubang circuit tersebut mana yg min & plusnya..
tolong penjelasannya bro Jim, krn kalo sampai salah pasang bisa berpengaruh merusak komponen lain, perbaiki-nya buat saya susah karena harus di cari satu2..
thanx bangat bro..
Jimmy Auw
May 23, 2008 16:13Makanya harus liat skemanya gimana bro. Biar tau apakah boleh pake 2 kaki atau tidak?
Kelvin Ngow
June 14, 2008 10:19Please give me a quote for the Nippon Chemicom KMH Capacitor. Value 450uf/450V for 6 pcs. Thank you
June 22, 2008 11:29om jimmy,
saya sedang cari Cap BG std/Fk/ 330uf/50v dan 10uf/16-50v
resistor Riken Ohm RMG 2W 330R, 10K, 27K
0.5W 680R dan 390R,
kalo ada info kira2 saya bisa cari dimana tolong kabari yah om. thx..
Jimmy Auw
June 27, 2008 22:02Riken coba cari di Lindeteves.
BG uda susah deh. Mesti beli dari luar.
July 2, 2008 02:22Bro Jim, Punya TKD tokyo koon potentiometer 2PCS65 Gold yang 25k ngga, sama ALPS potentiometer dengan 2 rotary(10k)? Kalo ada, harganya berapa? kalo ngga ada, ada info bisa dapet dimana?
Jimmy Auw
July 2, 2008 17:27Coba ke PercyAudio.
July 4, 2008 15:37pak jimmy, saya tertarik sama vishay s102nya, ada 20k atau 22k. saya perlu 2 saja, new atau used juga boleh, harganya berapa pak?
July 5, 2008 15:51pak, di lindeteves yg jual riken resistor di toko apa namanya, maklum saya baru di jakarta.Mungkin Bapak bisa kasih petunjuk. Terima kasih dan salam sejahtera.
Jimmy Auw
July 6, 2008 21:38Nama tokonya lupa Pak… ada di Lantai 2…
Tanya aja di sana yang jual barang2 elektronik audio… rasanya pada tau deh…
July 23, 2008 09:19hi jimmy i wanna ask do u have any cap that 330uf 16v or 25v i prefer Elna or Nichicon thanks
Jimmy Auw
July 23, 2008 22:11Where do you live?
July 25, 2008 14:29Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Jimmy Auw
July 25, 2008 23:49Check here:
Thank you.
July 26, 2008 01:07now u dont have any Elna cap 🙂 bcoz i need few pcs only
Jimmy Auw
July 27, 2008 16:21Hi,
Even if I have the parts, shipping cost to your country is very expensive.
Thank you.
July 28, 2008 13:58ohhh ok anywhere thanks
August 8, 2008 22:28Hi Jimmy,
I would like to mod MX5021 but i have no ideal to choose capacitor for the speaker unit and the large capacity cap.(10000uF) for the filter.
Would you please advice me where can get some Audio Cap. (like ELNA , Nichicon) in Hong Kong at reasonable price. Thanks alot. 🙂
Jimmy Auw
August 9, 2008 01:03Hi,
There are a lot of place to buy audio at HongKong.
I suggest you to join [email protected] to ask about audio shop at HK.
August 15, 2008 16:07yang di lindeteves itu maksudnya pasar lindeteves? atau lindeteves yang baru? atau harco glodok?
btw, sama dengan pak gunawan dan yusak ong, berapa harga timah solder WBt per rollnya? terima kasih
Jimmy Auw
August 15, 2008 21:35Lindeteves Trade Center, yang baru dan gede itu…
WBT bisa 500 ribu lebih segulung-nya… tergantung diameter dan panjang… ada beberapa versi seingat saya.
August 21, 2008 17:33Dear Jim, I just check the store at LTC as you recommend…WBT solder (roll package) is out of stock…it only available per 2 m = 25rb. Nice store…many tubes available there…ecc82 ecc83 kt88…you name it. prp, dale resistors, black gate and cerafine capacitors are available too. Should check the values for sure though. You guys should definitely have a visit!
August 29, 2008 16:59Pak Jim..numpang tanya punya wondercap atau hovland yang 2uF?
September 2, 2008 19:52sorry pak Jim…maksudnya yang 2.2uF
Jimmy Auw
September 2, 2008 21:40Hi,
Setau saya WonderCap cuman ada 0.47uF, 4uF, dan 10uF.
Hovland mungkin bisa coba ke yang biasa main car audio…
Kebetulan saya sendiri tidak/jarang pake Hovland ini jadi tidak pernah stok barang lebih.
September 4, 2008 20:42Dear Sir
Our company olive Electronics Pvt.Ltd is a trading company and since year
2000 we are buying and selling the stocks of electrolytic capacitors,leds
etc .We buy electrolytic capacitors which are slow
moving,overdue,ex-stocks only.
So we are ready to buy your company stock with any bulk quantity to which
the company has decided to sale as the (non moving stock).
With Best Regrads
Sukhbir Chauhan
G3/23-24,Sector-11 ROHINI Delhi-110085
Email:[email protected]
Msn:[email protected]
September 9, 2008 17:26Pak Jimmy,
Saya di tertarik dengan ELNA-CERAFINE yang 220uF/100V..berapaan pak?
Saya cuma butuh beberapa (mgkn +/- 8 pcs).. thanks.
September 9, 2008 17:27Oops.. ralat dikit..
maksud saya, saya butuh 4 pcs 220uF/100V dan 4 pcs 220uF/50V..hehehe..
thanks again.
September 10, 2008 12:11Pak Jimmy,
Masih punya stok Soket 8 kaki & Adaptornya kah?
Berapa price masing2 diatas?
Kalo Auri 3.3mF/400v dan 4.7mF/400v brp price?
Jimmy Auw
September 10, 2008 21:47Saya stok barang sudah jarang cek lagi bos. Nanti deh kalo uda sempet saya list semua yang sudah tidak terpakai.
Untuk Cerafine dan yang lainnya kalo butuh cepat bisa main ke Lindeteves, cari toko di deket kantin yang jual komponen (namanya Ko Ricky)… harusnya masih ada dan cukup lengkap.
October 14, 2008 16:34Mr. Jimmy,
masih ada stock potensio alps B 100K? aku butuh 2 pc, mohon infonya, thanks
October 14, 2008 16:35Mr. Jimmy,
masih ada stock potensio alps B 100K? aku butuh 2 pc, mohon infonya, thanks
Jimmy Auw
October 14, 2008 21:12Tinggal yang ALPS 100K Motorized itu aja Pak…
December 7, 2008 16:52pak Jimmy kalo mau beli komponen diatas secara on line dimana yah alamatnya(website)?biasanya berapa lama baru sampai di indonesia yah?sy tinggal di medan,disini gak ada yang menjual komponen audio grade,thanks pak Jimmy
Jimmy Auw
December 7, 2008 22:24Halo,
Kalo Anda di Medan, lebih baik nyebrang ke Singapure saja… Di sana ada cukup banyak toko yang menjual. Kalo beli online, ada risiko ongkos kirim mahal + kena cukai (belum lagi risiko barang hilang). Kalo bisa beli langsung, mending beli langsung aja Pak. Ongkos kirim dari luar kadang bisa sama dengan biaya nyebrang ke Singapore rasanya hehehe…
December 11, 2008 11:46pak jimmy
saya ada capacitor phillips BC 17000uf/63V screw in nganggur..
kondisi 95%, dimensi 45mmx90mm
sapa tau ada yg butuh bisa mail saya di [email protected]
January 29, 2009 10:37Om Jimmy, Lindeteves bisa kirim gak ya klo beli dari sana ?
Di sini (surabaya), nyari kelasnya cerafine aja setengah mati :(.
Klo bisa, ada web / contact yg bisa dihubungi ?
Trims sebelumnya
Jimmy Auw
January 30, 2009 00:05Bisa koq… langsung aja kontak Bos Ricky-nya.
Erik HD
February 4, 2009 04:13Pak Jimmy,
mau tanya harga AD825 nya + pcb browndog nya dong.. berapa harganya?
posisi sy di Bdg, buat ganti op amp musical fidelity A324,
o ya sanyo os con brapa jg
February 4, 2009 21:55pak jimmy….
salam kenal eddy…..,pak punya stok potensio meter yg ukuran 20k mono gak tiga kaki???? aku utk preamp mobil rangkaiannya mono pak ada gain 1 ma gain 2. merk yg ready adanya apa tkd/alps ma hrg skalian bs email jg di [email protected] thx
Jimmy Auw
February 4, 2009 22:10@Erik:
AD825 sudah lama banget saya beli, mungkin sekitar Rp 50-60 ribuan satunya. Browndog-nya juga dapat agak mahal, 75 ribuan kalo ga salah. Stok cuman tinggal beberapa pcs, buat pake sendiri.
Potensio saya hanya tinggal ALPS motor 100K saja Pak.
Erik HD
February 5, 2009 23:35ada saran ga, cari ke mana yah pak Jimmy?
di Bandung susah nih…. udah cari keliling bandung….
ato ada website mana yg jual
thanks ya
Erik HD
February 5, 2009 23:52kemarin2 pernah coba kontak ke bella audioparts, no teleponnya ga nyambung2 (no telepon tidak terdaftar katanya)…
barangkali pak Jimmy punya no telepon lainnya
Jimmy Auw
February 6, 2009 00:10Bella kadang buka agak siang. Nomor teleponnya setau saya yang di website itu.
Di Bandung coba ke Emerald aja… Biasanya di sana cukup banyak, cuman gak tau untuk 825 ini.
Erik HD
February 6, 2009 00:53emerald itu di plaza kosambi bukan pak Jimmy?
Erik HD
March 2, 2009 01:18Pak Jimmy, nanya lagi nih
saya lagi rombak D/A converter, sdh setengah jalan, beberapa capacitor digital sdh sy ganti pake oscon, rencananya signal cap mau di ganti pake blackgate,
resistor signal originalnya semua metal film std, lebih baik di ganti apa ya? metal film lagi atau carbon? tdnya saya lagi nyari kiwame, barangkali pak Jimmy punya?
nilainya 47ohm 2 unit, 1K 4 unit
Jimmy Auw
March 2, 2009 09:07Halo Pak,
Kiwame bisa coba ke Ko Ricky (Lindeteves).
Saran saya, mending rombaknya pelan2… jangan sekaligus semuanya, biar ketauan beda dan improvementnya. Karena kalo rombak sekaligus semuanya, nanti belum tentu cocok dengan karakter akhirnya dan mesti rubah2 lagi.
May 15, 2009 13:04pak jimmy, di Siemens PIO nya ada kode MP di body-nya itu menunjukan jenis atau kode apa ?
Jimmy Auw
May 15, 2009 21:32Wah saya juga kurang tau, mungkin singkatan dari Metalized Polypropylene.
July 2, 2009 21:23Pak Jimmy
Saya berminat dengan WBT-silver solder dan potentiometer.
Berapa harganya dan bagaimana cara belinya?
Jimmy Auw
July 3, 2009 21:19WBT Silver Solder hampir sejutaan satu roll Pak, semeternya mungkin bisa Rp 20.000.
Potentiometernya yang mana Pak?
August 16, 2009 00:20Di rumah saya ada Caps WIMA 0,1uf/400-/250~ tapi ada 2 jenis. yg satu FKP-1, yg lainya MKP-10 (dikasih dari teman & sisa2 TA).
saya gak tau mau pakai yang mana, yg bagus buat kopling kaps.
Mohon penjelasanya&saranya …
Jimmy Auw
August 16, 2009 09:52Keduanya bisa dipake. MKP-10 lebih umum. Dicobakan aja dua2-nya, karena karakternya berbeda.
August 28, 2009 20:17bro jimmy, ada capacitor 63v 3300uF gak? ada merk apa ajah? harga masing2 jg brp? thx 🙂
Jimmy Auw
August 28, 2009 21:26Gak ada bro.
Kebetulan saya ga jualan sih. Mungkin bisa cek ke Harco.
September 5, 2009 23:38i want to purchase RCA to RCA FEMALE ADAPTERS from you ?
plz mail me the details ….
September 13, 2009 11:58Dear Jimmy,
I’ve recently purchased 2x 100uF/25V Black Gate caps to upgrade my Artemis Labs LA1 pre-amp. On the BG cap there is ‘F’. Is the F equivalent to FK in the ‘K’ series? – Thanks
Jimmy Auw
September 13, 2009 22:25F is older version, while FK is the newer version.
September 22, 2009 01:47Om Jimmy boleh tahu ga beda Elna Cerafine yang Merah ma yang Hitam gimana???
Kalau dari kualitas bagusan yang mana???
Thx b4
Jimmy Auw
September 24, 2009 00:46Belum pernah cobain yang Hitam bro. Saya sejauh ini puas dengan yang merah.
October 20, 2009 00:50Om Jimmy soalnya kemaren sempat beli Elna Cerafine buat mod Edifier C3 kok dapetnya all black, padahal kalau lihat2 di inet (dokumennya) harusnya warna merah sleeve nya. Atau jangan2 palsu Om Jimmy…???
Thx b4
Jimmy Auw
October 20, 2009 20:43Ada koq Black Cerafine.
Jerry Moeck
December 13, 2009 00:02Hi Jimmy,
Was wondering what values you have in Hovland Musicaps? Am actually looking for an 8uf!
Jimmy Auw
December 14, 2009 19:42Hi Jerry,
I’m not selling this, but I think you can visit Percy Audio in USA. They still carry Hovland.
Gleen Mark
January 17, 2010 19:56Hello Jimmy! can you give me a price list for all the available polypropylene capacitors you have with a 100V capacity… I really need it so badly.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Jimmy Auw
January 18, 2010 21:50Hi Gleen,
Sorry I don’t have. Most items here are my personal stock and I’m not a professional seller. You can look around at PCX, PercyAudio, or Madisound.
Edi A S
January 22, 2010 16:03Hallo Jimmy! saya perlu banget potensio ALPS JAPAN 100KB stereo, dimana bisa saya dapatkan kalo ada stock boleh donk beli 4 buah buat bangun pre-amplifier, Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih.. Salam Audio mania
February 15, 2010 10:16Pak Jim. kalo ELNA Cerafine yang 100uF/100V di glodok (Bella) kira2 harganya berapa
Jimmy Auw
February 15, 2010 12:09Silakan tanya langsung ke Bella-nya Pak. Harga pasti saya kurang tahu.
March 18, 2010 18:23pak Jimmy, saya korek2 PSU dapat Nippon chemicon 200V/680uF, klo untuk proyekk gainclone enaknya dipasang dimana ya..nilinya kok kecil sih.
sementara supply power masih nyari siemens sikorel atau panasonic fc atau Roe di Pak Alex kok kosong, mugkin Pak jimmy bisa bantu saya klo ada stok cap ketiga diatas..nilai 2200uF keatas deh..
Jimmy Auw
March 18, 2010 22:08Hi,
Silakan pasang di PSU.
Saya tidak ada caps tersebut.
July 7, 2010 22:03Hi Jimmy,
Do you have some Blackgate FK 1000 uf / 50V ?
I am really interesting to purchase New or used ones
Thanks in advacne
Jimmy Auw
July 12, 2010 21:55Hi John,
Sorry don’t have any extra.
July 13, 2010 09:20For high quality audio parts check here: http://www.pcm63.com
July 14, 2010 23:38pak, timah WBT nya masih ada? kalo boleh tau berapa dijual untuk 1 rollnya. thx.
Jimmy Auw
July 19, 2010 22:54Maaf bro tidak dijual. Mungkin bisa dateng ke Lindeteves LTC (Bella-Audio) kalo mau beli WBT.
Jimmy Auw
July 26, 2010 18:06Halo Pak,
Tidak ada Pak. Hanya ada beberapa buah untuk saya pakai sendiri.
Coba mampir ke Glodok atau ke LTC. Mungkin masih ada.
October 21, 2010 08:55P Jimmy,
Apa anda punya capacitor wonder cap 0,47 uF, 4,7uF, 0,7uF
kemudian Capacitor WIMA, 47uF
dan Potensio TKD 100k
Klu punya, brp harganya? Saya tinggal di solo, ongkos kirim nanti saya yg nanggung.
Auw Jimmy
October 21, 2010 12:21Pak Sayogyo,
Tidak punya Pak. Coba mampir ke Glodok (cari Ayung) atau LTC (cari Bella Audio). Mereka rasanya punya.
teh teow bin
December 22, 2010 03:27hai jimmy ;i’m in this line ,i was in penang malaysia,do you interesting to buy condenser( elna, wima,nippon chemical,nichicon,aiwa yamaha…. 100000uf,470000uf ….) resistor ,emi filter ,cable….speaker(seen before RCF,monitor audio,sony,)and a lot acc….,i can get it from factory stock lot ,some in original packing ,some are used.
Auw Jimmy
December 23, 2010 05:59Hi Teh,
I’m not doing business on this.
February 6, 2011 08:55Salam kenal,Pak
Saya mau tanya dimana pak Jimmy beli capasitor SANYO OSCON ukuran 10uf/25v,thx
Auw Jimmy
February 6, 2011 11:19Halo Pak,
Ini koleksi lama Pak, sudah sekitar 6-7 tahun lalu.
February 8, 2011 23:18Pak ada potensio meter A5K ohm single? panjang As 2cm Rotari ato non rotari. thank you
Auw Jimmy
February 9, 2011 00:27Halo Pak,
Tidak ada Pak.
February 21, 2011 11:06klo elna cerafine 47uf/50v masi punya lebih gak om jimmy ? hehe..klo ada tak bayarin..
Auw Jimmy
February 21, 2011 22:59Halo Pak Andre,
47/50 Cerafine Merah sudah jadi limited items sekarang. Mungkin kalo mau cari yang Black Cerafine masih ada di Bella Audio LTC.
March 20, 2011 00:06coba di http://www.wibowo-audio.com
cerafine merah kemarin masih banyak, tau sekarang
April 19, 2011 09:23pak,capasitor solen sama auri 10 uF masih ada gak?
kalau ada brap harga nya? trus da induktor solen juga ga?
Auw Jimmy
April 19, 2011 09:33Halo,
Kalo Auricap bisa kontak Pak Malion ([email protected]). Dia distributornya sih.
Kalo Solen bisa coba cari di Glodok, rasanya masih ada.
June 1, 2011 21:00Malam pak, salam kenal,saya lg perlu kapasitor silver mica ukuran 10pF,33pF,100pF dan 330pF..kalo pak Jimmy masih punya stock boleh saya tahu harganya ?..makasih.
Auw Jimmy
June 2, 2011 21:26Halo,
Mungkin bisa dicoba dicari di Harco.
sam arora
October 15, 2011 21:05please give me your contact details. i am intrested in stock lots of electrolytic capacitors in big quantities.
Auw Jimmy
October 16, 2011 11:55Hi Sam,
I’m not a seller, just share some of my unused parts.
October 17, 2011 12:11pak masih punya ad 825 ga? kalo boleh nempil 2 biji dong
October 29, 2011 20:16hallo pak, boleh tau info dimana dapat Nichicon Fine Gold 22uF/100V. atau ada rencana mau dilepas? thks before.
Auw Jimmy
October 29, 2011 21:06Hi Pak,
Ini saya beli kira-kira 7 tahun lalu. Sekarang mungkin agak jarang, tapi boleh coba cari di Glodok atau LTC.
February 28, 2012 14:06hi pak jimmy,
apakah bapak ada R Vishay S102 ukuran 100 Ohm, kalau memungkinkan saya butuh 2 buah saja untuk upgrade I/V R di DAC.
Auw Jimmy
February 28, 2012 18:39Hi Pak,
Saya tidak ada, tapi rasanya di partsconnexion ada.
June 14, 2012 07:29Salam Kenal Pak Jimmy,
Saya perlu beberapa resistor dale 0.25watt kalo bapak punya tolong kirimi saya nilai resistornya dan berapa harganya lewat email saya: [email protected]
Auw Jimmy
June 14, 2012 21:03Hi Pak Didik,
Maaf saya tidak punya, tapi Bapak bisa coba hubungi Bella Audio atau Wibowo Audio. Mestinya mereka ada dan lengkap.
Terima kasih.
rusnadi bulle
August 3, 2012 02:08oum aku bulle audio cirebon temenya syarif..mau nanya,,,ic opa 2134 ada gk….tolong sms 081 220 866 42..tenxs perhatianya.,
Auw Jimmy
August 3, 2012 13:09Hi Pak,
Silakan mampir ke LTC atau Glodok. Ada beberapa toko spesialis parts di sana.
Sam DeShober
August 17, 2012 10:15Salam kenal Boss…
Pengen tahu pengalamannya nih bos…
Pernah bandingin performa sonic dioda vishay dgn dioda biasa ga bos (misalnya 1N 4002 biasa)…maksud saya perbedaanya apa terasa cukup signifikan pada rangkaian yg sama.
Auw Jimmy
August 17, 2012 12:50Bedanya jelas signifikan, Boss… tapi ga selalu cocok…
Sam DeShober
August 26, 2012 23:49Thanks Boss
Kalau kapasitor input yg cocok (optimal) buat power ampli seri STK apa ya boss…
Dari dulu saya senang dgn power IC STK
Sekarang saya lagi ngutak-atik STK401 yg katanya keluaran Sanyo
Auw Jimmy
August 27, 2012 22:46Hi Pak Sam,
Mesti dicocokan dengan selera juga Pak. Memang sekarang pake caps apa?
November 19, 2012 20:12pak jimmie,
untuk power supply gain clone LM3886 bagusnya pakai Capsistor apa ya…?
bagusnya berapa mf ya..?
membedakan IC gainclone yang asli sama yang kw bagaimana pak ya..?
Auw Jimmy
November 20, 2012 11:14Hi Pak Donny,
Panduan secara umum adalah sekitar 2200-4700uF per Ampere arus yang akan digunakan.
Capacitor yang bagus ada banyak Pak, tapi ada seleranya juga sih setiap orang. Jadi mungkin bisa coba2 dengan yang umum dipasaran dulu, nanti upgrade pelan2.
November 20, 2012 21:05terimakaish pak jimmie atas pencerahannya
November 21, 2012 17:54kalau kapasitor di Input gainclone fungsinya apaya..?
karena kalau saya lihat beberapa rangkaian ada yang pakai 1micro ada juga yang pakai 3 micro, bedanya dimana ya..?
Auw Jimmy
November 26, 2012 15:53Hi Pak,
Capacitor input ya sebagai coupling input, Pak.
Biasanya sekitar 2.2uF. Lebih besar atau lebih kecil akan mempengaruhi titik potongnya. Tapi silakan dicoba2 yang cocok.
February 26, 2013 09:11bagi agan2 smua yg jual elco mulai dr 1,5uf sampai 10uf yg 400volt silahkan hubungi sya erwyco 089699610737 secepatnya infokan
July 23, 2013 15:51apak jimy ada gak ic lm4742b dan mj11028/29?dimn sy mndpatkanny?
Auw Jimmy
July 24, 2013 11:52Tidak ada, Pak. Mungkin bisa cari di Glodok.
December 19, 2013 17:23Salam kenal pak Jimmy, saya Saka Samarinda apakah bapak ada punya -AMTRANS AMCH Capacitors 4700pf 2 pcs
-Sprague Orange Drop Series 716 0.1uf 2 pcs
-ELNA Cerafine red ,47uf/35v atau 50v 3pcs, 22uf/35v atau 50v 1pcs, 1uf/50v 4pcs…
sekiranya ada bisa kabari saya terimaksih
Auw Jimmy
December 19, 2013 21:34Hi Pak,
Maaf saya tidak ada. Boleh coba ke Wibowo Audio atau ke Bella Audio.
Terima kasih.
November 15, 2014 22:44are the AMTRANS AMCH Capacitors any good?
(sorry, only speak English and very bad Italian!)
Auw Jimmy
December 3, 2014 07:30Hi AAAAA,
Sorry, I never tried that one.
January 8, 2015 21:38I tried the 1200pF AMCH amtrans… seems to work quite well.
I need a SMALL and CHEAP, low voltage 1uF polypropylene cap. 50v or even 10v would be fine!
Most polypropylene caps tend to be high voltage and large. Maybe they can’t get the polypropylene film thin enough to make a 50v or even 10v version!?
Auw Jimmy
January 8, 2015 22:39Hi,
Yes, not easy (or very rare) to find low voltage polypropylene.
March 27, 2015 15:47perbedaan tombol fine dan course apa ya?
Auw Jimmy
April 2, 2015 21:51Hi,
Perbedaannya di tingkat akurasi tuningnya.
June 21, 2015 22:43Permisi mau numpang tanya..saya butuh capasitor solen 22 mikro farad..kira2 saya bisa dapat dimana ya??
Auw Jimmy
June 24, 2015 16:25Hi Pak Hendrick,
Bisa coba ke Bella Audio atau Wibowo Audio.
August 28, 2015 07:49Hi Pak Jimmy,
Wibowo Audio yang online itu recommended ya? Mau cari kiwame sama caddock dan finegold dimana?
Auw Jimmy
September 6, 2015 22:13Pak Luq,
Wibowo atau Bella Audio so far cukup lengkap koleksinya.
January 24, 2016 03:56Hello Jimmy
How much for two Wonder Cap 10uf 310v ?
I would try this in my Magnepan speaker
greetings Pieter
Auw Jimmy
January 25, 2016 22:26Hi Pieter,
Sorry I dont have stock anymore. Maybe you can take a look at percyaudio.com if he got stock?