First, I need to say sorry because I haven’t updated this blog for quite some time. Crazy busy with my daily office life. I have some good stuff on hand, but unfortunately don’t have much time to take picture and upload to this blog.
Second, I got email last month from Rob ( regarding my ‘No Name’ Capacitor. You can read his comment yourself below.
I believe the SE45 definitely could have used of big capacitance of the ‘No Name’ Capacitor. And surely with its internal 4-pole construction, it will bring a lot of benefit in terms of the noise filtration, which translated into a better musicality and excellent speed/dynamic. Not mentioning it was specially tuned for music (well, by me off course!).
July 22, 2014 03:07hi,
have you compared your ‘no name cap’ to Claritycap TC4….they sing not bad either.
Auw Jimmy
July 22, 2014 20:10Hi,
I might not be fair if I have to give my own impression about this capacitor vs the rest 😉
But yes, I have compared it with TC4.
August 6, 2014 19:40Jimmy,
I need a few of ur awesome 4-pole for my cd player n preamp at psu stage. Any other values like 1000uf/50v or etc..450v not needed as its not a tube gears.
Auw Jimmy
August 8, 2014 10:01Hi,
Theoretically speaking, all common value should be possible.
But the only problem is the price itself which is quite expensive.
I don’t think many people would spend hundred $$$ for one pc of such caps (or I could be wrong?).
Thank you for your interest.
August 9, 2014 15:15pls email me the price or at least estimation
Auw Jimmy
August 10, 2014 20:33Email sent!
no name
September 9, 2014 13:35ha ? capasitor Jembrong ada yg 1000uf 450V ? bisa segede apa itu he……he…….
Auw Jimmy
September 9, 2014 13:46Eh ada Suhu Yoe… Apa kabar Boss? Saham naik terus?