Resistor is another interesting passive parts that could affect the sound. I used to be familiar with Vishay S102 Foil Resistor which well known as one of the finest sounding resistor. They are also very precise instrument grade resistor. Nowadays, some debatable opinion says that a naked version could sound even better. So I welcome you, a top-of-the-line naked Z-Foil resistor, TX-2575 made by Texas Components.

Interestingly enough, such company could receive one (single) pc custom value resistor.

Each rated around 0.6 Watts only. So I request several pcs combined to get higher rating. I don’t like s0mething less than 1 Watts (sound wise, they are not on the comfortable level), although the actual usage for this resistor on my application will be 0.04 Watts only.

This resistor is considered as one of the most expensive resistor if we calculate from the “cost-per-Watts” point of view. Available in 0.6 Watts rating only, if you want to get higher, then prepare to double or triple the cost.

Back side of the resistor, in detail view. Quite interesting to see the construction of this resistor.

Type of the resistor is written on the back with white paint. The value also written below the model description.

The front side, as we have discussed previously, shown in naked.

More detail of the naked construction.

Very interesting to see the detail and craftsmanship of this resistor. The length and width of this resistor is around 6 mm x 6 mm, with around 2 mm thickness.