I always have dream to have a separate and dedicated passive volume control. There was a time when I was offered to acquire few sets of Grayhill ‘M’ series rotary switch. Although it has 7 Decks which definitely overkill for most application, but seeing the quality of the switch, I decided to grab some.
Although ‘M’ Series from Grayhill is not Military qualified switch, but it meets the requirements of MIL-S-3786 which covers moisture resistance, medium and high shock, vibration, thermal shock (from minus 65 up to over 125 degree Celsius), salt spray, explosion, terminal strength (2 lbs pull minimum), and stop strength (15 pound-inches minimum). Quite convincing, huh? The simple but major different is, the ‘HS’ Military grade will have a sealed shaft and panel. That will make a lot of different in ‘heavy’ environment, but probably not much at home.
Each switch is bundled inside a plastic tube. Nice and convenient way to carry the switch and also easy to be put on the storage bin.
The build quality is like a tank. The rotor contact is silver alloy, plated with gold. Meanwhile all the terminal are brass plated with silver then and with gold also.
Massive 7 Decks will make this switch could support up to 7 channels passive preamp. Well, I will not use this for my home theater project for sure.
The standard Grayhill engraved logo on the back of the switch. You can also see the terminal numbering there.
I’m thinking a stereo ladder stepped attenuator. So at least it will occupy 4 Decks. The rest 3 Decks could be use for other purpose which just flying over my head – but well, I will keep them as secret at this moment 🙂
January 9, 2012 23:01Malam Ko,
Boleh bagi info beli dimana rotary switchnya?
Salam 🙂
Auw Jimmy
January 9, 2012 23:10Hi Pak Agus,
Bisa dilihat di sini:
Tinggal yang mana yang dekat saja 🙂
January 11, 2012 15:44Wah MANTAP!!!, tapi “ganjil” nilainya Mbah Jim
Kalau mau dibuat “Ladder type”, jadi nganggur satu 🙂
Auw Jimmy
January 11, 2012 15:58Hi Mbah Tjeret,
Ganjil itu bisa dimanfaatkan koq… Hayo buat apa coba? 😀
Nanti deh kalo jadi bikin, bisa keliatan buat apa tuh satu yang ganjil.
January 11, 2012 20:13Sudah mikir 10 menitan, nyerah Mbah Jim 😀
Saya tunggu RAHASIAnya di Artikel Selanjutnya 🙂
La Ode
Auw Jimmy
January 11, 2012 21:43Asal sabar aja ya Mbah… tau sendiri gaya saya yang sangat lama untuk menyelesaikan proyek (mati di konsep biasanya)… Pengerjaan nanti tunggu pensiun kali…
July 14, 2012 10:43Bro Jimmy, beli komponen beginian gimana caranya sih? Hand carry dari negara tetangga?
Soalnya saya ud ngk berani order komponen dari luar (padahal butuh banget) karena takut sama pemerasan pajak bea cukai. Ud pernah kejadian 2x, dan meskipun saya tau itung2an pajak resminya, tetep aj waktu itu ngk nolong (abis di gangbang sama para petugas, terus diancam2 kalo ngk mau bayar jumlah yg mereka minta, ya paketnya disita) Menyebalkan!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(
Auw Jimmy
July 15, 2012 19:33Hi Brian,
Ya beli saja biasa Pak. Kadang juga beli di negeri tetangga kalo lagi pas ada urusan ke sana. Atau yang beli dari penjual di sini (kadang di online shop atau toko2 sejenis).
Kalo beli dari luar negeri dan dikirim ke Indonesia via Pos/kurir seperti DHL/UPS/Fedex, jika harga di atas $50, nanti akan terkena biaya masuk sesuai dengan aturan pajak (nilainya pajaknya berbeda berdasarkan jenis barang).