A relay in your audio path? Can’t imagine that before, although the practice is quite common on commercial audio application.
The function of the relay in your audio path is to prevent any unstable (or unpredictable) condition which may happens in your equipment during the power up session. Normally, some of your equipment will produce pop or thump sound during the power on due to inrush current or spark on the power switch. If there is no relay on your audio path, this kind of sound will directly hit your speaker. Although not commonly happens, if happens, it could damage your speaker.
I’m a kind of guy who doesn’t care about this before, but now I’m thinking to have it. Why? I think it’s time for DIY to learn how to make all the things professionally. Not just based on his/her own ego. If you don’t like it, try to solve it, not to avoid it. I know best fuse is no fuse at all, but compared to the risk, I prefer to use the fuse.
This project is still under development. The idea is still under experimental stage, not yet published.
First thing first, we have to find a good relay.
Well, there is some relay specified on the signal path. But they are rare and quite expensive. I will start with a cheap and easy to get brand, Omron. I prefer the one with copper bar, probably better than other metal type.
Omron has some models, from different country. Below is bigger one, up to 10A, while above is smaller one, up to 5A.
The idea is to modify the relay so it could be acceptable on the signal path. How we are going to do that? Well, it’s still under experimental stage and I’m testing some possibilities.
I also purchase a speaker protector kit (time delay and DC offset detector). I remove the DC feedback detector since I don’t need that, so I just use the startup time delay function. And off course, we will upgrade the relay with the new “modified” one.
I will update some more once I got more “proven” result.
Kasan Santosa
December 17, 2010 09:49Menurut saya bila rangkaian dan jalur2 sudah benar, kecil kemungkinan terjadi pop & hum. Saya sudah buat beberapa ampli tampa speker protektor atau line cut-off dan tidak mengalami masalah saat on/off.
Auw Jimmy
December 17, 2010 19:43Halo Pak Kasan,
Tube atau SS Pak? Preamp atau Amp?
Tergantung barangnya juga and beberapa faktor lainnya.
December 22, 2010 01:36Halo bro Jimmy,
Relaynya mau diapain lagi itu bro? Saya dulu niat mau coba-coba juga mod relay, tapi yang keliatan bisa diganti cuman kabel input sinyal ke kontaktor logamnya.
Auw Jimmy
December 23, 2010 05:58Hi Bro Roy,
Salah satunya itu.
Salah duanya lagi dicoba2… hehehe…
December 23, 2010 21:50Waduh….masih dirahasiakan nih 😛 Kalo gitu ditunggu terobosannya bro
Auw Jimmy
December 24, 2010 09:32Hi Bro Roy,
Sementara ini lagi nunggu PCB shunt dari bakulnya Ode he he he…
December 24, 2010 11:44Wow….make shunt juga, tambah penasaran mau diapain aja ini barang??? Apa jalur coilnya ga dipake, make rangkaian aktif untuk control kontaknya?
Kalo medan magnet coil relay itu ngaruh sampai gimana sih bro? Saya sampe sekarang sih masih cukup puas dengan level noise yang ada (karena masih belum ada preamp tabungnya). Terus untuk tegangan coil mending ambil yang make 12V atau 24V?
Thanks before.
Auw Jimmy
December 24, 2010 14:58Err… shunt sih salah satu pelengkap, bukan bagian penting dari relay ini juga hehehe. Moga2 berhasil baru ditunjukkin deh, kalo gagal sih ga usah :p
Coil sih kayanya lebih kecil lebih ok ya. Biasanya buat sound card gitu Takamisawa malah cuman 6V.
January 29, 2011 14:28Bro Jimmy, gimana kabar relaynya?
Auw Jimmy
January 29, 2011 21:06Hi Roy,
Masih dianggurin he he he…