Today, I drill some acrylic and heatsink to mount the regulator PCB. What a tiring drilling job! Not too easy to drill a lot of holes on the heatsink, though (not included the wrong holes one!).
Finally, the PCB could be mounted beautifully. The pass transistor mounted on the separate heatsink on the bottom. I just need to wire them to the PCB, add the main transformer, then we can evaluate its performance.
November 29, 2010 17:48wah..keduluan om Jim wuy…:D
December 8, 2010 22:58itu diodanya berapa ampere (IFnya) dan resistornya berapa watt ?
Auw Jimmy
December 8, 2010 23:48Ya secukupnya kamu mau pake aja bro kalo dioda mah.
Resistor 1/2W cukup koq, kecuali yang buat jengkolnya kasih 5W.
La Ode
December 12, 2010 22:37Ini Rencanya buat Supply apa Mbah Jim ?
Koq butuh sampai sebesar itu 🙂
Auw Jimmy
December 12, 2010 23:40Malam Mbah Ode,
Niatnya buat supply digital AV player saya, mintanya di atas 2A. Aslinya pake switching, mau ‘ta ganti ama yang ginian ajah. Kali2 nolong suaranya.
August 2, 2011 00:48Hi. Where I cand find the schematic of this power supply ?
August 2, 2011 00:48Hi. Where I can find the schematic of this power supply ?
Auw Jimmy
August 2, 2011 20:31Hi Mike,
It’s a standard power supply. Many on the Internet.
May 1, 2012 21:29salam,
saya ada toroid made in usa 2x36v 500va, mau dipakai untuk power amp with +/-25v rails, so daripada mubazir terpaksa saya regulasikan saja, kira2 apa ada rangkaian regulator terbaik untuk menghandle 500va current?
dan apakah pengaruh ke suara akan lebih baik atau buruk?