Finally, with the help from my girlfriend, I manage to get the Nuvotem Talema Transformer on hand within a week. It’s rated at 6.3A with 2x18V output or about 225VA. Not bad for my LM1875 huh…
Another beautiful picture of it.
Finally, with the help from my girlfriend, I manage to get the Nuvotem Talema Transformer on hand within a week. It’s rated at 6.3A with 2x18V output or about 225VA. Not bad for my LM1875 huh…
Another beautiful picture of it.
November 30, 2009 15:41Toroidal power transformers are so rare (even Stancor do not manufacture them), and expensive too. I have salvaged many power electronic systems, however managed to find only one in a studio quality power amplifier made in England.
Answer me a question and make me grateful. Why you preferred the use toroidal transformer in power supply application (at low frequency)? With my experience nothing compared to your majestic expertise, I custom wound a high quality E-I frame type power transformer rated at 25V 20A. Why did not you?
Jimmy Auw
November 30, 2009 21:19Hi,
Toroid is not that expensive. And we can get some advantages, like lighter weight, smaller dimension, low interference/low noise, etc, comparing with EI design.
It’s not easy to get high quality EI cores in my country, and also not easy to get good solid copper wire.
With this current situation, I would rather go with the toroid.
December 1, 2009 16:29Segera di install donk Boss Jim 😉
Kasian tuh pasukan itemnya udah haus arus listrik hehe..
December 1, 2009 16:36The points you highlighted are stone sturdy. However, I may never get access to one in my country. Thanks for the reply.
I have been fascinated by your quality control from day one. And the enthusiasm to take up challenges that researches would run away from. And success in this field demands quality test and measurement instruments. What instruments (brands and models) do you use? I would use your answer as suggestion and advice.
I am pursuing post graduation in Electronic Instrumentation. Your reply will have me obliged.
Jimmy Auw
December 1, 2009 21:14Hehehe… ngumpulin mood dulu bro…
Jimmy Auw
December 1, 2009 21:15Hi,
I’m just a DIY, don’t own sophisticated stuff. But sometime and luckily, I have access to such “not too bad” equipment – but definitely far from sophisticated.
December 7, 2009 jim..itu trafo brp duit kl boleh tau?? yang 12v yak..:D..
thankz om~
Jimmy Auw
December 7, 2009 20:45Hi,
Nuvotem/Talema silakan cek aja di website harganya. Saya tidak hafal. FYI, ongkos kirimnya bisa = harganya hehehe.
December 8, 2009 11:07[quote]FYI, ongkos kirimnya bisa = harganya hehehe.
:o….gak jadi deh..:p..oia..merek ini dibanding merek lokal bagus mana ya pak??..
Jimmy Auw
December 8, 2009 21:25Hehehe… beda “aliran” lah bro Talema ama merek lokal lah.
December 8, 2009 23:15Talema ama merk gak jelas bagaikan PSU simbokde lawan corsair ya pak, hahaha…
December 9, 2009 13:15wekekekekekekekek….:p..terus yang ada di pasar indonesia yang bagusan apa donk pak??:D..(jangan yang terlampau mahal yah..=))..kantong remaja nih..:p)
Jimmy Auw
December 9, 2009 20:37Hehehe… ada harga ada rupa lah.
Jimmy Auw
December 9, 2009 20:38Paling cari yang China punya.
March 31, 2011 10:03Siang ko,
Menurut pengalaman ko Jimmy, apakah trafo berpengaruh banget terhadap warna dan kualitas suara seperti misalnya kalau kita menggunakan filter capacitor yang berbeda?
Auw Jimmy
March 31, 2011 21:15Hi,
Efek trafo bagus sangat terasa pada suara, walaupun bukan memberikan warna seperti capacitor.
April 15, 2012 17:06ko jimmy,
kalo boleh saya beli satu donk talemanya, pas banget nih buat F5 saya, 2x18v 225va.
boleh ya… heehehehe…
Auw Jimmy
April 15, 2012 21:25Maaf Bro Peter,
Saya sendiri cuman ada sebuah.