I also got chance to test the Mundorf M-Solder Supreme Silver/Gold. This is one of the finest solder on the market. Currently, I use WBT for most of my main project. But the chance to try the M-Solder shouldn’t be wasted, right?
This Mundorf M-Solder Supreme Silver/Gold consists of:
- Sn: 88.6%
- Cu: 1.8%
- Ag: 9.5%
- Au: 0.1%
I think Mundorf should mark this material in better fashionable way. As you can see below on the photo, the marking S-Sn88,6Cu1,8Ag9,5Au0,1 makes me some headache when reading it. C’mon Raimund (Mundorf), didn’t you should have enough space to separate the commas between them? 😉
From a slight listening test, this Mundorf M-Solder Supreme Silver/Gold has a very natural sound. It doesn’t have extra “cling” as WBT Silver Solder, but the tonal and detail are just “there”, “enough”, and “sweet”. I think both WBT and this Mundorf has their own application based on where you will use it, but definitely, they are both on the top level of performance. Btw, the Mundorf is about 1.5 times more expensive than the WBT.
Some different also on the appearance. The M-Solder will not have “too shiny” like WBT, but a little bit “dull silver color” (well, the effect of Gold material for sure). Also the smell totally different with WBT (I’ve been using WBT for more than 7 years I think, so I definitely recognize the apperance and smell of it).
November 24, 2009 19:45boss, dulu saya pernah beli cuma 1 meter, tapi karena sedikit pas mau pake lupa ketiban apa kali… kemarin beli lagi peruntukannya u signal path aja kali ya.. tinggal tunggu mood nyoldernya niih.
sudah nyoba di bandingkan saat ganti2 coup cap?
thanks /ARA
Jimmy Auw
November 24, 2009 21:49Halo Pak Ara,
Memang bagus di signal. Belum sempat bandingkan detail sih, soalnya kalo mau fair harus bandingkan full WBT vs full M-Solder. Bisa boncos hehehe. Tapi overall kombinasi WBT dan M-Solder ini kayanya bagus deh.
February 11, 2010 11:00Looking for a place to buy this kind of solder or something in this quality line but can’t find anyone who sells it…
Jimmy Auw
February 11, 2010 21:45Where are you located?
Online webstore like PCX or eBay should have it.
Bang Rossi
May 18, 2010 17:52Bagus untuk signal ya.. hmm kalo untuk grounding overkill ga ya bang jim?
Jimmy Auw
May 18, 2010 18:04Kalo budget ada sih ga overkill Bang hehehe…
November 10, 2011 04:08Pak Jim,
apa pernah coba yang Mundorf MSolder silver/gold? (S-Sn 95,5 Cu 0,7 Ag 3,8 Au)
Kalau WBT-8000 (silver 4%) dan Mundorf silver/gold (non supreme) bagus mana ya?
Auw Jimmy
November 10, 2011 20:58Hi Pak Mul,
Mundorf yang pernah saya coba hanya yang di gambar itu Pak. Suara lebih kalem daripada WBT sih…
April 24, 2014 05:30Hi Jimmy
What i read in your review. you liked the WBT silver solder over Mundorf? It is much cheaper also. Some years ago i used a silver lead WBT, and it gave beautiful solder joints.
If I was you, would say go with WBT?
Thanks Sam
Auw Jimmy
May 1, 2014 22:10Hi Sam,
Both are good solder. Just depends on the usage, I think.