Some of you have emailed me asking to finish the Gainclone – Black Gate Power Supply project, and well, I’m about to complete it with some modification. Here is the “sneak-peeks” 😉
The rectification section is made dual, total 8 pcs of MUR860 will be used here.
The acrylic isn’t a good “accessory” for audio application. After several consideration, I decide to create a PCB, a huge PCB to be exact. Could you guess the schematic? 😉 Just wait.
November 16, 2009 16:31Wadouwwww…..
jadi rencananya “pasukan hitam”nya dipindah kesini toch Oom Jim? wah, bakalan tambah lama lagi donk si GC berdendang? padahal udah gak sabar 😀
Jimmy Auw
November 16, 2009 17:51Hehehe… ga liat post yang lain ya? 😉
December 10, 2009 06:50Apa ntar dikasih ‘tulang’ (kabel tunggal solid 2,5mm mungkin) jalur PCBnya untuk menjamin kelancaran arus yang mengalir?
Jimmy Auw
December 10, 2009 21:19Tidak perlu ditambah tulang lagi karena secara matematis sudah cukup.
June 12, 2011 03:19pak jimmy
beli mur860 yg bisa dipercaya keasliannya dimana ya ? hehe.. kalau dibandingkan dengan mur8100 bagus mana ?
Auw Jimmy
June 12, 2011 15:37Hi,
Coba ke Marconi di Glodok.