Being a perfectionist is not easy (and not cheap). Still remember my ambitious project before? I want to make it perfect, so let’s start the 1st phase, testing the capacitor (I mean, the Black Gate) 😉
I will use 60 Black Gate capacitors on the power supply. First 30 pcs for positive rail, and another 30 pcs for negative rail. I want both rails have similar capacitance (or as similar as possible). So first capacitor on positive rail will have similar capacitance value on first capacitor on negative rail. Too perfectionist?
I need to know exactly the capacitance of each Black Gate. You know that every capacitor has around 10% tolerance. So when it’s written 680uF, it may vary between 680-68 or 680+68. Who knows? The meter knows.
I write down all the values one by one on a piece of paper in the form of 10×6 matrix. Then, I sort it one by one (well, with the help of Microsoft Excel). It takes few minutes to accomplish this simple task with Excel. Below is the sorted value.
Now we start the “game” to put the Black Gate in correct position. Move move move!!!
Task accomplished! Both channel will have similar capacitance.
Dino Ary
April 20, 2009 10:37Aha! Brother Jimmy is playing Checker with BG! Or Trying to solve Sudoku Quiz?
Hahahaha… the next question is : Are you ready to solder those pins?
May The Force of The Solder be with you
April 20, 2009 15:34beli meterannya dimana bro??..Pengen juga tuh punya meteran kayak gitu..Biar tau bagus apa kagak
Jimmy Auw
April 20, 2009 17:13@Dino Ary:
Dipajang dulu aja bro. Siapin tenaga dan semangat buat nyolder hahaha.
Masih lama kayanya huehuehue…
Di Glodok ada jual.
Tapi bukan tau masih bagus atau ga, hanya berapa capacitance-nya.
April 22, 2009 14:15eh iya..ada yang lupa..kan di rumah DIY audio..masalahnya gak pake filter di bagian input ke trafonya (220V).Kalo aku mau pakein kapasitor AC (NP) pakeinnya gimana??( paralel dengan PLN atau seri dengan salah satu kabel input tegangan trafo)..Thankz..
Erik HD
May 20, 2009 22:29pak Jimmy..
loh kayak mau ngitung nomor buntut
ntar di pajang fotonya yang sudah di solder yah..
Kasan Santosa
June 29, 2009 16:49I wonder if the capacitance will be change after break-in period, can it?
Jimmy Auw
June 29, 2009 21:36It shouldn’t…
November 14, 2009 17:03You make my fantasy become real hahaha.. 😀
Can’t wait any longerrrrr….
Please, finish it Oom Jim 😉
Jimmy Auw
November 14, 2009 19:07Almost, nambahin 10 BlackGate lagi. Sama nungguin Trafo Talema-nya.
July 20, 2010 13:31kenapa harus diurutkan ko jimmy??
urutnya berdasar apa??
Jimmy Auw
July 23, 2010 22:48Masalah idealisme aja bro.