One factor that makes me like tube is its glow. Well, it’s hard to explain, but some tubes have a beautiful color, especially in dark room. Here is some of them.
Below is the 0A3/VR75 tube. It has red/fire color. Very bright and aggresive.
Below is 0C3 (VR105). It has purple color, tends to have “softer” light. The higher voltage variant, the 0D3 (VR150) also shares similar color.
Below is one of the most “dangerous” tube. It’s tube #83 Mercury Vapor Rectifier. It has Mercury inside and will glow blue when the plates conduct the high voltage. Very-very beautiful tube – despite the danger of the Mercury. It has 2 plates, and will show blue color when glowing. Since I use my Knight 600 tube tester, I can’t activate both plates together. That’s why you only see blue light glowing from left plate.
Photo below shows the right plate is conducting the high voltage, so only the right plate is glowing blue.
I switch the tube tester to activate the left plate, so you can see the blue glowing comes from left side.
On the real world, both plates will conduct the high voltage, so you will see a “complete” blue glowing from both plates.
Many more beautiful tubes in the world, like the white light from Thoriated Tungsten. Hope I can have enough life, courage, and money to enjoy those tubes someday 😉
April 13, 2009 17:47all i can say is beautiful…
April 16, 2009 16:45That’s beautiful!!!..
April 17, 2009 11:48“Hope I can have enough life, courage, and money to enjoy those tubes someday”
Yes, you can! Count me in, count me in 😀
April 17, 2009 12:28Yes, I will count you in honey 🙂
So sweet 🙂
Steve Emeny.
May 21, 2009 03:47Yeh, I quite agree..they are amazing man !!!
The light effect, is really beautiful indeed, and very enigmatic…and somewhat eerie too !!
Other ones with good effects too~ are RG1-125, RG1-240A, & 866..These ones are all Mercury vapour rectifiers as well, and they give off a very bright blue light…the 866 has a more “ghostly” misty light ..
Try them out man !!!
Steve. ( Hatfield, Hertfordshire. England uk. )
Dani kurniawan
May 26, 2009 01:49Permisi Pak Jimmy, klo bisa jangan yg tabung penyearah sama penguatnya aja Mas, coba deh tabung2 ”MATA KUCING” sama tabung display ”NIXIE”
Biar kita2 gak cuma suka suaranya tapi juga suka bentuk dan nyalanya tabung
Jimmy Auw
May 26, 2009 09:01Halo,
Saya juga koleksi lampu Nixie, tapi bingung aplikasinya mau diapakan hehehe. Lagi mau main2 dengan bargraph display IN13-nya, cuman masih mikir2 driver-nya dulu.
Dani kurniawan
August 8, 2012 23:56Om Jimmy, mau tanya kalo penyearah untuk KRL (kereta listrik) seperti ini tergolong tabung mercury vapor juga gak?
Auw Jimmy
August 15, 2012 11:47Yes, Pak Dani. Termasuk harusnya.
December 9, 2012 08:57Hi Jimmy..
Yeh, they are great !!
“VR’s are very effective indeed” I agree !!
I have rigged up myself a little unit ~ using an “83” these look absolutely awesome, as in your picture ( especially if you rig-up and connect both get the “blue light” evenly..and looks amazing !!..also in the rig, I have 2 mercury vapour “half-wave” reccies.which produce that lovely enigmatic blue mist..also “one of each” of the VR’s 75,90, 105. & 150, which all give diff coloured light effects as youve displayed..the “VR90” is quite a rare one…but if you can find one///give it a try…the “90” produces a beautiful “deep purple” light..which is very nice indeed…so its quite an effective little light display !!
Another one worth trying is the G240/2D…these are real cool…you get an orange light around the disc thing at the bottom of the valve, a purple light from the top of the little glass tube that runs up inside it..and half-way between the get a blue you get all three diffrent light effects, in this one valve…they are amazing !!
Have fun 🙂