Quite a busy week with a lot of daily work. So this hobby will be pushed to next priority for sure. But I managed to get myself consistent in spending 1-2 hours every week installing new parts on my Elekit TU-8900 project.
So here are some photos from the activities. I’m trying to make the upgrade “more fun” as the upgrade should not only be a feast for ears, but also for eyes 🙂
We can see below some giant red Black Gate Non Polar as cathode bypass. TX2575 in series for cathode resistors. Audio Note Silver Tantalum 2W for grid input. Some TKDs as grid leakage resistor. Behind the Black Gate, we can see 5 Rikens in parallel – that’s another set of cathode resistors. We could also see on Shinkoh Tantalum 2W resistor as well there on second/third photo – I think for feedback.
The OCD side of me really tested here… 🙂