A bit tough later these days to find a good reclock module. Somehow, I was interested to try this one: TCXO Module from D/A Mental (a bit strange name, huh?).
The specification is quite promising, like below:
- Frequency : 22.5792MHz
- Precision : 1ppm
- Operating voltage : +3.3Vdc
- Operating current : 25mA (MAX)
- Output Waveform : TTL/CMOS
- Duty cycle : 40/60%
- Frequency stability Vs Temp : +/- 5ppm (0 ~ +50 C)
- Phase noise : -135dBc/1KHz(10M)
- Package : 20.4 x 12.8 x 7.5mm
- Aging : +/- 2ppm/Yr.
So far I used to be a big fans of TentLabs for his clock module. But lately Guido is hard to be reached. So alternative option should be considered… I would be more than interested to compare this vs TentLabs, but unfortunately I only have 27 and 12 MHz clock from TentLabs, and they are not TCXO.