Yes, I’m kind a lazy guy when it comes to realization (or finalization) of my DIY project. But I think I’m gonna (or I have to) be serious to finalize this… Well, at least I have finished the component layout. Soon to have the final top plate machined based on this layout.
Soon I will post and (maybe) explain a bit about the layout and some of the reason what you should and should not during designing the component placement.
March 4, 2013 10:39Siang Ko,
Romantic juga ngukur trafo pake candle light…:D
Salam 🙂
Auw Jimmy
March 4, 2013 10:57Siang Bro,
Kebetulan pas mati lampu saja sih…
March 17, 2013 18:39Ayoo Oom semangaaaatt!! 😀
Auw Jimmy
March 17, 2013 22:49Semangat 45 ya Om 🙂
April 4, 2013 16:39waduh,.. si om
aki kering plus led lebih adem om 🙂
Auw Jimmy
April 9, 2013 09:09Gpp Om sekali2 panas2an dikit… Udara malemnya cukup dingin koq.
Nazir (nubie)
May 9, 2013 07:28Om.. mumpung sedang ngukur choke,saya mau nanya
saya punya trafo power 300-0-300v 200mA sama choke 10H 200mA, dapat berapa volt saya setelah melewati choke…?
rencana mau bangun SE 2A3
terima kasih semoga pln nya cepat nyala lagi
Auw Jimmy
May 9, 2013 15:10Hi Bro Nazir,
Silakan dihitung nanti 2A3 nya pake berapa mA. Nanti tinggal dikalikan dengan DCR Choke nya. Dapat deh Voltage drop Choke nya.