If you have read my previous article regarding the Sencore LC102, definitely you will notice that I have no power supply for this unit. After searching around, it seems quite impossible to get the original power supply (especially I’m living in Asia which has 220V line). The plug also quite unique with 3-prongs type. The worst scenario, I plan to patch some cables inside and change the plug.
Well, the spirit of DIY surely doesn’t allow me to give up. After reading Sencore LC102’s user manual, then I realize that this unit can be powered with 12 Volts battery. I believe the original battery should be either NiCd or SLA (forgot which one). I think we can use traditional AA battery to power up this unit, right?
Finding appropriate battery enclosure which could hold 8 batteries is not the toughest job. The toughest one is to find correct DC ‘female’ power jack which could match the DC ‘male’ jack on this unit. FYI, Sencore uses a quite big ‘male’ jack which put me some trouble to find the correct ‘female’ one. I try several laptop DC adapter jack and it just wont fit.
I visit several component shops to find a set of DC power jack, then finally I can find one that suit this Sencore LC102. Finally, we can wake up this amazing tool. Voila, it runs perfectly at this stage. Need some more testing to make sure its functions are working perfectly. But at this stage, at least all buttons and displays are working nicely.
DIY spirit never dies. Several converters, connecting cables, 8x AA battery enclosure, and some Energizers!
December 25, 2012 07:26Sorry can not wait for how well the LC220a compares to this fine .
December 26, 2012 09:38Kalau aki 12V 2Ah mungkin bisa masuk dan lebih awet daripada energizer.
November 5, 2013 00:52I know this is almost a year cold but how did you make out?
If you need I have pdf copy of calibration procedure
and the manual,send me link and password to either a dropbox acct or equivalent or I can attempt to send via email.Push comes to shove if you give full international address can be sent to you on cd if you send me a pre-postaged envelope from Mount Kisco NY US to your location(check with your postal service).Does yours have the pull out guide intact on bottom of unit?I can send you pdf of that aas well.
November 17, 2013 10:20Where did you see that the main power supply is 18 VDC ?
November 17, 2013 10:23Where did you see were the power supply is 18 VDC?
Auw Jimmy
November 17, 2013 12:00Hi,
Dont know if I remember correctly, whether from the schematic or written somewhere on the machine itself.
January 22, 2014 19:28Hi,
I’d like a copy of the Cal Instructions & Schematic if possible.
Auw Jimmy
January 23, 2014 13:36Hi Brian,
Unfortunately, I don’t have such documents.
David Eppert
January 8, 2015 23:49Hi, I just got a Sencore LC102 with an extra power supply. Hmmm. I need help getting mine fixed. I noticed a small board above the buzzer on your power supply and I don’t see one in my unit and I’m wondering what that is. I have some buzzing coming from one of my transformers and the leakage test gives 88:88 on the readout regardless of the capacitor I test. Do you have a phone number you can be reached on?
I am interested in getting high resolution images of the front and back of your boards on the bottom side of the unit, not the display boards but the power supply board and the yellow board whatever that is.
January 15, 2015 12:56Hi Jimmy,
John in a post above says that he has a “John says:
November 5, 2013 at 00:52 – have pdf copy of calibration procedure and the manual,s”
I can’t reach out to him as i do not have his email address. Can you let me have his email address so that i can contact him ?
By the way , what is the firmware version of your unit ? It can be found on the ROM chip on the motherboard. Mine is version 169G-266-17.
By the way, Sencore advised that the unit must be connected to a 3 prong grounded power supply to insure accurate measurements of low value capacitors.
Send me an email, i can help you with the power supply
Auw Jimmy
January 20, 2015 18:37Hi Pug,
I haven’t got chance to open the unit and check the ROM chip. Maybe later.
Btw you mean you have the power supply?
Thank you.
Paul Stello
May 1, 2015 23:23Hi Jimmy,
I have an Lc102 in need of calibration. Can you forward the PDF of the cal procedure.
Much obliged. Keep up the good work!
Paul Stello
Auw Jimmy
June 7, 2015 22:35Hi Paul,
I don’t think I have the PDF. Sorry.
July 7, 2015 00:31I am looking for the LC102 Calibration Procedure…does anyone have it ?
If you do, please e mail it to me here:
info AT partsconnexion DOT com
Auw Jimmy
July 8, 2015 07:41Hi John,
Some of my readers are asking how to reach you to get the calibration manual. If you dont mind, could you reach me back to my email address (on the main page) or just leave me a post with your email information.
Bill Lee
September 9, 2016 02:06So where did you get the actual 3 prong power connecter? I just bought a unit without a power cable and definately want to get the correct DC ‘female’ power jack for it. I could fabricate one, but if you have any specifics of building one, I would take your guidence. Thanks.
Auw Jimmy
September 10, 2016 20:40Hi Bill,
Just a standard DC plug. Not a special one. As long it fits, it should get the job done perfectly.