I break one of my tube (in purpose) to take this shoot. It’s an EF184 made by Philips. I don’t have any use for this tube anyway. So just enjoy the weekend shoot meanwhile I’m soldering my DAC 😉
EF184 is a high gain pentode with frame grid. Mostly was used as IF Amplifier with high operation bandwidth up to 40 MHz in old television receiver.
Imagine how this tube was constructed. Definitely not an easy job and need a steady hand.
The frame grid covering the construction inside.
The bottom side is crowded with a complicated wiring ended into the B7A pins. What a beautiful state of the art construction! I think this is one of the reason of tube-lover loves their tube. Instead of good sound produced, they can also enjoy the build quality and construction of the tube.
February 12, 2012 07:44Pagi Ko,
Konstruksi tabungnya unik. platenya yang mana yah? Ditunggu giliran AZ1 dkk… hehehe 😀
Salam 🙂
Auw Jimmy
February 13, 2012 21:58Hi Agus,
Tinggal di trace dari pin out kalo mau cari plate-nya 🙂
Jimmy Alex
February 14, 2012 08:37Udah lama sebetulnya saya ngikutin blog anda pak Jimmy. Semakin diikutin…semakin membuat saya ingin pindah ke dunia tube. Hehe, fyi saya sebelumnya pake full perangkat SS. Thanx pak udah begitu banyak membantu dengan blog anda yg begitu informatif. Kini, di ruang dengar saya…udah lengkap terpasang perangkat full tube. Thanx to you boss….salute
Auw Jimmy
February 15, 2012 10:17Sama2 Pak.
April 20, 2012 16:35Hi Jummy Suraj here from Sydney you have very nice, interesting blog and professional written hands of you mate. Can you do reviews of different tubes and there sound quality if its possible… Thank you…
Agra Hermantro
May 19, 2012 11:33Bagaimana cara memecah tabungnya? Apakah seperti memecah telur?
Saya juga ingin membuka tabung-tabung yang sudah KO untuk sekedar ingin tahu dalemannya.
Kita mestinya dapat memproduksi tabung dengan mempelajari tabung yang ada.
Auw Jimmy
May 19, 2012 12:19Hi Mas Agra,
Diketok saja Mas, pakai palu atau tang. Tapi dengan kekuatan yang “secukupnya” saja dan jangan langsung melainkan dilapisi kain terlebih dahulu (selain supaya pecahan tidak terpencar, juga untuk memperlemah benturan saat dipecahkan).