So far, my current reference for solder is WBT. Price and performance wise, this is one of the best from my point of view (also point of listening). But somehow someday, I was intrigued to try Mundorf top of the line solder, the MSolder Supreme Silver Gold. I know Mundorf quite well, as at some point, I used to love their capacitor (especially the Silver/Gold/Oil series).
This top of the line solder contains 88.6% Tin, 1.8% Copper, (massively) 9.5% Silver, and 0.1% Gold.
Although only contains 0.1% of Gold, but it’s enough to transform my soldering iron into gold plated tip 😉
I used to love leaded tin, instead of lead-free one. Call me ‘no-greener-diy’, but working with leaded tin is more comfortable somehow. With lead-free solder, you need a hotter soldering iron (normally 20-40 degrees more). Example, leaded WBT melting temperature is around 180 degrees Celsius. On lead-free version, you need 200+, under 250 degrees Celsius. This Mundorf MSolder Supreme needs around 290 degrees Celsius (so this Mundorf’s top of the line solder also need a top temperature – Mundorf’s lower grade MSolder only needs lower temperature). But actually I don’t have any problem using my 25W Goot soldering iron to work with either WBT or Mundorf MSolder.
Later, I’m thinking to create some comparison between those two… 🙂
March 4, 2012 02:05dear jimmy some time ago I spent some time testing a number of solders I hope you don’t mind me sharing my impressions:
the one tested are all 3 mundorf´s offerings against others silver solders, audio note, wbt silver lead free, wbt silver, and cardas quad eutectic.
For the evaluation I have used what I believe to be an extremely revealing and hifi system based on state of the art components (mostly Audio Note, UK). To evaluate the solders I have used each one of them in two different critical positions both in my amplification and in my digital section.
Let me start with my conclusions, the “silver gold supreme” has proved to be the most unexpected upgrade to my system in a while, the clarity, 3dimensinality and resolution gained with the supreme have easily been on par with some serious components upgrade in my system. The difference –in the analogue section- of the supreme from the other solders is simply uncanny! After evaluation I re soldered all the critical positions of the analogue section of my system to an ultimately incredible effect!
Please keep in mind that I have tested mundorf solders against at least 4 other well know silver solders, audio note, wbt silver lead free, wbt silver, cardas quad eutectic. The supreme- in the analogue section of the system- has proved to be by a fair margin the best solder I have ever heard. Without any doubts I consider the supreme the ultimate reference for clarity, definition, resolution, smoothness that will bring out all the quality of the better parts that audio nuts use in their systems
All three solders provide a very smooth and detailed sound,
The silver, is smooth and very revealing of inner details, performs on par with the wbt silver lead free (superior to cardas quad-eutectic and audio note by a small margin) and is extremely easy to use.
The silver gold adds a level of clarity in the high-frequency that the others simply did not reach.
The supreme increases on the qualities of the silver gold by a “significant” margin making the others sound opaque in comparison, it remains unbelievably smooth in its presentation, providing unmatched base, mids and HF rendition. A true reference. It is however somewhat more difficult to use, and basically never provides a shiny joint does not matter how hard you try. The sonic quality are completely unaffected by this tough! It’s a bit of a nightmare to de-solder.
In the digital section of my system there was however a different result.
the silver gold proved to perform better then the supreme. The sound of the supreme gave a edgy metallic quality to the sound, or an over edgy quality to the high frequencies. The silver gold, brought to the sound what the supreme did to the analogue section, superior resolution, increased details and sense of space.
In conclusion I strongly believe that the silver-gold and the supreme has significantly risen the bar for quality silver solder (from today, in my book solder has become a component as important as the better caps, wires, and resistors we use in our systems). The apparently high price of the supreme becomes absolutely irrelevant when compared to what it brings into the system. The only caveat is the different performance of the supreme and the silver gold in the digital section of the signal (at least in my system).
Auw Jimmy
March 4, 2012 15:54Hi Francesco,
Nice sharing.
April 19, 2012 15:49pak jimmy mundorf nya apa dijual meteran..:D
abis baca2 disini jadi penasaran…kalo bisa mau icip 2-3m
kontak ke email saya yak…
thx pisan…
Auw Jimmy
April 19, 2012 23:36Hi Pak Gunz,
Saya tidak jual meteran, tapi kalo tidak salah di salah satu forum ada yang jual meteran Pak.
Terima kasih.