Finally, I finish assembling my AD1865 PCB which converts standard I2S to AD1865 LSBJ format. This idea comes from pavouk, which provides the schematic then later I follow to design the PCB. Credit to him for this project.
So below is the appearance from the top side. The AD1865 main chip, followed by some 74HC converter, some DIY inductors and some ceramic bypass capacitors.
On the bottom side (this is 2-layers PCB), we can see another set of ceramic bypass capacitors and two I/V resistor. They are Shinkoh 2W version. Very huge size! Actually I need to put some filtering capacitors there. Thinking to grab my Black Gate NX Series or we can just go with Os-Con.
Appearance from the top. Quad towers of inductors to filter some unwanted noise (hope I’m doing right).
Appearance from the side. Well, those beautiful Shinkoh 2W Resistor is damned big.
Time to fire them up… 😉 soon…
June 13, 2011 23:52Saya sabar menunggu hasilnya Mbah Jim 🙂
Mudah2an hasilnya JOSS
Kebetulan layout ngawur AD1865 ala saya sudah setengah jalan nih
Auw Jimmy
June 14, 2011 00:15He he he… tinggal power on, Mbah…
Takut jeblus, mana AD1865 ini cuman sebiji2nya…
Mending pake batt 9V dulu ah dibantu 7805 ah…
74HCT-nya juga moga2 enggak aspal… keterlaluan deh mau malsu ginian…
opa T
June 19, 2011 15:21way to go pak Jim :)..kita tunggu dendang nya
setelah pakai batt monggo salas shunt reg nya di nyalaken he he..
best, opa T
Auw Jimmy
June 19, 2011 16:29Matur nuwun Opa… 🙂
December 26, 2011 19:52ko ini modul buat apa ya?
Auw Jimmy
December 27, 2011 00:25Kan dari namanya sudah ada bro… I2S ke LSBJ 🙂
Lucky Hawk
March 13, 2012 15:28Om kalau i2s yang pakai chipnya ad1955 punya skemanya ngak om saya butuh nih, thank
Auw Jimmy
March 13, 2012 16:25Hi,
Tinggal lihat saja input I2S-nya gimana bro..
April 19, 2013 21:30Hello,
I’m interested in your AD1865 and I’d like to know if your PCB works properly, also at 192Khz 24 bit.
If yes do you have a PCb left?
I’d like to buy if possible.
Auw Jimmy
April 20, 2013 17:18Hi Guglielmo,
I think it should work at 44.1/16. Dont know for higher bit/sample rate.