If you have read my previous entry about QLS QA-550 SD Card Player, probably you still remember that I plan to upgrade the clock. Well, finally my TentLabs Low Jitter 11.289 MHz clock has arrived. We are about to begin, but not now, not tonight! 🙂
If you ask why TentLabs. Basically I own Guido’s XO2 module before, but it’s 27 MHz version. After some confirmation with Guido, he confirms that I can just change the clock from 27 MHz to the needed frequency. Well, that’s cool!
An interesting links from Guido to understand that lowest doesn’t mean the best.
Below is the clock module (XO) from TentLabs.
Below is the XO2 module, basically it’s independent low noise power supply section to feed the XO module.
The raw supply will be filtered first by a mini regulator, made by a DIY from Taiwan, then fed to XO2, then to the XO module. A fully armored power supply (all Black Gate FK/NX capacitor, Kiwame resistor, Vishay SF5407 snubbered with MKP1837). I made this one long time ago, tested fine. But I think I can measure more with my oscilloscope later, to confirm if this design is a perfect match with XO2.
April 28, 2011 07:53Pagi ko,
Bentar lagi kelar yah. Ga pengen coba pake baterai LiFePO4 3.3V buat PSU clocknya? Pernah coba buat clock asynchronous USB to SPDIF, hasilnya luar biasa…
Salam 🙂
Auw Jimmy
April 28, 2011 09:25Hi,
Saya belum pernah coba baterai itu sih. Mungkin sementara ini masih pake regulator saja dulu.
April 28, 2011 23:26Pak Jimmy,
makin serius nih project DAC nya 🙂 ….
mo nanya lagi ya Pak Jimmy, kalo QLS QA-550 SD Card WAV Player ini yang saya baca spec-nya bisa mutar wav 16 bit. Apakah dengan kemampuannya akan mampu menghasilkan suara sebagus CD player ?
Salam Hangat
Auw Jimmy
April 29, 2011 09:46Halo Pak Arie,
Dalam audio tidak ada jaminan Pak bagus mana. Harus dicoba dulu 🙂
April 29, 2011 23:11Aha…pada akhirnya penilaian hasil adalah subjektif. 🙂 Pak Jimmy saya baru mencoba mendengarkan lagu dalam bentuk wav yang diputar dari notebook saya. Ternyata hasilnya lebih bagus dari mp3 ya ??? Suaranya lebih tebal.
Hahaha.. jadi kena racun… pingin rakit digital player sendiri (pake mobo intel atom)…cuman masih mikir gimana dengan modul PSU nya ??? pasti bakal besar sekali modul PSU ??? 🙁
Btw, salute deh dengan proyek2-nya Pak Jimmy.
Salam Hangat Selalu
Auw Jimmy
April 30, 2011 20:39Hi,
WAV ya jelas lebih bagus dari MP3 🙂