I would rather call this as “beauty in the dark”… No longer perfect in terms of construction, slightly off-center for the mesh and triangle, since probably over 70 years old tube. But… It’s still a nice collectible item. Since the label has gone, from my knowledge, this should be Valvo G2504, but it could be Telefunken RGN2504 also.
How does it sound? Beautiful thick vocal, wide staging, excellent mids, very musical, transparent, but slightly “too powerful” on the preamp section. Added: The low frequency is awesome, tight, and very well controlled. Will compare them with my Telefunken 2004 later. I’m interested to hear the different 😉
Complete appearance, getter on the top. The newer Telefunken mostly has bottom-side getter.
Detail construction inside (the mesh and triangle).
February 13, 2011 17:28Maksudnya “too powerfull” gimana om jim? Lebih ke sound atau electricity (krn ampere yang meang besar dari sananya)?
Auw Jimmy
February 13, 2011 18:26Halo Pak Tyo,
Rectifier 2504 ini secara spek bisa mengeluarkan 180mA di 2x500V. Jika dipakai di preamp saya yang cuman sekitar 30mA @ 2x325V, tentu saja agak overkill. Jadi secara keseluruhan karakternya “terlalu berotot”. Ini cuman berdasarkan pengalaman saja, bahwa rectifier yang memang memiliki kemampuan supply arus lebih besar biasanya memang seperti itu jika dipakai di tempat yang menggunakan arus kekecilan (seperti preamp) dan biasanya lebih bagus dipasang di power. Namun kadang hal ini juga tidak selalu terjadi. Cocok2an lah.