Light Emitting Diode or LED is very popular light source later these days. It is cool, bright, consume less power, and almost maintenance free. One of the famous brand is Luxeon, made exclusively by Philips Lumileds Lighting Company, LLC.
This so called Luxeon has superiority in terms of highest flux. The lowest version may deliver more than 40 Lumens in white. It’s bright, very bright. The highest version, the K2 may deliver up to 140 Lumens (at 1500 mA). Remember, this 140 Lumens comes from single LED only! Imagine that your digital video projector only capable delivering 750-1000 Lumens. By using 10 of this Luxeon K2, you can easily reach 1400 Lumens! And of course, because this is a LED, it’s quite cold (though somehow you still have to use heatsink on the bottom).
Picture above is Luxeon K2 Emitter. Up to 140 Lumens @ 1500 mA from this tiny LED! Amazing!
Picture above is Luxeon III Star Hex.
This Luxeon is available in different form factor. Like you have seen above, there are Emitter and Star Hex version. Actually, they are the same LED, but just in different form factor. Currently, there are few version of the Luxeon, from Luxeon I to Luxeon K2. All have different Lumens, specification, maximum current, and of course: different price.
Picture above it the typical radiation pattern available. You can pick the one that suit your application.
You can use optional lens to focus the light.
I’ve seen around. Some people creates their torch, vehicle’s lamp, etc with this Luxeon. I wonder to use 6-10 Luxeon III (around 80 Lumens each) and SLA 6-8 mAh rechargeable batteries. Hmm… gonna be nice project 🙂
April 10, 2007 12:22bro jim, dapetin luxeon led ini dimana ya klo di indo?harga kisaran brapa?
Jimmy Auw
April 10, 2007 17:10Gue pesen dari Singapore boss… kalo ga salah inget sekitaran 80 ribuan buat Luxeon III-nya. Gue ambil yang White… jadi lebih mahal…
October 21, 2007 20:40Bro Jim.. skr lagi bikin project apa? beberapa hari yang lalu gw ke glodok and nemuin Luxeon star 1,3,5 watt… cuma bentuknya ga ada yg lain, gw lg pengen bikin project Motorcycles LED Headlight buat ngatasin HID yg saat ini masih mahal dan panasnya bisa bikin mika lampu motor matik rusak hehe..
Thanks & Regards,
Jimmy Auw
October 22, 2007 09:03Hmm… kalo buat di motor ga tau deh bro… kalo pake Luxeon dengan Watt besar juga panas loh…
Herry Laimena
February 20, 2009 22:44hmm… sekedar info aja…
disurabaya ada luxeon star tapi gua kagak tau luxeon yg tipe berapa mungking luxeon III
dengan harga sekitar rp. 50.000/biji
nahhh bang Jimmy tolong bantuin donk skema-nya driver untuk current 12 V…
thanks, mungkin bisa dijelaskan lebih detail di email saya [email protected]
July 1, 2012 14:24Om Jimmy…Salam kenal..
Minta skema buat driver luxeon 5W X 5 dong…
kirim ke email saya yah
Auw Jimmy
July 1, 2012 19:46Skemanya sama aja bro, cuman diganti dengan IC yang support 2A atau lebih saja.