I have chance to mod the Altec MX5021. I think so far MX5021 is one of good candidate to be modded (though I prefer Altec CS21 or 621/641 series, but they have been discontinued).
The target of this mod should fulfill 3 main criterias:
1. Affordable
2. The components should be easy to find
3. Significant result
It’s quite challenging for me, since you know that I don’t (never) expect much from a multimedia based computer (some of them are good, but not good enough for my taste). Anyway, since this is just for fun, so let’s do it.
Here’s the Altec MX5021 system:
This system has a little bit bright sound, metallic, a little bit harsh, not too detail for music, and average mid. I think the subwoofer is for movie (THX Certified) than music. Need to be improved a little bit in the low bass region. I think it’s good enough for most people, but not for me 🙂
The internal crossover uses “bad” non-polar eletrolytic. Also you can find small inductor with ferrite. This is bad. Very bad. They use 1st order for high pass section, F3 at around 8 kHz I think (if I calculate them correctly). The two mid woofer is not working on same region. I think they build a bandpass filter and both woofer works in different region. Need to fire up my simulator to check the actual graphs, but since I think this is just for fun, I don’t sweat a lot 😉
The components are: 4.7 uF, 6.8 uF, 47 uF, 0.8 mH, and 0.25 mH.
Below is just another view of the stock crossover.
I removed all the “tiny-little-cute” capacitor from the board. Made by Samxon. A well known brand for Capacitor in China, I guess. I’ve seen a lot of electronic consumer product use this brand.
All of the capacitor were upgraded. I used better capacitor for the high pass filter (the black tube). And for the mid-woofer application, I chose the lower grade (yellow tube) than the one used for the high pass filter. Because this is non-elco based capacitor, so you can see the giant size of the new capacitor. Well, I don’t have enough space there. Sorry for bad layout 😉
I’ll do more mods within next few days. I’ve order a special inductor and hope they can make it in small size so I can fit them inside. The cable also will be upgraded to a better one. Especialy the signal cable inside the crossover.
The result so far:
The high extension is absolutely better. I can hear more detail, even from music like Siti Nurhaliza (Cinta Tak Berganti), to Kari Bremens (A Lover in Berlin) and Rim Banna (The Mirror of My Soul). Even my friend (not an audiophile) can hear the different! The mid woofer have not reached my satisfactory level. Cable and capacitor size should be checked again. Will do soon. It’s clear enough that I need a new inductor to fix the mid-woofer. Just hope the ordered inductor can be fitted inside (though it’s crowded enough) or otherwise I need to find a better placement.
The subwoofer also need a little fix. But it should be on my last priority.
Read more:
December 17, 2006 10:28wew broo… cool abiss… CS21 gua gimana nihhh 🙁 mau mod tapi gak ada skill dan knowledgenya 🙁
Andy Tan
December 29, 2006 10:58Wow.. mr.. Jimmy u r such a Exellent Craftsman…. Kalo bolehh bantuin wa mod MX gwa juga donk…pretty please… 🙁
coz im totally amateur in Electrical Device& component:(
January 4, 2007 23:20wow, that was quite an awesome mod.
maybe you can help me and jozzy do a little works on our speakers? 🙁
April 19, 2007 12:06Bro Jimmy, saya punya MX 5021 + SC Audigy2 kalau mau ningkatin kualitas suaranya secara software (driver + player) pake apa? Oya, kalo tetang Mod MX 5021 ini sptnya teknis banget ya… dan saya juga binggung mau beli kapasitor buat upgrade nya dimana? dan bisa ga dikerjain sama teknisi service an audio, krn saya ga ngerti tuh elektronika takutnya malah rusak kalo upgrade sendiri, mohon bantuannya bro jimmy, thx
November 20, 2007 19:12What are those huge capacitors made of? Polypropylene?
January 16, 2008 00:34Jim,
pls tell me the replacement components’ voltage and the uf…
Jimmy Auw
January 16, 2008 15:39Same value as original.
Thank you.
January 16, 2008 17:13bro.. dari forum banyak anak2 tuh pingin modifikasi Altec Lansing MX5021, termasuk gw bro.. gimana kalau kita upgrade bareng2… gw yakin semua pasti pada mau.. tar saya yg atur soal pertemuan. tar bung Jimmy tinggak datang dan hasil apa yg kita kerjain bisa kita masukin ke forum sebagai bahan diskusi. dimana dengan speaker yg sudah ada kita tingkatkan kualitasnya.. tapi, bung Jimmy sibuk sih.. and gw ngerti lah… 😉
Jimmy Auw
January 16, 2008 18:13Memang ada rencana ketemu di mana bro? Dari saya pribadi agak susah dari sisi komponen karena komponen rata2 stok lama saya…. barang baru gak tau ada atau tidak… kalo memang ada, rasanya saya bisa bantu untuk sekedar kasih panduan (jikalau memang pas waktunya cocok dan saya tidak janji)…
Coba kontak dengan bro Pemula_Kompie juga di CHIP Forum… dia juga suka mod…
January 17, 2008 21:49Thanks for fast reply 🙂
I had opened the satelite last night, but it’s a cut-cost product from AL, darn… (pls refer to the link below)
Just got 1 cap on the board, 50v 15uf for tweeter.
should i replace it with a bypass cap?
Jimmy Auw
January 18, 2008 09:18Replace it with better caps first if you can… changing XO design is not recommended unless you know what you are doing…
January 19, 2008 17:45done.
Replaced the 50v 4.7uf with 100v 4.7uf bypass cap and changed the cable too (inside the satelite)…
anyway, cant found 100v 15uf cap to replace the 50v 15uf and i just leave it =.=”
April 10, 2008 17:41setelah dari article mod subwoofer
koq modifikasi satelit kayanya beda sekali dengan subwoofer
1. komponen2 kuning dan hitam itu apa tergolong kapasitor?mereknya? soalnya bentuknya beda
2. tinggal ganti dengan komponen yang value-nya sama yha?
3. kabel2 yang warna warni itu perlu diganti juga? klo iya ada saran untuk jenis kabel yang harus dipakai?
April 25, 2008 11:12hi there jimmy,
i’ve open up my speaker and its nothing like ur crossover cct, urs are 3-way crossover cct but mine only 2-way crossover cct. i think my spk was one of the cut cost version (sad) anyway can u send me the crossover cct 4 ur speaker, i would like to change the crosover of my spker to see da diffrence, thnx.
Jimmy Auw
April 27, 2008 19:55You can’t use different crossover design. Most likely, Altec has changed the drivers for your speaker, so they came up with new crossover.
Better stick with the one that you have.
Thank you.
April 29, 2008 19:05i just want to try out how different the sound would be with 3-way crossover, i notice that they are stil using the same speaker but only change the crossover design to 2-way to save the build cost on the components used . i dont know what they did have an effect on the THX certification. maybe this can help afew out there whose not satisfied with the newer model sounds.
May 10, 2008 11:09Bang Jim, aku udah putus asa nih nyari MX 5021, kalau udah bosan boleh dong kita beli bang, posisi kita di medan, gimana kira2 bang?
May 11, 2008 05:38@Yance cari speaker seri lain aja bwt di modif…. kan lebih asyik …rencana mau coba modif ACS 45.1
(white n black series) … blm ada wktu nh…pgn bgt…
June 28, 2008 03:42Please help me with the modding of this AMP http://my-cool-gsm.hit.bg/DSC00097.JPG
I wont to clear the sound.PLEASE HELP ME!!!
Sorry for my bad English.
Jirka Tejkl
July 8, 2008 17:04Hi Jimmy,
Nice article!
> Jimmy Auw Says: April 27th, 2008 at 7:55 pm
> You can’t use different crossover design. Most likely, Altec has changed the drivers for your
> speaker, so they came up with new crossover.
> Better stick with the one that you have.
From what I can see on your photos and on this one http://img33.picoodle.com/img/img33/4/1/15/skydriver/f_q03m_4e1a216.jpg , I would say they are still the same 4-ohm drivers, according to type numbers. I think the “performance optimization” process took place here making the product cheaper to build with “quality still acceptable for consumer”.
Could you, please, post a photo of the back side of satellite crossover PCB (if not the schematics)? At least it would be interesting to see what Altec’s engineers came with prior to the marketing department intervence 🙂
Jimmy Auw
July 8, 2008 18:14Hi,
I dont have the speaker on hand now.
Please be noted that same 4 Ohm speaker doesnt mean it’s the same one. We are not talking about impedance only, but also the T/S parameter. Different T/S parameters need different crossover design. We cant make sure they are the same or not unless we do the measurement for T/S parameters.
Thank you.
August 5, 2008 21:36can you help me how to mod my altec 5021.
Andri Fahlevi
December 9, 2008 12:01om…jimmy…ur my favorit for electronik man….
bs tolong di sebutin yg lengkap komponen2 yg diupgrade… aq gak tau itu apaan contohny yg kuning besar itu…
misal nie om…
1.kapasitor merk apa brp farad brp volt
gt lho om… makasih ya… smoga ditanggepin…
kalo bs jg dikasih tau kapasitor ini sebaikny diganti dgn yg ini…
pm diimel saya ya om….
oh ya, kalo kabel standart dr sub ke speaker tu di upgrade ngaruh besar gak dr yg standart?… ngaruhny apa?…
Jimmy Auw
December 9, 2008 22:27Hi,
Basically ganti dengan nilai yang sama aja.
Kapasitor kuning itu murahan, merek Audiophiler. Cari di Glodok aja.
Yang lain-lain juga modal cari di Glodok aja. Gak ada barang2 mahal koq. La wong speaker murah, jadi upgradenya jangan sampe seharga speakernya. Kurang lebih abis 300ribuan aja koq waktu itu.
Kabel speaker ngaruh bro… cukup banyak di kualitas suaranya.
Andri Fahlevi
December 10, 2008 00:23wah makasih banyak om jimmy…
kayany glodok kejauhan dech… saya kan tinggal dimalang… deketny jg surabaya…
oke dech… jadi pointny ganti nilai yg sama…
bagi saya sie nie speaker lumayan mahal (1,9jt)… kalo om jimmy kan duitny banyak hiks..hiks..
ya dech saya coba dulu… kalo ada trouble ntar saya ask lg dech…
thanks alot…
oh ya… sepertiny kabel yg rada mahal ketimbang komponen… kmrn saya tny ditoko hifi… tp lupa merkny… semeterny 45rb rencana mo saya panjangin kira2 ada saran kabel apa gak om?… yg lumayan murah dan lossny dikit…
Jimmy Auw
December 10, 2008 21:03Kabel saya aja pake Canare yang dulu beli cuman Rp 5000 semeter.
Hampir semua barang saya murah2 semua bro… dan rakitan pula. Kalo duit saya banyak sih mending beli jadi kali ye? :p lebih keren…
Andri Fahlevi
December 11, 2008 00:18thanx alot om… makasih infony… ntar q cari Canare dech…
wah… makany aq ya mikir2 beli kabel 1 meter 45rb… mana msh kul lagi…
kalo kabel dr satellite ke sub itu diganti jg gak ya?… kalo diganti apa jg ganti dgn canare?… rencanany mau q panjangin 5 meter mau ditaruh diatas…
oh ya om… cm sekedar info… kan gw jg suka audiophile… kalo om susah cari2 yg rare… contohny xrcd ato piringan hitam… bisa liat di avaxhome.ws browse aja audiophile ato apalah yg om suka… tp gw sih nyaranin donlot yg pnyny aksman(browse aja aksman) dia beli piringan hitam trus dishare… (tp gw gak nyaranin lho om, kan i*egal)… tp kalo cm sekedar buat dengerin halal koq… hehehe…
December 19, 2008 09:53Klo tuh caps diganti ama yg kelasnya solen, gak worth ya om jimmy.
Jimmy Auw
December 19, 2008 22:25Kalo menurut saya sih yang penting2 aja diganti yang bagus… Yang kurang penting sebaiknya tidak perlu… sayang duitnya… 🙂
December 21, 2008 05:52Iya, maunya Crossover giganti solen, caps power diganti elna for audio. Ama opamp.
Nah kira2 klo crossover yg diganti pake solen, worth gak. Atau cukup pake caps film biasa ?
Jimmy Auw
December 21, 2008 11:10Pake Solen untuk yang high pass tweeter aja. Saya juga pake Solen hanya di posisi ini.
December 22, 2008 16:40jadi untuk tweeter aja pake solen. mid pake caps film biasa ya. Makasih sharenya om Jimmy.
Jimmy Auw
December 22, 2008 22:54Sip… Silakan dicoba bro.
pete frizzel
January 27, 2009 20:06Hi;
One of the pins has broken on the DIN controller of the Altec Lansing MX.5021.The support provided by Lansing has not been good!
Please could you send me a wiring diagram for the 9 pin plug of this controller.
Many Thanks.
Best Wishes.
Pete Frizzel
Jimmy Auw
January 28, 2009 00:29Hi,
Sorry I dont have any wiring diagram.
March 10, 2009 05:06Hi,
Jimmy, (or some one else) could you post, please, a picture from the back side of satellite crossover (if it will be the scheme, I would be twice happier 🙂 )
Thank you in advance.
Anonymous is Budux
April 23, 2009 08:35Sorry Mr. Jimmy Auw I’ve forgot to fill the name.
Gwa ulang lagi jawabannya
Jimmy Auw berkata :
Kapasitor kuning itu murahan, merek A**********.
kenapa pakai kapasitor yang murahan? kenapa ngga pakai kapasitor yang murah tapi bagus?
induktor yang bagus itu dari bahan apa? mohon bisa disebutkan dari yang bagus sampai yang murah tapi tidak MURAHAN?
Jimmy Auw
April 23, 2009 09:11Hi,
Kapasitor “murahan” di kelas segitu (dan gampang diperoleh secara massal) ya memang yang kuning Audiophiler itu saja… tidak ada pilihan lain yang lebih bagus dari sisi cost/performance (kalo Anda nemu, boleh share di sini). Mau pake yang lebih “mahal” ya banyak saja, tapi apa iya speaker MM kelas begini mau habiskan ratusan ribu untuk kapasitor. Tentu tidak, bukan?
Saya sengaja highlight kata “murahan” supaya orang yang baca itu tidak menganggap mod ini menghabiskan uang banyak. Dan semua parts bisa gampang diperoleh di toko elektronik macam Glodok ataupun toko2 yang jual produk speaker/audio.
Silakan kalo mau upgrade dengan yang lebih “mahalan” 🙂 Perlu diingat juga, “murahan” tidak identik dengan jelek. Saya juga ada beberapa capacitor lama yang bersuara bagus dan murah, tapi umumnya barang NOS dan nyarinya susah. Makanya saya tidak sarankan untuk mod “massal” disini.
Induktor tergantung selera, ada yang suka solid core, hepta litz, sampai foil. Makin atas grade-nya tentu makin mahal. Jenis yang sama dengan beda produsen pun harganya beda (contoh foil dari Alpha Core vs Duelund). Mau yang “murahan” bisa gulung sendiri (atau hitung dan minta tukang trafo gulungin). Yang “murahan” gini suara belum tentu jelek, tapi secara penampilan dan kalo orang liat, pasti disebutnya “murahan” (lah iya karena harganya murah tho?).
April 24, 2009 17:58Thanks for your reply Mr. Jimmy
Yang Mr. Jimmy maksud dari murahan itu adalah harganya yang murah, dikira jelek, sorry for misunderstood you.
Jimmy Auw
April 24, 2009 18:20No problem 🙂
May 13, 2009 19:23Hi everyone,
I have spend sometime modifying Altec MX5021, well, the sound were much better than initial one (thanks to Jimmy). But this quality didn’t satisfy my ears, (if someone made computations for the second modification of speakers (the one which has first order high-pass and second order low-pass filters) he saw that the range 1.5…8 kHz is simply canceled). Well, guys, two month ago I’ve bought real stereo system (two speakers Q-Acoustics and Pioneer amplifier), compare to which Altec is the generator of noise.Of course only speakers costs ~20% higher then all Altec MX5021 system, but difference is like between Ferrari and Fiat, it’s not important how you will tune the Fiat, it could be better or worse, but it will never become Ferari…
All the best.
June 21, 2009 04:57To remove the hiss I replaced the transformer inside for a toroidal one, and now I have them hiss free!:D
August 16, 2009 04:102 Marmes
What exactly toroidal transformer (it’s specs) you used please? I’m going to do the same for a long time!
Jimmy Auw
August 16, 2009 09:53I didnt change the transformer.
August 16, 2009 14:592 Jimmy Auw
Yes, I know you didn’t. The guy whose post above did. The original transformer produces very annoying buzz i can hardly sleep 🙁
I checked four 5021’s subs – they all were buzzing, more or less.
Thanks for the work, Jimmy!
Jimmy Auw
August 16, 2009 22:07Hmm… very strange… How loud is the buzz sound?
August 18, 2009 14:49As it is good heard from 6 meters in silent room at night. Can’t say more specific. I’d give to that buzz 28-30db.
Jimmy Auw
August 19, 2009 09:33Hmmm… this also could be affected by your electricity installation.
September 3, 2009 13:00Mas Jimi.. apa mod diatas bisa dilakukan pada Altec CS21.. kira2 brp total biaya utk komponen2 yg digunakan..
Tenkyu ^^
Jimmy Auw
September 5, 2009 18:26Hi,
Basically bisa saja. Tapi apa yang di mod dan biaya ya tergantung apa yang kita “harapkan” dari segi peningkatan kualitasnya.
September 7, 2009 16:53Dear Jimmy,
what kind of caps you used in the speakers (the yellow and black ones). They are not elko type, but which exactly. And what their brands and values please?
Thanks a lot.
September 7, 2009 16:56forgot to ask: are those new caps also non-polarized as original caps you removed?
Jimmy Auw
September 7, 2009 22:10Black is Solen, Yellow is Audiophiler.
Both are cheap caps.
Just keep the original value.
The new caps are film based, non-polar.
September 9, 2009 20:54Well, I’m not sure they are really cheap. It’s about $10-12 per one and hard to find.
Jimmy Auw
September 9, 2009 23:00Where do you live?
September 10, 2009 02:18I’m in Ukraine. Here is only Hitano or Samwha caps actually available. But I’m searching in USA too. No DigyKey.com nor Farell or Ebay did any result.
Jimmy Auw
September 11, 2009 09:10I think eBay is a good source.
September 11, 2009 17:35Hi again, Jimmy
look, there is polypropylene capacitors used in speakers. One of them is 47uf. I saw Solen or Dayton caps of that value – they are huge and expensive. Can I use a smaller value polyprop cap instead? If yes which value please?
Thank you.
P.S. What do you think of Xicon electrolitic caps. Are they goof enough for swapping originals on sub mainbord?
Thx again
Jimmy Auw
September 12, 2009 01:33Hi,
I dont think you can swap with lower value (I mean, without affecting the whole circuit). Perhaps you can go with Nichicon. I wont use Xicon.
September 18, 2009 03:36Hi, Jimmy
Look, while buying caps for speakers I found that film caps you used there can hardly be of same value as the original “samxon’s”, because 47uf cap from Solen, Dayton or some others are much bigger than that black tube on your photo. Could you clarify this please?
Jimmy Auw
September 18, 2009 09:18I use “yellow” 47uF caps not just one. Could you see there is more than 1 yellow caps there? All connected together to set 47uF value.
September 18, 2009 16:22oh, i supposed so! 🙂
October 29, 2009 22:48Hello Jimmy, how are you?
Your advice highly required. I’ve received MKP caps for satellites mod and found that there is no way to put the biggest 47uF cap inside the speaker body 🙁 (Why don’t they do low voltage/hi capacity MKP caps!?).
So I need plan B. I’m sure you know this another 5021 mode:
They modded newer version of MX5021 with altered crossovers, etc. Instead of swapping original caps in crossovers they bypassed one of them with 0,47uF MKP.
So what could you advice for our XO version? I’ll swap 4,7uF and 6,8uF to MKP’s. As for original tiny 47uF, I’ll replace it to better bi-polar electrolytic. Should I bypass that new elco cap with film 0,47uF as Gannu did? My friend engineer sais it has no sense by he is absolutely not an audiophile or music lover as I am. (But i’m not an engineer 🙂 )
So please give me your suggestion.
Thanks a lot.
Jimmy Auw
November 1, 2009 00:43Hi,
Most MKP is not available in low voltage, due to its natural construction.
Bypassing the 47uF elco with MKP/Film is a wise choice. Value between 0.22-0.47uF is OK.
November 26, 2009 08:54Jimmy,
I have had the MX5021 speakers for 3 years now but now they don’t work (I think the subwoofer is dead). What do you recommend I do? They are out of warranty so are they ready for the bin? or can a repair take place here?
Jimmy Auw
November 26, 2009 23:58Hi,
It depends on the problem…
February 11, 2010 20:37pak jimmy, mau tanya kapasitor yang di satelit yg diganti kan ada 3 mcm… kok penggantinya ada 4 ya??
3 yellow tube n 1 blacktube…
mohon pencerahan\nya….
Jimmy Auw
February 11, 2010 21:46Hi,
Ada caps yang saya paralel untuk dapatkan nilai yang saya mau.
February 12, 2010 10:12ohh, apakah betul 3 caps samxon yg bpk lepas itu diganti dgn yg 3 caps yellow tube ya??
terus bapak menambah yg black tube utk dipararel lagi/???
February 12, 2010 20:12Maaf, mau tanya lagi pak:
1. caps non polar yg bpk pake apakah kakinya sy bolak balik gpp kah?
2. 2 caps yellow tube yg dipararel itu valuenya brp pak? apakah benar yg 47 uF? trs voltnya pake brp pak?
3. solen blacktube itu penggati caps yg value brp pak??
4. kata bapak ke 3 caps yg diganti itu ganti value (Farad) yg sama ya, terus itu kan semua 50v, voltasenya pake yg brp ya pak enaknya??
maaf kalo byk tanya pak, msh belajar soalnya 😀
Jimmy Auw
February 12, 2010 23:11Hi,
Betul caps Samxon asli diganti dengan caps kuning Audiophiler. Posisi ini di decoupling mid/woofer.
Black tube (Solen) itu untuk high pass filter (tweeter).
Jimmy Auw
February 12, 2010 23:14Hi,
1. Non polar tidak masalah bolak balik, tapi dibolak-balik ini suaranya bisa berbeda.
2. Yap, idealnya 47uF, volt biasanya minimal 100V untuk caps jenis film. Kalo elco, pake 25V aja cukup koq.
3. Caps asli untuk high pass tweeter.
4. Voltase asal tidak lebih kecil dari aslinya, then you should be OK.
February 13, 2010 09:40kalo kaki non polar dibolak balik output suara bisa beda, yg ideal menurut Pak Jimmy posisi kakinya gimana yg baik pak?
Jimmy Auw
February 14, 2010 00:30Silakan dicoba sendiri Pak. Idealnya outer foil itu ke input.
February 15, 2010 10:48PAK JIMMY, barusan sy buka satelit mx 5021 sy, komp beda dgn py bapak…
disana ada cm 3 komponene aja,
yaitu: 2.0A 560uH, caps abu2 kecil 15uF 50v, dan caps kuning 4.7uF 50v aj..
mohon masukannya, enaknya dimod gimana ya pak??
1. 2 caps itu diganti smua or tidak?
2. kalo diganti dignti tipe n value apa pak??
February 15, 2010 10:52ini gbr satelit mx 5021 sy pak
February 15, 2010 11:15kalo 2 caps di satelit sy itu tdk ada simbol”-” di tube capsnya apakah itu jg termasuk caps tipe non polar???
Jimmy Auw
February 15, 2010 12:11Halo Pak Rizal,
Memang ada kemungkinan desain XO diubah, karena bisa jadi ada revisi (seperti juga produk elektronik lainnya yang ada revisi).
1. Ganti caps yang 4.7uF dulu karena hasilnya paling signifikan di nada tinggi.
2. Tipe silakan dicari yang cocok sesuai dengan budget. Untuk yang 4.7uF, ganti dengan caps jenis film saja (yang murah macam Solen atau Mundorf putih).
Caps-nya memang berjenis non-polar.
February 15, 2010 12:261. kalo 4.7uF/ 50v diganti solen 4.7uF/100v gmn pak?
ato ada usul value yg recomennd? (budget ga masalah kok pak :D)
2. kalo caps kecil yg 15uf/50v saya ganti skalian gmn pak? enaknya pake type n value brp? (budget mengikuti)
thx pak
sory byk tanya… 😀
Jimmy Auw
February 15, 2010 15:091. Silakan (tiap caps punya karakter sendiri)
2. Silakan (tapi coba aja ganti yang 4.7uF dulu).
February 18, 2010 19:06Udah sy ganti yg 4.7uF dgn solen black caps 4.7uF 250v, cari yg 100v ga dapet…. hehehe…trs sy mainkan lagu di pc… suara jadi lebih jernih pak 😀
tapi kok terasa lebih pelan ya volume nya pak??? dengan posisi volume yg sama (speaker n di foobar) terasa lebih pelan daripada sebelum diganti capsnya….
1. Ada saran selanjutnya pak? ato cuma perasaan aja?
2. yg non polar 15uF 50v apa perlu diganti pak? dgn tipe apa ya pak??
Jimmy Auw
February 18, 2010 21:37Hi,
Mungkin pengaruh di efek frekuensi dari karakter caps itu sendiri. Kalo percaya ya ini memang terjadi, kalo ga percaya ya anggap aja cuman perasaan hehehe.
Yang 15uF sih ga gitu penting.
wahyu sant
March 15, 2010 11:33Muanteb gan…alamatnnya dmn gan ?
sms ane di 081932008287
mr jee
April 19, 2010 22:23bos…minta pencerahan nih..TDA 7377 persamaan atau solusi lain pake apa ya…thanks before
jos homan ( Dutch )
May 20, 2010 15:42Hallo Jimmy,
I modified my 5021 speakers (new version) by making the sattelite cabinets stiff. On the bottem and top I glued 2cm thick granite,
and inside I used tile glue and CHEWED chewing gum ( ha ha !!). Also to stablelize the tweeter I used gum, and cotton for damping. I wired the x overs and drivers direct with thicker 2″ copperwire and removed the terminals and plates. they are open now. Also the subwoofer I made stiff by glueing in wooden braces and thicken the driver opening and used bigger screws to mount it, and used more glasswool. In the Amp I rewired ( 2″ ) all – connections to a central point near the trafo, rewired the subdriver 2″, and mounted new goldplated terminals. The cable to the preamp is shortened to 30 cm ….The result is beautiful. Sound is open and detailed, soundstage wide and the boom, boom, bassbox turned into a smooth souding sub woofer !!! The only complain is the tweeter,it stll is a bit harch, I hope to solve that with your tweaks. cant wait !!! Greetings Jos
July 11, 2010 19:57Dear jimmy,
I pleased find you on this website and your valueable rnd in elec products.I would like to have advice related to mx5021,the problem is after connecting and led light vissiblity Iam not able get the sound and I have fitted the cable wire properly into speakers and subwoofer as intruction.Accordingly to you what could be the possibility of this problem.please help me.
July 11, 2010 19:58my email is [email protected]
December 21, 2010 20:24dude, i just bought my first altec speakers,,,they are the octane 7 model (vs4621),,,you think you can help me out on improving their SQ?? thanks
February 21, 2011 00:46mas jimmy udah pernah modding altec atp3 blom???
kalo udah boleh tunjukin cara” ga??
Auw Jimmy
February 21, 2011 22:58Halo Mas Rafa,
Belum pernah Mas, tapi pada dasarnya sama saja koq.
Glo Waruwu
March 4, 2011 00:41mas jimmy, klo power supply mx5021 itu kekecilan ga yaa? bisa ga di suplay untuk satelit dan subwoofernya di pisah (tambah trafo)?
Tone Kontrol mx5021 punyaku rusak, yang berfungsi hanya tombol on.off. Sementara ini untuk ini saya bypass langsung ke input amplinya. Gimana caranya modif agar On/Offnya di buatin skalar biasa saja?
Auw Jimmy
March 4, 2011 22:58Hi,
Sepertinya memang agak mepet. Kalo mau pisah supply tentu lebih bagus lagi.
March 24, 2011 11:45siang pak jimmy..
saya mao coba mod satelit speaker edifier da5000pro..sorry oot.. 😀
didalamnya ndak ada crossover dgn inductor,, hanya ada 1capacitor aja di tweeter.. dan tweeternya ini kaki 3 (satu kaki – , satu kaki + , satu kaki dibypass ama caps)
caps nyambung ke kaki (-) dan kaki yg kosong satu lg..
kira2 berpengaruh dan worth it gak kalau diganti capasitor nya dng caps film yang lebih baik ? trus pakai caps apa ? diantara capitole , mcap mkp , bennic atau audiophiler…
March 24, 2011 11:47http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd502/awi01/IMG00167-20110307-0122.jpg
kalau wima mkp10 bisa untuk caps passive xo gak om jimmy ?
Auw Jimmy
March 24, 2011 23:32Hi,
Untuk tweeter, pasti ngaruh banget kalo caps-nya diganti. Cocok yang mana tinggal sesuai budget dan selera. WIMA bisa dipake.
March 25, 2011 01:15oke,.
sekalian kalau cap wima mkp10 di spesifikasinya tertulis WIMA 1uf 105/100v mkp10.. nah angka 105 itu maksudnya apa ya ?
trus klo saya mau coba wima mkp10 untuk passive XO..harganya lumayan murah sih..tp ms rada bimbang antara wima mkp10 atau mundorf mcap mkp..mnrt om jimmy bagaimana ?
ambil yg 100v, 250v , atau 400v..? apa benar semakin tinggin volt nya semakin baik reproduksi suaranya..
Auw Jimmy
March 25, 2011 12:05Hi,
105 saya kurang paham maksudnya.
Kalo WIMA vs MCap sih bagusan MCap mestinya, secara grade juga uda beda.
Kalo speaker ambil yang voltase paling kecil (100V).
March 25, 2011 22:06waduh udah keburu ambil yg 400v..soale yg 100v agak meragukan bentuk n tulisan2 di capasitor wima nya.. drpd dapat palsu mending beli gedean dikit V ny,,harga jg selisih dikit..
trus ane beli vishay mkp 1837 0,01uf.buat bypass caps..
nah masangnya gimana ?
| |
| |
| WIMA |
| |
X——–X———- ke kaki tweeter A dan B
| |
| |
| |
| Vishay |
| MKP1837|
X : bagian yg disolder n disambung,,
kaki tweeter A dan tweeter B tidak terpisah / tidak disambung.. maksudnya disolder ke tempat yg seharusnya di tweeter..
bener gak logika bypass caps nya om jimmy ? thx..:D
March 25, 2011 22:09waduh gambarnya ngaco jd nya..
maksudnya gini..
kaki A | Kaki B
Vishay mkp1837
kaki C | kaki D
kaki A wima disambung dengan kaki C vishay trus kaki B wima disambung dengan kaki D vishay,,setelah itu baru disolder ke kaki tweeter masing2 sesuai dengan posisi aslinya,,bener gak pak jimmy ?
Auw Jimmy
March 26, 2011 23:26Yup benar.
October 17, 2011 16:46Jimmy, I am a no nothing about speakers.
Do u have any idea, why is my left-stereo active speaker not working as it supposed to be?
On each initial electric contact, the left-side produces sound but washed away then mute in instant.
Can u tell me the problem solving, please?
Auw Jimmy
October 17, 2011 22:34Hi,
Something wrong with your amplifier for sure.
October 31, 2011 17:30Hello Jimmy and everyone!
Hope to get your help on my issue with AL-5021.
I’му done the sub mod as it’s explain here:
– replaced opamps to OPA2134
– replaced capacitors to better quality ones (and some of them with biger capacitance as recommended)
– used film caps for signal path
– replaced power supply to torroidal.
A few days or a week everything worked fine but then suddenly I lost timbre and volume control via remote unit of sub. In another one day the music has gone completely.
My friend -technisian diagnosed the TDA7433, basic audio-processor chip wich is used for volume/tone controll is dead.
I’ve found that rare TDA7433, we replaced it and my sub revived! Everything worked fine but not for long…
In a day or two I lost tone and volume control via remote (though light indicator of tone or volume level was working) and finally all the sub has shut up.
So I suspect the problem lies diper then just that chip. Probably I did something wrong in my mode, maybe bad soldering, shorting some leads or something wich causing TDA7433 to die.
Please advice, what would you check and test before replacing TDA7433 one more time.
Hope to get you replies,
Thank you
July 14, 2012 10:59Mr, Jimmy
Mohon bantuan infonya, Speaket Clipsch ProMedia 2.1 di Jakarta dimana ya carinya ?
Saya punya Altech CS21 rusak (power tdk mau ON, fuse-nya masih OK), karena product ini sdh discountinued maka saya mau cari kualitas yang setara CS21. Saya pakai lebih untuk Music
thank atas bantuannya
Auw Jimmy
July 14, 2012 22:05Hi Pak Nazir,
Coba cek di Bhineka?
July 19, 2012 16:20hi there jimmy
i’ve throw away my SP88 n pick Swan M50W High end 2.1
but they sound too shy.
it’s sound too soft…
i.ve changed interconnect cable
use eSATA with vermouth Rhodium 3,5mm Jack
it’s give better high extension and more kicking bass. but vocal just not special i think???
i’d like to change satellite cable
which cable is better???
Canare 2s9f
Klotz series maybe????
or any other?????
i’ll use vermouth rhodium RCA as termination for new satellite cable
n also boomy sound from sub is still annoy me
could you help me please??
THnX jim
Auw Jimmy
July 19, 2012 21:06Hi Draco,
How to define ‘vocal just not special’? Compared to what?
At certain point, multimedia speaker got the limitation. Probably adding tube buffer or tube preamp could help rather than changing the cable.
August 16, 2012 09:53Hey Jimmy, A few weeks ago one of the satellites of my MX5021 stopped working. There’s only very faint sound coming from it. Have tested the ‘faulty’ satellite on both left & right output from sub; definitely the satellite and not amp that’s faulty.
The crossover is only version with 2 capacitors and one coil. I’ve replaced both caps but it’s still not working. Most annoying.
Could it be the 560uH coil at fault or faulty speaker causing open/short circuit? I really would like to fix and not throw away a good speaker set.
Auw Jimmy
August 16, 2012 10:16Hi Dennis,
Coil is unlikely to fail, but you can measure them with LCR meter or check for continuity.
Then you can disconnect the 3 drivers, and connect only one of them. But again, unlikely them to be the source of problem.
Sumit Kashyap
October 20, 2012 20:31Hey Jimmy,
I have Altec Lansing speakers (MX5021)for past 2.5 years and I had experienced gteat sound quality. Suddenly it had stopped working and when I had spoken to service center but they refused to accept to take out of warranty products.
To get it repaired from outside i wold require the circuit layout (schematic diagram) of motherboard to identify the root cause of the problem.
If you can help me out in getting the diagram, i would be very greatful to you.
Sumit Kashyap
Auw Jimmy
October 27, 2012 20:55Hi Sumit,
Unfortunately, I dont have such diagram. But I assume basically most amplifier are similar, so you can start tracing yourself if you have some technical background.
November 15, 2012 22:35Sir Regards
I am using ALtec mx5021 for the last three years. Recently one IC TDA7433D (SO 20 track) got spoiled and required to be replaced,(as per Service Engineers advice)
I am from India, Hyderabad.
Can I get this component ?( One or Two Nos.only)
If so, Pl let me know the source please.
Auw Jimmy
November 17, 2012 22:50Hi,
Unfortunately I have no idea how to get this. But if you know some electronic, I think you can change it with other type of chip.
January 8, 2013 21:08Hi Bro,
I’am facing difficulty to take out MX5021 power supply transformer for repair, it is glued on the base panel. Could you let me know how to take it out?
March 27, 2013 08:36is there someone have a wired diagram of controlller pin(9-pin) /??
March 28, 2013 07:13is there someone have a wired diagram of controlller pin(9-pin) /??
August 24, 2013 19:30Hello..ihave altec lansing octane 7..how to improve its sound quality?highs and mids.
September 29, 2013 16:15FYI, if you ever find your MX5021 fail with no power, before start messing around removing the TX, try if you can reach the fuse first and change it from there. It’s located at the side of the TX. If you can’t do it, then you will need a hammer and a big flat screw driver to slice the TX’s base off the box (Do it from the hole where the ac cable going into the box). That 4 screws (that seems holding down the TX-Yes they are but It’s glued too!) only be needed to hold the TX once you hack the TX base off the box. Replace the fuse with the same rating, I think it was A slo-blo (forgot the rating) but I change with a fast blo, still works, only I add a fuse socket by drilling the back plate (plastic), so I can change the fuse anytime without removing all those 12 screws (I hat ethat!). Hope this help.
Buat Pak Jimmy, great article! Saya ada pertanyaan, munkgin krn lama g ke pake atau mismatch impedance ke satelite… kedua satelite pengganti stattering… ngadat gitu. jadi ceritanya satelitnya hilang diambil waktu saya pindah rumah, dulu saya taruh di langit2 tersembunyi, orang yg bongkar kali yg ngambil. Nah skrg saya ganti pake satelit murahan saya beli 150rb. Setelah ngadat saya cek impedance satelit nya sekitar 14ohm, makanya saya beliin satu lagi dan konek parallel, sekarang jadi sekitar 7Ohm. Pertanyaan, yg mana yg harus saya curigain kerusakannya, apakah yg 7265 atao elco yg ke 7265 (mungkin kering?) atau opamp yg ke satelite? Dan ada tips melepas kabel speaker yg pake socker tapi di lem lagi ke PCB? thanks sarannya Pak Jimmy!
Auw Jimmy
September 30, 2013 19:17Hi Pak,
Setelah paralel jadi 7Ohm apakah normal? Biasanya Ohm makin besar sih ga masalah, dan ga se-berbahaya Ohm speaker dikecilkan.
Mungkin sebaiknya dilihat fisiknya dulu saja. Elco kering mungkin saja, tapi dalam kasus ini mungkin kecil kemungkinan.
Kalo cuman gluegun, biasanya dicongkel bisa sih.
November 2, 2013 19:04mas jimmy mo tanya berbedaan kebel canare
ama canare L2B2AT, bezanya di apanya ya ?
gmna.dari segi kualitas & penggunaannya ?
Auw Jimmy
November 4, 2013 17:34Hi Mas Nur,
Maaf saya belum pernah coba yang L2B2AT.
Terima kasih.
November 6, 2013 14:49ok.
mas jimmy mo tanya lagi
saya kan sedang modif atp3,
untuk bagian subwoofer ke satelit (yang terdapat tombol vol,tweet,mid,bass) apakah harus diganti juga?
kalo emang harus diganti,harus pake kabel jenis apa?
kalo yg satelite sebelah kiri ya emang harus diganti, seperti yg telah mas jelasin pada
pertanyaan2 diatas .
jika me_replace capasitor dengan nilai yg sama
namun merknya berbeda2 dari beberapa capasitor
yang di replace,
seperti ;
rubycon,nippo dan panasonic
gmana nanti hasil
yg akan terjadi ?
plz, penjelasan & solusinya.
Auw Jimmy
November 6, 2013 16:58Hi,
Sebaiknya diganti juga kalo memang memungkinkan. Pilihan kabel saya serahkan kepada selera Anda.
Tidak masalah dengan capacitor yang berbeda-beda. Tiap capacitor punya kelebihan/kekurangan dan juga karakter suara masing2. Jadi silakan dipilih yang cocok.
Terima kasih.
November 7, 2013 04:55woo gitu ok2 .
nih sekarang saya dpet masalah baru lagi mas pada atp3, knapa ya pada saat dimana saya memutar suara dgn suara bass yg agak kuat, suara yg terjadi seperti bleber bleber gitu…..greek greek… berasa kayak membran woofernya ada yg robek,tapi setelah saya liat koq baik2 aja.
gmana ngatasin hal tsb mas?
tapi kalo volumenya gk saya tinggikan,
masih batas.normal sih,tapi.klo saya tinggin dikit
duh jadi kacau bgt suara bassnya.
apakakah gulungan yg ada woofernya ya yg dh
gk kuat.atau apanya ya mas ?
mohon penjelasannya kembali dri mas jimmy.
November 7, 2013 07:11oiya mas.
caps yg 10000/25v udah saya ganti
dgn merk nippon chemicon dgn nilai yg sama.
apa iya penyebab bass mbleber tsb
karna caps.nya palsu ?
Auw Jimmy
November 7, 2013 14:29Hi Mas Nur,
Harus didengar langsung, Mas. Saya tidak bisa menduga2 itu bunyi apa.
Kalo ragu, coba kembalikan caps-nya dulu saja ke yang asli.
Terima kasih.
November 7, 2013 15:03sebelumnya pake yg samxon juga
kayak gitu tetep ada suara suara bass bleber.
pokoknya suaranya bassnya gak bisa maksimal.
kira2 rusaknya dimananya ya mas
Auw Jimmy
November 8, 2013 14:17Hi Mas Nur,
Sulit untuk dilacak ya, karena bass bleber bisa jadi karena amplifier/elektronik, bisa jadi karena speakernya (tapi tidak harus membrannya robek). Mungkin lebih pas kalo dibawa ke teknisi elektronik untuk dicek.
Terima kasih.
January 5, 2014 05:17Hi,
do you know if I have any chance to recycle the MX5021’s subwoofer in a 5.1 system whith a yamaha RXV475 home cinema amplifier, and how to do it ?
I have already used the satellites as rear surround speaker and it gives good results even if they are 4 ohms.
Thank you for any answer that could help, regards.
Auw Jimmy
January 5, 2014 22:00Hi,
If your receiver has amplifier on the subwoofer channel, the you can simply connect the output to the Altec’s sub directly. You have to disassembly the sub (remove the amplifier and all electronic circuit inside). But if your receiver doesnt have amplifier on the subwoofer out, then you will need separate amplifier which I dont think it’s a good (or easy) approach.
March 14, 2014 10:30hey people, anyone selling their broken mx5021, i will buy it. email me at [email protected]
May 7, 2014 01:00Mas, apa benar kabel speaker atau interkonek yang jelek itu ciri2nya seperti bass jadi letoy/lemes, midrange tipis/ceking seolah terbenam dan suaranya jadi suram/kurang tegas??? Soalnya aku punya speaker 800 ribuan yang bunyinya ngawur dan berantakan banget, kalah telak dibanding speaker 200 ribuan punya temenku. Mohon petunjuknya, mas.
May 9, 2014 05:10Klo sempat tlg dijawab ya mas, telat jg ga apa2. Kalo ternyata kabel bawaannya yg jelek jadi penyebabnya, ak akan berangkat ke surabaya buat cari kabel. Disini tempatnya pelosok, yg ada hanya kabel harga 5000-8000an, udh kucoba pake tp sepertinya ga ada perubahan, suaranya tetep loyo dan gk bertenaga. O ya speaker ini Fenda R50, padahal tipe dibawahnya cukup banyak yg blg bagus, masa diatasnya spt kualitas speaker 150ribuan. Seperti ada yg ga beres dg speaker ini, mas
Auw Jimmy
May 9, 2014 10:51Hi Mas Dayrsc,
Seharusnya kabel tidak akan membawa pengaruh sebanyak itu, kecuali kabelnya memang sangat2 keterlaluan jeleknya. Saya tidak bisa beri komentar karena tidak lihat langsung barangnya. Silakan dicoba ganti saja sama kabel yang mendingan (at least yang fisiknya ok dan penampilannya lumayan, macam Canare, Belden, etc).
Terima kasih.
Auw Jimmy
May 9, 2014 10:54Hi Bro Dayrsc,
Seperti yang sudah saya bilang di post di atas, kabel seharusnya tidak membawa perubahan sedrastis itu.
Mana yang tidak beres tentunya harus dicari tahu dulu. Saya tidak berani menyalahkan salah satu komponen tanpa melihat/mendengar fisik/suaranya.
Terima kasih.
May 11, 2014 06:38Lalu menurut bro Jimm, ciri2 kabel jelek pada speaker itu seperti apa? Lebih pengaruh mana antara kabel interkonek dan kabel satellite?
Minta saran, speaker ini bassnya besar tapi sangat tidak bertenaga (kopong dan gladuk2 gitu), mid tenggelam dan highnya terlalu ngecring, kira2 merk kabel apa yg cocok utk membuat midnya lebih maju dan tebal? sekalian jenis/seri kabelnya ya bro. Kupingku ga termasuk ngrepotin, sebelumnya cuma pake speaker 150 ribuan 2x dan udah merasa enak dengerin speaker temen yg 200 ribuan.
Terima kasih yah bro udh jawab sebelumnya dan maaf skrg tanya lagi
Auw Jimmy
May 12, 2014 00:06Hi Bro Dayrsc,
Untuk speaker entry level, seharusnya kabel standar macam Canare, Mogami, Belden yang harganya 5000-15000 semeter sudah lebih dari cukup.
Saya tidak yakin penggantian kabel akan bisa membantu bro. Saran saya, mending ganti speaker. Effort untuk melakukan modifikasi speaker tersebut menurut saya akan tidak sepadan dengan hasilnya.
Kalo memang sudah cukup dengan speaker yang 150rb-an, saran saya jual saja speaker yang ini (seingat saya lebih mahal harganya?) lalu beli yang 150rb-an tadi.
Terima kasih.
May 12, 2014 01:40Bener bro Jimm, lebih mahal sekitar 675 ribuan (waktu beli Fenda ini 825 ribu). Ah, payah nih si fenda, belum pengalaman buat speaker + reviewers nya punya penyakit budeg, masa gitu dibilang bagus, benar2 menyesatkan. Maaf ya bro kalo kurang sopan, abis kuesel banget.. udh nabung lama niat utk nyenengin kuping malah dapat jauh dari yg dibayangkan (pgn peningkatan sedikit belum kesampaian). Ogah lagi deh beli tanpa audisi, kapok… Ok bro, terima kasih ya udh meluangkan waktunya + curhat dikit.
Auw Jimmy
May 12, 2014 09:31Okay bro.
Terima kasih.
June 2, 2014 00:17Bro, datang lage neeh…hehehe ..
Masalahnya sama spt diatas, cuma aku ganti cara penyampaiannya, sepertinya penjelasanku sebelumnya terlalu berlebihan, jadi kayak ringset berat gitu speakernya, hehehe…
Gini bro, speaker ini suaranya tipis kering, bass ga ngangkat, intinya bersuara kaku atau ga lepas.
Mau cerita dikit.
Aku pernah punya speaker sebelum fenda r50 ini, yang juga bersuara hampir sama, waktu aku sambung kabel speakernya langsung ke woofer dg cara diikatkan (ga disolder karena ga bisa nyolder), suaranya yang sebelumnya lemah dan kering, langsung berubah drastis, jadi jauh lebih bertenaga dan basah, pokoknya enak banget didengernya, tapi sayangnya itu semua cuma bertahan 3 hari, suaranya kembali loyo dan kaku, kabel speaker yg tadinya cuma diikatkan terlepas, udah aku coba ikatkan lagi, berkali2 sampai banyak kabelnya yang putus2, tetap ga bisa enak lagi, karena frustasi aku menyimpulkan bahwa yg merubah suaranya bukan gara2 kabelnya yang diikatkan, melainkan listriknya yang korslet.
Itu kejadian thn 2003, waktu itu belum kenal internet dan masih sangat culun.
Yg jadi pertanyaan, yang membuat berubah suaranya itu sebenarnya apa? Karena kabelnya yang diikatkan atau karena listriknya yang korslet, atau cuma kebetulan semacam keajaiban sesaat gitu?
Suara fenda r50 ini hampir sama persis spt speakerku yg dulu (skrg udah ga ada). Barangkali ada harapan utk R50 ini mengalami hal serupa spt speakerku sebelumnya, tapi ga utk 3 hari aja.
Mohon pencerahannya bro Jimm, telat ga apa2
Auw Jimmy
June 2, 2014 09:57Hi Bro,
Sepertinya hanya keberuntungan saja atau mungkin ada faktor eksternal (listrik, settingan, etc). Karena terbukti kan setelah tiga hari hal itu berubah (even kamu pake kabel yang sama).
Seharusnya perubahan itu mestinya bisa dilacak, tapi rasanya akan sangat merepotkan dan butuh pengecekan langsung.
Terima kasih.
June 2, 2014 12:53Berubah setelah terlepas kabelnya, bukan berubah sendiri… Kalo ga terlepas, mgkn suaranya akan tetep enak sampai speakernya rusak…
Suara jenis ini (tipis kering, kurang lepas) sepertinya udah jadi penyakit umum speaker. Cukup banyak juga orang2 (kenal maupun ga kenal) yang punya speaker mengalami masalah sepertiku, cuma kebanyakan ga peduli…
Aku ada 2 usb speaker 150 ribuan, meski suaranya cempreng dan butek tapi aku tahu suaranya udah lepas, jadi ga pernah mengeluh.. Beda dg si r50 ini, suaranya berat, ketahan seperti orang lari digandolin gitu, bener2 kurang nyaman banget didengerinnya. Masa bro ga bisa membedakan atau pernah merasakan jenis suara seperti itu??? Keseringan muter pake speaker yang mahal2 neh… jadi ga ada kekurangannya, hehehe (just kidding, bro..)
Mohon dimaafkan kalo ngomongnya kebanyakan..
Auw Jimmy
June 2, 2014 13:25Hi bro,
Maaf, kemampuan saya masih terbatas untuk bisa mengenali suara dari jarak jauh, tanpa mendengar langsung. Karena saya rasa setiap orang punya standar yang berbeda-beda untuk definisi kering/loyo/kurang bass dsb. Jadi agak sulit buat saya untuk menebak-nebak dari jarak jauh.
Cuman dari penjelasan bro, sepertinya memang bukan dari kabel. Kalo cuman kabel, mestinya setelah lepas langsung dipasang lagi bunyinya sama donk.
Terima kasih.
June 2, 2014 19:02Sebetulnya aku minta pendapat atau saran dari bro, harapannya sih bro akan menyarankan “Ooh… Suara yang berubah itu gara2 kabelnya langsung dihubungkan ke woofernya, ga pakai perantara colokan. Soal suaranya yang ga bisa balik enak lagi, mungkin kamu ngiket kabelnya kurang kenceng, coba disolder.”
Hehe …
Cuma contoh ya.. kalo udah tahu gitu sih, aku ga perlu tanya dan ngrepotin bro. Aku cuma minta masukan dan kepastian dari orang yang bener2 ngerti masalah speaker dan audio..
Soal didengarkan dari jarak jauh ya aku tahu ndak mungkin lahyaw. Cukup dikira2 aja.. Kan udah aku jelasin ciri2nya dg sangat rinci, saking rincinya sampai aku ga enak dg omonganku sendiri yang membuat speaker fenda r50 ini tampak ringsek.
Aku yakin kalo r50 ini keluar suara aslinya bakalan enak banget, jauh lebih enak dari speakerku dulu waktu keluar suara aslinya.
Mohon percaya bro, dulu speakerku pernah berubah suaranya dg drastis, aku ga mungkin salah denger, cuma aku ga tahu pasti penyebabnya apa, makanya aku tanya bro, kali aja tahu dan mau kasih tahu, lalu akan kuterapkan pada R50 ku yang lagi mabok berat ini
Auw Jimmy
June 2, 2014 19:19Hi Bro,
Kalo gitu bro coba solder saja untuk meyakinkan. Secara saya rasa tidak akan berbeda, makanya tidak saya sarankan.
Bukan saya tidak percaya kalo suaranya berbeda, tapi memang kemampuan saya tidak cukup untuk menerawang sejauh itu.
Coba kamu cari dokter yang paling top sedunia, lalu kamu konsultasi via email dengan bilang dulu badan kamu sehat, tapi entah kenapa sekarang mudah lelah, etc. Pasti kamu bukan sugesti, tapi saya yakin dokter itu juga tidak akan bisa beri jawaban pasti. Mungkin dia akan kasih jawaban seadanya seperti makan vitamin, tidur yang cukup, tapi saya yakin it will not solve your problem. Paling kamu bilang juga, kalo cuman minum vitamin ya saya juga tahu.
Kamu harus ketemu itu dokter, dicek dulu. Lelah bisa karena jantung, ginjal, pola makan, dsb. Setelah dianalisa dengan tepat, baru bisa diberikan jawaban yang pasti (walaupun tetap saja ada kemungkinan obatnya tidak manjur).
Maaf kalo saya tidak bisa membantu, tapi pertanyaannya memang di luar kemampuan saya.
Terima kasih.
June 2, 2014 20:10Oke, bro.
Terima kasih atas waktunya dan maaf kalo ada salah kata
Auw Jimmy
June 2, 2014 21:05Sama2 Bro, maaf tidak bisa bantu banyak. Saran saya, coba bawa ke toko elektronik. Mungkin minta dicek secara elektronik untuk pastikan tidak ada yang rusak/salah.
Terima kasih.
July 19, 2014 11:46Bro Jimmy
mau tanya,jika controller untuk mx5021 hilang.cara akalin supaya bisa nyala bagaimana ya?ada ide?thanks
Auw Jimmy
July 19, 2014 23:09Hi Bro,
Sepertinya tidak ada cara lain, selain mencari kanibalannya.
Terima kasih.
August 12, 2014 15:43Hi,
My Altec Lansing MX5021 suddenly stopped working.
It is totally dead whenever i connected to MP3 or Computer but the LED lights on the controller are still working (i can even adjust them!.Everything looks like normal but just NO sound!
Is there any fuse or capacitor is fried may cause this faulty? How can I trace it and change the faulty component? Any idea or help on this will be much appreciated!
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Auw Jimmy
August 13, 2014 14:27Hi,
It could be some chips to control the system. Need to dis-assembly and check the amplifier. Definitely not an easy job…
September 9, 2014 03:52Hello
Somehow I have managed to entirely smash, beyond repair both my satellites for MX5021. I kindly ask for help, where to buy a spare set of two, even used ones but functional.
Thank you
Auw Jimmy
September 9, 2014 13:45Hi Coman,
Maybe you can try your luck at eBay?
September 9, 2014 21:38Hi Jimmy
Thank you for your prompt answer. Already tried eBay. Found a pair sold but the bid was closed. There is also another problem, not many people being happy to sell their items to Romanians. Seems that Amazon is also an unlucky place for me. I am already getting tired of punching the same letters â€used MX5021 satellitesâ€. It seems the system is built to last forever…
If you know someone or you find a link pls give me a sign in this forum.
Daniel von Calabrese
March 26, 2016 00:52Hi, what type of caps are best or at least capable for audio circuits? Can you write me some brands? And one more thing…what about the cables…what kind they must be? More thicker or…?
April 26, 2016 06:01Hi Jimmy
Have you kept mounting 3-way, for me two woofer series are mounting for 2-way (4,7uF;560uH;85uF)
I think change the arrangement for mounting the 3-way with the same band.. the problem is to find an inductor to the other woofer ..?
Is it a good idea?
Auw Jimmy
May 1, 2016 00:14Hi Cebe,
Yes, not easy to find good inductor at that size…
August 23, 2016 00:56Hi Mr Jimmy, Good job, i m writting so i need de schematic driagram of mx 5021 this no working and id like fix it. thanks a lot
Auw Jimmy
September 10, 2016 20:39Hi Rafael,
Unfortunately I dont have it my friend.
November 2, 2016 21:30Mine (European 220V version) seems to have a lot less capacitors inside.
See pic here: http://i.imgur.com/f16Ra82.jpg
Does this matter or does it simply mean more room to place replacement amps?
Auw Jimmy
November 24, 2016 21:56Hi Jaccow,
It could be that they have changed the drivers, therefore the crossover also got adjusted.
December 9, 2016 22:50Hi Bung Jimmy
Untuk xo karakter cap solen dibanding bennic fpp/ xpp gimana?
Auw Jimmy
March 8, 2017 15:49Solen lebih mellow menurut saya, Bennic lebih open.
Tergantung selera juga.