A subwoofer is very common in audio system. In your car, in your home, in restaurant, anywhere. It’s not difficult to find a subwoofer. But this one is crazy. We are talking about MTX Audio JackHammer 😉 Check the picture below.

JackHammer is a beast. It’s a 22″ subwoofer. Available in two version, the T9922-44 and T9922-22. They both share almost same design, but the first uses dual 4 Ohm while latter uses dual 2 Ohm.
MTX Audio claims this JackHammer as a mind-blowig subwoofer ever created. It has 23″ tall and 369 pounds weight (167.38 Kg, if you are not familiar with pounds). It’s capable to handle 12.000 Watt peak music and rated about 6.000 Watts RMS (3.000-6.000 RMS amplifier recommended).
The linear excursion is up to 2.5″ (6.35 cm). Not so far, but remember this is a 22″ subwoofer means very wide cone area. The magnet’s weight is about 900 ounce (25,5 Kg!) and made from strontium ferrite. JackThunder uses 6.5″ voice coil with flat wound. Aluminium heatsink also provided to maintain optimum voice coil temperature.
MTX claims this subwoofer can be configured as SQL or SPL mode. The 4 Ohm version should be used for SQL configuration (SQL refers to combination between SPL and SQ). For you how expect outrageous bass, the 2 Ohm verson should suit you. Uniquely, this subwoofer’s cone can be replaced between “everyday” listening and “competition” mode. I don’t know how, but MTX claims it on their website.
I wonder if someone want to use this type of subwoofer either in their home or in their car. I’ve found one, on the Pimp My Ride few months ago. Here’s the screenshot below. You are simply out of your mind to put this thing on your car 😉
Even the crews at West Coast Custom need a fork lift to bring the subwoofer. It’s 369 pounds or 167 Kgs man!
Oh well, it’s hard to move the subwoofer to the car. You need a crank that usually used to mount your engine.
Here’s the picture when the subwoofer want to be placed inside the car. You need a very-very-very heavy box construction, otherwise this subwoofer will damage the place where it will be mounted.
Final photo. The subwoofer is back loaded. The back panel mounted to the front, while the cone is mounted to the rear side. The red ring is used to hold the subwoofer and make sure it will not “jump back” to the front, due to its weight or when it’s playing loud bass. Again, consider to hold a 369 pounds human with his/head head only. You need something to hold his/her back (his/her feet actually) to make is stable, right? So, this happens to the MTX Audio JackHammer!
I wonder to have this subwoofer at home. Hmmm…. I need at least 500 pounds box, with at least 5″ thick of a very hard wood. And off course I need a very strong amplifier. A brigded of car subwoofer will do I guess… but then I will need a very extreme power supply (over 200A perhaps?). Oh well, it’s only a dream anyway. Don’t have to think it seriously about such technical thing 🙂
alex wood
February 11, 2007 03:56its not that far fetched to use one of these things in your house, you are right you would have to build the biggest enclosure in the world to house it, but as for the amplefyer…
12 volt amps are very inefficiant in terms of current, it is much better to use a higher voltage amp, more power, less heating.
i would recoment a few QSC amps wired together. they make one witch will deliver 3000 watts rms into 2 ohm bridge mode so i would have two of them and run each voice coil off a differant amp. they run on 240 volts (or 110 if you are in america) and the power supplys are integrated, so what you get is all you need.
they dont come cheap though, around £800 each and you would need at least two of them, but with alot of cash it would be very easy to do useing parts already widely available.
Jimmy Auw
February 11, 2007 08:37Well thanks for your information… I wonder where to get such things in my country 🙁
February 19, 2007 04:20u lucky man
February 22, 2007 01:34how much dose one of those cost
February 24, 2007 12:15i love it, I skeet off the sound of a jackhammer.
February 25, 2007 13:40dat iz weak cheak da earthquake out it carry’z 28,000 watz
February 27, 2007 21:39hey man i need to put one of those in my geo tracker 4×4 yeah that be hit hard ha aha
March 6, 2007 02:29I want one so bad I wish I could get my car pimped out with one of those in it. Hell ya!
March 8, 2007 14:00The Jackhammer is a waste of space, created by MTX for the WOW factor. It certainly achieved that, but for the pricetag, dozens of 18″ woofers which will easily best the Jackhammer’s performance can be purchased.
By the way, there’s been bigger woofers. For example Richard Clark’s 60″ Woofer.
Jimmy Auw
March 8, 2007 16:57Yes… I’ve ever stood in from of TWO 50-60″ woofer (I didn’t remember precisely the size, but those two woofers stood around 2 meter heights).
stuart jones
March 12, 2007 18:36i got one of those MTX jack hammer in my warrior l200 😀 nd it is awesome
Ben Dover
March 13, 2007 08:54this sub sucks asshole
i have 2 of them jackhammers and there tooo loud
i broke 19 car windows in 3 different cars in less than a month
also its a stright up piece of shit DONT BUY IT!!!!
bboy mes
March 14, 2007 23:45i think this subwoofer is insane and crazzy , n fukin stupid i got two mtx thunder 9500 12inches n they bump perfectly prolly louder than that shooooooooooooooooooo!!
abdulaziz al-howaish
March 19, 2007 19:53i need to buy a jack hammer, i like it, how much does it costs?? if someone know’s please reply.
April 3, 2007 22:26Please tell me how money is this speaker ?
April 5, 2007 16:28cool woofer!
April 8, 2007 02:44jakajkjkaj k guena yo daria todo por tener un woofer
mel gibson
April 10, 2007 00:35wat it do my nigga is a big jack hammer……….
April 10, 2007 04:47i have 6 in ma van and i broke the suspension on it ! this sux ! but there badass! im selling them for $200 each any one that want to buy them hit me up at 503 6683920
April 17, 2007 00:51HI AWESOME
50 cent
April 17, 2007 00:52I love the sound of orgasmic sounds in the jachammer. i skeet all the time.
April 21, 2007 09:46if i play it to loud my car will fall apart.
April 23, 2007 08:03the jackhammer is the sickest sub ive have ever seen…… i wanna get 5
April 23, 2007 08:03the jackhammer is the sickest sub ive have ever seen…… i wanna get 5 or 6
April 26, 2007 09:41mtx jack hammer sux fucking sloppy donkey dick evrey one thinks that you need some massive sub for youre system to thump hard NO YOURE WRONG i got 2 rockford p3 10″ and if i had any more thumping in my car the fucking thing would fall apart!!!!!!
robin williams
May 1, 2007 01:07well im in class at harmony grove and i think that the speakers are bad ass
mark railsback
May 1, 2007 01:12i got 4 of them in my 95 dodge ram and i dont have any more windows and mirriors
cody robertson
May 3, 2007 02:44im in class and i think thhat they rock but there are good points you dont need a sub that big to pund i have a 1990 for festiva and i have i 400 watt pioner sub and three tweeters and it rocks ass i wouldnt want a jack hammer my car would fall apart lol z
May 3, 2007 16:28I’m from Romania ahd I hear more about this “monster” if you have this in the car or in your house.6000 W?Is a very strong subwoofer,now.I hope will appear a bigger one in the few months.MTX is the goodest.I see in “Pimp my ride” how works.It worth all the money for this one.
the hiltzman
May 6, 2007 06:54The jackhammer is an insanely awsome sub we installed one into a dodge magnum and any body that says the suck have proball never even heard one if you got the time money and space it is worth every penny
jason welch
May 9, 2007 02:57they are good subs
May 12, 2007 00:32Hey to the one selling tham for 200 a pice are you fucking gay what the fuck your so gay
May 25, 2007 17:59very nice how much!!!! thumpim bass 2 kill a horse need coaxials 2 sycronice with that amount of bass mtx is the best .not!!!! east side is the best fuck who ever think these r a piece of shit
June 6, 2007 23:48I am selling a 6000 watt CHEXCHEDAMIXX going for $666 it has the best qaulity in town,,if you get around hit me up by pressing #
Essam Osman
June 8, 2007 01:38this woofer is so big on this car
Tim Horton
June 18, 2007 03:28your mom is too big in my car
June 21, 2007 03:14i have the whole cut oput and alll i am missing is the mtx to go in it i drive a 1986 delta 88 not the one your thinking of it the small one
June 30, 2007 21:38grasse scheise der woofer
July 3, 2007 13:03yea Uh Ok.. Lmfao.. To The Fuckin retards, who say they got like 5 or 6 in thier vehicles, for one ur every day ordinary non modified vehicles cant handle almost 50,000 watts so stfu, cuz ur not funny and ur not cool, and stop tryin to look hard, cuz ur failing poorly, yea kids learn ur shit, and check nutz. Lmfao… ud be fuckin deaf if u had 2, and u were listenin to em like people who have 10’s and 12’s an shit, man kids these days are funny..
July 4, 2007 22:19i love mtx
July 5, 2007 04:28Hi I wont to know how much douse the jackhammer coast
July 9, 2007 17:13i got 1 MTX jackhammer with dual 2 ohm voice coils in my studio running off of 5 2000w strapped monobloc amps running off of 3 oddysey deep-cycles gel batteries outside my room, and a suzuki swift 4 cylinder 1.3l engine out of my swift that has the GTi twincam motor in it now, in the backyard driving a 50kg 500 amp 14v alternator, which runs off of the flywheel, not the fan belt like a normal alternator, my parents got it for me when i got my HSC (to all non-aussies, its the Higher School Certificate), (it was this woofer setup or a car, but the swift will do just fine for now) with #00 gauge cable connecting it all and gold plated connections.
it makes the windows shake next door and you can feel the bass from across the road at 3/4 volume
studio is fitted with soundproofing and perspex windows.
total cost was about 11,000, including woofer, wiring, batteries and 500amp alternator, i already had the engine, plus fabrication to mount the engine outside, enclosure for the MTX Jackhammer, battery shed.
July 10, 2007 00:09ps mtx es la mamada deporsi lotenia como uno de los mejores
de todos y con ese super bajo se paso eee neta chido
July 14, 2007 18:55i wonder how much does one of this babies cost ???
July 19, 2007 09:01$7,500 each
jake pichler
July 25, 2007 02:54That is one big ass sub woofer man.
jackhammer lover
July 25, 2007 04:44i love jackhammer!!!!!!! i just want one NOW..its a crazy woofer
if you hate’em i KILL YOU!!!!!
ps. Mad mike is cool!!!
July 29, 2007 06:02i got five and 1st come can have them all……
August 9, 2007 12:48iwant one
August 11, 2007 04:27All you goons saying you got 5 or 6 in your car, the maximum power of your car battery wouldnt power one of them, and you wouldnt fit 5 in your car anyway, wtf are you on about
who knows
August 17, 2007 13:32You peeps say you got like fuckin 5-6 thats some bullshit the coil in one of those thatng gets to about
120 if you had 5-6 in your fuckin car they’d over heat plus each one of those has 56 pound mag. in them un less they were like 3-4 feet a part the mag. would counter react plus you would need
at lest 20-30 car battries to power 5-6 but any ways ben or who ever woret about puting one in your hose you did a lot of jucking work but i would do the same thing if i could buy one and figure out how to do that kind of shit i have a 2 300 watt spekers whith 18inch subs in a 9 by 6 room but i cant find an amp whith only 2 chanels whith a least 300 wats per channel which i know is nothier to come piar to the fuking jackhammer but fuck id walk like 500 miles for one of those bitchies.
ps.is the person thats selling them for $200 for real. if so ples. tell me
& not to be rude but some of you peeps need to stop spending your money on shit like fuckin jackhammers
and get in a god dammn typing class i meen yuo cnat tyep worht shheet.lol
August 18, 2007 01:03I will admit that the MTX Jackhammer it pretty impressive, but I have 2 18″ subs that can probrably beat just as hard for a lot less $ than the jackhammer. The only reason that I can see getting one is for bragging rights and thats about it….and there is no way in HELL that any one could have 2-6 jackhammers on their car or ever their home. Those people are full of shit! It would take over 30,000 watts to power 6 of those subs. Plus It would be expencive as fuck to buy the subs, wiring, amps, batterys, and a huge enclosure..im guessin maybe $75,000 for 6 jackhammers with all she shit that you need to power it.
August 22, 2007 13:08Just seen Pimp My Ride where they stuck TWO of those bad boys in a Bread Truck… JESUS… Lucky Bastard!! Perhaps it is mainly for bragging rights but it a brag Id like to be doin!!! And a shout out to BEN… You legend!! Picked a Sub over a car.. truely a man after my own heart. Awesome stuff. I JUST WANT ONE… maybe 2. lol
August 28, 2007 04:03oh fuck!!!!!!!!!
August 28, 2007 04:04it’s very big
InVision Admin
September 9, 2007 04:46First) The MTX Jackhammer retails anywhere from $6500 to $8500 depending on where you go, Second) and to answer Ben Dover* This sub does not suck, you say that because you’ve never heard one you ignorant little fuck, so stop hatin’, Third) to correct “who knows says” the Jackhammer magnet doesn’t weigh 59lbs, the whole fucking sub weighs 369lbs. Car Toys in Salem, OR installed one in a pickup bed and had the owner pony up for a $6000 suspension upgrade to handle the weight. Now do the math all of you ignorant fucks 369lbs x 5 or 6 = 1845lbs and 2214lbs. I have yet to find any vehicle that can handle in excess, this kind of weight. The sub only handles 6000 watts rms, with a peak of 12000, requires 4.2 cu ft sealed airspace, and 8.7 cu ft for a ported enclosure; add to that a massive amount of bracing both internally and externally. The enclosure that I saw in the pickup weighed almost 600 lbs alone, and was built using double layers of 1″ MDF, concrete, and steel (too keep the enclosure from flexing and destroying itself). I have a client who wants to put one in a Ford V10 pickup. I priced him at $5700 for the sub, $3000 for two Mtx TA-92001 mono blocks (3000 watts rms each strapped for 6000 watts), $1600 for four Kinetic Audio KHC2400’s, $3500 for the enclosure, $1600 for all related wiring ie; power, ground, speaker, etc, and $1500 for the install. Here I’ll add it all up for the dumber people reading this; $16,900. In other words the price of a Honda Fit and a different system. Now the reason I am charing him more for the installation is because I’m charing him almost nothing for the equipment (just over cost on most of it). So for all you ignorant fucks who say they have 5-6 of these in their house or car, or they have 5 for sale, you are full of shit. I know a lot of people at Mitek Industries and have been informed that all of these subs are custom order only, not to mention that whenever one of these beasts gets sold it is listed on the MTX website, so stfu losers!
September 10, 2007 11:04all you ppl that says you have 5-6 of these are full of shit because MTX just put these out on the market at the end of august of 2007 and MTX only made about 15
September 13, 2007 12:36i do say that is mighty huge i have one but mine is small
September 15, 2007 02:56i want one!!!!!!!
September 17, 2007 11:24I think its funny how there have been people on here saying “i have one in my 99 camaro” and “i have 5 in my dodge ram” ok seriously guys, this thing is bigger than the motor in both of your vehilcles, not to mention the amplifiers you would have to run just ONE of those subs. , first off, just to run the amplifiers for that, you would on top of 2 amplifiers (mtx TE4001) which are roughly 18 inches long each, and also you would need about 30 feet of O guage wiring, a high output alternator ($900 for a good one) at the very least 4 10 farad capacitors, 4 optima or stinger batteries. a jackhammer costs $7k roughly, the amps are about $1000 a piece, batteries bout 150 a piece, wiring, 900 for alternator, capacitors 350 a piece, wiring is gonna be about 400 dollars for all, and then there is still enclosure to be built. i love mtx, its what i use in my car, but seriously, putting about $13,000 into a stereo that will pop out at the highest about 160 in a db drag? you can spend less than half that and still get the same sound, even with still going with mtx. and to you dumbasses that claim to have one in your small ass car? you are a dumb ass and quit tryin to sound all big and bad for a 12 year old.
holly fuckn shit
October 8, 2007 04:21this mutherfucker is the best thing to hit the market
holly fuckn shit
October 8, 2007 04:23who ever said that it sucked floppy donkey dick can suck my floppy donkey dick
holly fuckn shit
ben dover sucks
October 11, 2007 22:42those ma fuckas are huge. ben dover licks
October 18, 2007 13:01I have for solo x 18′ s im trying to make work in my 1995 yukon 4 door and am not having alot of luck and thats 20-40,000 watts so for all u wanna b’s with your 6 jackhammers ure full of shit I will have a website with pics to show my project within 3 months get your pics out if ure not full of shit all you 6 jackhammer shit talkers.
November 2, 2007 11:50Mtx built a show truck that had 3 of the jackhammers in the rear..they were repeatedly asked to turn them down as they were too loud and interrupting the rest of the show…i had pics of this truck but i cant find em..if anyone has them..post them…ohh yeah..btw..me being a shop-owner and installer myself….posting nonsense comments online?..dumb…claming to even own 5-6 of these is dumber….saying you are running 5-6 of these in the same vehicle?…priceless!!
and for those who really want to own one of these…..get yourself a good pair of 10 or 12 inch subs…the current iasca record for open port in florida is held with a single 12 inch sub!!…
there is a such thing as overkill!!!
November 6, 2007 00:42i want one i want urr mom
November 6, 2007 00:52they r loud and i want a couple for my room. they r so loud they broke the front window of my ford mustang. hell yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
November 6, 2007 00:53urr so gay
November 6, 2007 00:53i want urr ma
teddy is the shit
November 12, 2007 11:31youre all a bunch of bitches i got 8 jackhammers in my gremlin pushing 16 amps at 900,000 watts all together with 36 optima batteries 12 compacitors 600 feet of zero gauge wire and even the deaf kid down the street says there loud. listen in about a half hour from now and youll here me leave my house in cleveland. you are all a bunch a bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
teddy is the shit
November 12, 2007 11:38i forgot to tell you about the school bus i custom made i got 20 jackhammers and 10 JL w7s theres 75 amps pushing 1,500,000 watts of pure bass 50 4 farad compacitors three and a half miles of zero gauge and 1 gauge wire 80 optima batteries and three tweeter in the driver seat so i can hear vocals but its still pretty hard to hear the vocals.
and once again you are all a bunch of little baby back bitches!!!!!!!420!!!!!!!!!
the weed in my pocket hits harder then any of your systems.
November 22, 2007 11:21FUCK ALL OF THE GUYS THAT SAY THAT THEY HAVE LIKE 5 or 6 of them are fuckin stupid they can’t even affort one…. u dumbasses
November 22, 2007 12:56i have a motherfuckin prius
dope ass ride
i installed four mtx jackhammers last sunday…….so fuckin sick
i could only fit one in the trunk after i threw out my back seat haha
i put the second one right on my hood
and the other two are duct taped to my roof.
and because of all of the weight……my prius now looks like a mexican lowrider
oh…..and i know that all of you are going to ask how i power all four of these subs
well i just park outside of my local powerplant and charge up
but it bumps hard so it was worth it
Jake Pichler
December 4, 2007 00:02I have one of them in my dodge neon it blows the doors open it is so sweet…………….
Mark Cataract
December 4, 2007 00:15I had to have a lot of my friends put that in my little ford festeva that bitch really pounds.
anthony kimble
December 10, 2007 09:46how much does it cost
December 17, 2007 11:27i whant tow of thos in my cor
bobby hill
January 3, 2008 13:07fuck everbody and this stupidass sub
bobby hill
January 3, 2008 13:10hey anonymous learn how to spell u supid motherfucker who dropped out in the 3rd grade…..fuckin cunt
January 7, 2008 12:06Where can i get one… If anyone knows email me [email protected]
teddy is the shit
January 13, 2008 14:54fuck all you stupid ass baby back bitches you can hear me before you se me i got king kong in the trunck hahahahahahahahahahah fuck all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you bitches ever seen an avalanch i went to alpine to snowboard with all my buddys in the bus and i pulled up to the slopes and the slopes collapsed there were 14 dead 3missing and 26 injured not including the amplifier that blew. bitches bitches you all suck big floppy donkey dick bitches
January 28, 2008 20:14its great….. i need one
teddy is the shit
February 10, 2008 10:15what a big floppy donkey dick
February 17, 2008 12:02o increible esa wea se las mando mtx con esa hermosa creacion ….
es un trubuto a la potencia audible…
Joey Lawrence
March 17, 2008 23:10Attention ladies and gentlemen; ye hast been owned. For I have a 1988 Yugo GVL with 168 of these MTX Jackhammers mounted in hammerspace under the drivers’ seat, firing through a port into this plane of reality directly at my right testicle. Power is delivered by a network of overhead wires laid out on my usual travel routes, fed by the Three Gorges dam in China. When I am not on those routes to receive power from the overhead high tension wires, the system automatically powers down half of its amplifiers to conserve power since I am still running on the factory alternator. Amplification for my dope-ass system is in the form of 100 Audiovox under-dash equalizer-boosters arranged in series, with the bass EQ sliders all the way up and the treble ones all the way down. Since they are boosters, each one feeds into the next one so even though each one is only 3000 watts RMS, the powers all add up so it’s 3000+3000+3000+3000 and so on. These take up my whole back seat and hatchback and make a lot of heat, so I chopped my roof off to let them cool down in the wind as I drive. And I have suicide-gullwing-lambo doors that flip backwards and spin 3 times before folding in half and hovering 19 meters above the vehicle when I want to get out.
March 25, 2008 23:52i never heard a jackhammer but the mtx fight team is the best
April 14, 2008 10:40Anonymous is right im having a hard time putting 2 15″ mtx in my fullsize chevt 3/4 ton pick-up and my suspention wouldnt even hold 2 without draging frame
g unit
April 30, 2008 01:51I have like 10 of these in my bed I hooked them up to my alarm clock to get my ass outta bed in the morning at full volume.
Also I tied my gf down and played some sweet tunes and she came and shit everywhere
Definitely get these subs
Baby Boy
May 6, 2008 19:05MTX Does Do Good Things But Focal Is The Only Way To Go . . . For All The Young Ones Here Stop Trying To Impress Everyone All You Are Doing Is Making Yourself Sound Less Intelligent. I’m Only Twenty And I’m More Mature Than Half Of You On This Blog
FAt man Scoop
June 11, 2008 10:10this is so crazy basssssssssssssss
Mr T
June 12, 2008 06:04Man i just got dis imported it fuked up man it quality basssss
July 8, 2008 07:20What about a dream team hook-up in a Ford F650 truck. Two MTX Jackhammers wired parallel 1-ohm each @ 6000watts RMS on the most powerful amp in the world, the RockfordFosgate T15k 15000watt RMS amplifier i.e. 7500w x 2 @ 1-ohm bridged RMS. You’ll need enough shit to power a county.
nicolas355 (Depeche Mode)
August 19, 2008 07:06holaa.. q buen woofer la verdad m encantaria tener uno de esos pero es muy poderoso y seguramente m tendria q construir una casa nueva porque las paredes rebentarian como si pusiese al parlante en una caja d 50kg.. yo tengo un parlante de 700 watt rsm y suena fuerte imaginense este parlante.. bueno les dejo saludos y son unos genios los q inventaron este woofer.. chauu.
August 19, 2008 10:21fuck all you car freaks talkin all kind ah shit bout sub,watts dumb shit
like that.you people may even go as far as masterbating to to a fucking
speaker get a life.
August 19, 2008 10:24oh,I still love that monster sub………..
ismael raven lock
August 22, 2008 01:18ok ok
the dude is correct due to the air pressure the car would do one of two things either kill your suspension or perhaps kill you if you had four of these in the vehicale
for one they are way to heavy to evn be place in a car you would need some thing with like a towing compacity of well over 25000lbs to do that along with 3 alternators,12batterys,6 amps and then some so yall are stupid as shit to say that they can be placed in a 99 camaro ass clowns
dnb fiend
August 27, 2008 16:23first off i just want to say to the dumbfucks who keep talking shit about the people who cant spell STFU you stupid ass n00bs next time you post your dumbass comments make sure you check it at least twice AT LEAST TWICE oh and while we are on the subject i don’t know why so many people are talking so much crap about the jackhammers i think those are some tight woofers and a lot of people would love to have them especialy the ones who like to have real bass in thier ride i mean do you really belive that some 10″s or 15″s are gonna BEAT IT?! you must be CRAZY TO THINK THAT SHIT! yo and for the people who claim to have six to eight jackhammers either in the car or in the house YOU ARE CRAZY AND NEED HELP BIG TIME because thats way to much POWER YOU WILL GO DEAF IN LESS THAN A SECOND all you need is ONE!!!
September 9, 2008 14:42fuck it crazy i bouth one tha its loud
September 9, 2008 14:51I PAYED $4,500 FOR FOR MINE FROM ITALI IMPORTED
October 7, 2008 07:25OOO JEBO TE KOLAAAC
Clark Johnson
February 17, 2009 20:42Hey man thats gonna blow your ass off…my suggestion don’t mistake to take yor gilr frnd with you… dear … a word of caution..ha ha !!
August 3, 2009 05:19kuu qafr buferrii te koka a pot qet za brehh hiq pom doket te koka fallc
August 29, 2009 12:14hey, sup, i really do have six of these set up in the back of my tercel… I had to remove the rear glass to make them fit and weld in cages to support their weight. I actually think they weigh more than the tercel weighs. i have to run 10 altenators of a swapped in rb26 to create all that power. the back seats were replaced with 3 amplifiers at 15kw each. it’s actually so loud with the bullet proof glass that it kills anyone sitting in the car, i just turn it on and run like hell. oh and now that i’m deaf i’mm selling all my shit, i’ll sell one for 200 bucks, hit me up at 1-631-667-9427
August 29, 2009 12:24Hey Joey, where did you get those doors, my gf would skeet out buckets when she sees that shit.
September 2, 2009 02:52this such thing is dream in my dream… 🙂
David Kykedish
April 17, 2010 21:55West coast customs. What a bunch or Maroooons. U have an owner who is about as articulate as a whirpool dishwasher, and there is a fat black guy firing people on the show. What a show. I’d rather see the OCC tuttles kill eachother. Rip a mercades apart to make it a west coast JUNK YARD car. Gee I dont see anything good on the show. Discovery channel must really be hard up.
February 28, 2012 04:59Byuh3x jan cangkeme sing comment mengundang bencana. waduh lambene wong londo rusak,,,blog e wekne wong gawe perang goro2 speaker gendeng(Jack hammer MTX).
Hmmm….lakon anyar maneh iki…!!!
Wes tambah sukses aj buat brother Jimmy. D tggu info2 menarik lainnya seputar audio.