I don’t like expensive cable. My most expensive one was Kimber, the lower one was Synergistic Research. But I was stunned when listened my friend’s Duelund interconnect 0.5 and 2.0. Now, Duelund launches their new interconnect, the 2.0 Rev 2. This Rev 2 means the improvement over the original 2.0. They said, this one has more silver and better (silk) insulation. Ok, I have put half of my feet on the water, there’s no way back, let’s go deeper (that means, go deep inside your pocket to get this one).
The main ingredients of this cable is Silver (oil impregnated) with Silk insulation.
If we are talking Duelund CAST Silver as the most expensive capacitor, their cable is not even close to the most expensive one (like Pear Cable, Kubala Sosna, or Nordost Valhalla). But still, spending over US$ 40 per foot/single cable has never been an easy job.
The appearance more likely like a silver tape with my old socks! 🙂 Well, it’s a silk though!
The label on the package. My first cable from Duelund. The word “Antistatic” seems interesting, though I have no idea what is that.
I combine the Duelund 2.0 Rev 2 with Cardas SRCA Male Plug. As usual, soldering the Cardas never been an easy job! The surface is very slippy. My 30W Goot soldering station and WBT seems didn’t mix up perfectly with them (as usual – this is the common thing with Cardas slippy surface). Perhaps I needed 100W soldering station? Not really. All I need was extra patient.
After few hours finding a right way to connect the Duelund to Cardas, finally I finished the process. The flat wire model of Duelund interconnect also added another problem on the “silky round” surface of the Cardas. It’s done, that’s the most important thing.
I got flu today, so hardly to give evaluation of this Cardas Duelund combo because the flu affect my listening capability. But from my first short impression, it has depth/wide staging, harmonically rich – especially on the vocal, and fluid high extension. Low also quite proportional, but hard to give further impression due to my flu problem.
July 25, 2010 01:30pak jimmy,
kalau boleh tau bgmana cara efektif u solder ke RCA cardas? saya denger dari temen saya juga memang agak sulit untuk menyolder ke RCA cardas krn lapisan rhodiumnya, kebetulan saya jg punya RCA female cardas..
thanks sebelumnya
Jimmy Auw
July 25, 2010 09:27Halo Pak Herdian,
Gak ada cara yang paling efektif sih, tetep aja susah he he he. Mesti membiasakan diri dulu dengan karakternya. Pada dasarnya memang timahnya sulit menempel di Rhodium surface yang flat karena tidak ada grip-nya. Hanya saja, kita bisa gunakan timah yang lebih banyak agar lebih menggigit dan make sure suhu timah sudah cukup agar bisa mendapatkan grip maksimal di Rhodium surface (walaupun tetap tidak bisa dikatakan menyatu penuh seperti di permukaan RCA pada umumnya). Practice makes perfect.
September 29, 2010 07:41Halo pak, duelundnya uda dicoba buat speaker cable atau internal wiring xo ya? Bagaimana performanya kalo sudah. makasih byk atas infonya
Auw Jimmy
September 29, 2010 18:21Halo Pak,
Saya cuman buat RCA Interconnect saja Pak. Kalo speaker cable-nya beda jenisnya.