Yesterday, 15 September 2007, we held another Blind Test. This time, the topic was Moving Magnet (MM) Phono Stage. Two week before, we already had a Moving Coil (MC) session (I didn’t come). The session was held on Tubelover showroom, at Fatmawati.
This time, the contenders were:
1. Blue Circle BC11
2. ClearAudio
3. Modified Sansui AU7900
4. Zenn Audio
Below, you can see the system setup. We used Tannoy Stirling and with extra Fostex super tweeter. The amplifier was tube, I forgot to write down the details (Minuet, EL34 if I’m not mistaken). The player was Rega P5 with Empire cartridge.
Photo below shows the judges and the audience. They were serious judgding the sound quality of each Phono Stage.
The evaluation only took around 30 minutes. Then we continued with dinner (sahur time for Moeslem). Yummy, thanks for the dinner, Mr. Arif Wicaksono.
After dinner, we also tried a $11.000 CD Player, the Platinum Reference CD III by MSB. Directly connected to 2A3 Amplifier, 50 Amplifier, Modified Sansui AU-719, and finally 845 Amplifier. The speaker was still the same, the Tannoy Stirling with Fostex super tweeter. We played some song from Patricia Barber and the famous Stimela track. All I can say was fantastic. The 845 could blow the Stirling. It had enough power to output the maximum potential of the Stirling. We turned off the light and really enjoyed this session. Mr. Arif said that this 845 only used cheap Chinese tube and cheap OT. He was preparing the new 845 with RCA tube and Tamura OT. We will wait for it!
Another shoot of 2A3 amplifier and the $11.000 CD Player.
The final result of the Blind Test were:
1. Modified Sansui AU7900
2. ClearAudio
3. Blue Circle BC11
4. Zenn Audio
July 5, 2009 06:39Hello,
a question please, which model of Fostex super tweeter you have used on the Tannoy Stirling?
This is really effective?
higher than the Tannoy St200?
Many thanks.
Jimmy Auw
July 5, 2009 11:26Hello,
It should be Fostex T90.
It raised the high frequency for most people who is not used with full range system.
I think T90 is different class with ST200. Never heard ST200 though.
July 11, 2009 06:01Hello Jimmy,
as you connected the Fostex T90 to the Tannoy?
Sorry for the off topic.
Best regards,
Romeo from Italy
Jimmy Auw
July 11, 2009 07:52Hi Romeo,
With around 10uF caps.
July 11, 2009 19:40Hi Jimmy,
only the capacitor, with out resistor?
I’ve a pair of Tannoy Kensington and I would like to try this Fostex, you can give me some hint?
Many thanks.
Jimmy Auw
July 11, 2009 23:15Hi,
Sorry for the typo, it should be 1uF, not 10uF. You can try between 0.47-2.2uF. With that high cut off, I dont need resistor to pad the tweeter.
July 12, 2009 04:47Hi Jimmy,
well I will try with a Fostex T925A.
Many thanks,
Jimmy Auw
July 12, 2009 11:57Hi Romeo,
Keep posting the update, ok?
July 14, 2009 03:22Hi Jimmy,
sure! I am very pleased.
Many thanks,
August 2, 2010 12:11Hi Jimmy,
I recently bought a Sansui AU-719 from someone who owned since new and is in immaculate condition. I saw your website mentioned mod of the same sansui amp. May I know what mod being done and how much sound improvement being achieved.
I am currently using B&W 684 speakers, Jamo Prestige 120 also china make cloned proac 1Sc.
Jimmy Auw
August 2, 2010 20:59Hi Saileng,
AU-719 has a good phono stage. I don’t think you need to modify it.
August 11, 2010 16:14Thanks Jimmy. I just bought myself Rega P3-24 with TT PSU. Hopefully, it will sound good with Sansui au-719. The previous owner only had the rega for few months and did mod on metal subplatter (custom make) and Acrylic platter from US. Does it really make a lot of difference in sound? Since I am new to Vinyl, Hifi shop owner which I knew for long time advised me to try on ortofon cartridge 1st and then progress with an upgrade later. Appreciate your view.
Auw Jimmy
August 13, 2010 23:27Hi Saileng,
Congratulations on your new P3. It’s a good start!!!
The new mods with metal and acrylic will add extra mass and stability. I believe if it was done correctly, you will have sonic improvement.
Ortofon is a good start. Or you can consider Benz Micro High Output MC (you still can use MM Phono Stage). Grado MM also good one (if you like Rock music).
August 24, 2010 14:37Hi Jimmy,
I really enjoy the sound of Vinyl. Will there be any problem if use MC cartridge on MM phonos?
I like Jazz, vocal and classical (especially classical guitar i.e latin and greek) not so much on rock music but I cannot miss the direstraits though.
I am using the ortofon 2M red cartridge not bad as starter but not dynamic enough in terms of bass and vocal range. Any suggestion on other type of cartridge that suits my type of music?
Auw Jimmy
August 24, 2010 21:17Hi Saileng,
MC tends to be more sensitives. It gives more details, but also more noise somehow.
MC should be best based on your types of music.
You can try Benz Micro MC High Output.
August 30, 2010 10:05Hi Jimmy,
Thanks for your advice. I just realised that my Sansui Au719 has MM phono input of 2.5mV but my ortofon 2M Red Cart has 5.5mV output. It pick up a lot more noise? Should I change it to MC or buy a lower mV MM cartridge? will there be a long term problems for my Sansui?
As amateur, I don’t really understand how to match the phono sensitivity and cartridge output.
Auw Jimmy
August 30, 2010 21:48Hi Saileng,
I think it’s ok.
But you can try MC one if you want to.
February 13, 2011 08:43What ws the modification on the AU7900? Just curious as I just bought one…
Auw Jimmy
February 13, 2011 18:19Hi Mark,
The owner changed the whole amps, only used the main power supply section.
February 14, 2011 08:00Interesting! So was a totally custom phono stage then as well?
Auw Jimmy
February 14, 2011 09:56Hi Mark,
Only the amps, the phono remained untouch.
Mr Mark
February 14, 2011 12:34pretty interesting that the phono stage on a 35 year old amp can beat more modern, and presumabaly much more expensive ones. I have always heard good things about the MM phono stage on these Sansui amps, and i am looking forward to receiving mine next week. Thanks for the tips 🙂