I’ve finished my Luxeon III project. It contains two Luxeon III Star (Lambertian). I design a simple voltage and current regulator based on two National Semiconductor LM317. You can adjust the current and the voltage by using few resistor or potentiometer. I will discuss about the driver on separate post (later). Now, just enjoy the project showcase first 😉
The picture above shows my project. As you can see, I use two LM317. The first one is to regulate the current, the second one is to regulate the voltage. I use two switches to set the current. All switches off means 200 mA, one switch on means 400 mA, and two switches on means 600 mA. Actually I should provide switches to set the 800 and 1000 mA. Perhaps later. The resistors used for regulating the current should be minimum 2 Watts (I use 5 Watts).
I mount the Luxeon on separate heatsink (remember: Luxeon III backplate is not insulated! So please don’t mount more than one Luxeon III on same heatsink. Except if you will use epoxy compound that will transfer the heat, but not the electricity). This Luxeon may need adequate heatsink if you will drive it with high current (up to 80 Lumens @ 1000 mA).
Top view from my Luxeon driver. Adequate heatsink is required for the LM317. Quite hot after 10-15 minutes of operation. Don’t forget to use thick enough cables, since you will driver over 500 mA of current.
Another view from the front side. Not a really good layout from me 😉 I mount all the resistor and diode in standing position to save the space.
Another view from the back side. I use some cable ties to tight up the resistor to the switches. Again, not really a good design.
I mount the Luxeon on the heatsink with some thermal paste. Then, I glue them up with some epoxy to make sure that the Luxeon will be tighted firmly to the heatsink.
Luxeon III on action. All switches are turned off, means the current is rated at 200 mA.
Luxeon III on action. One switch is turned on and one turned off, means the current is rated at 400 mA.
Luxeon III on action. All switches are turned on, means the current is rated at 600 mA.
The Luxeon on typical room lighting. On the photo, I set the current at 200 mA (both switches are off). Quite bright, eh?
I plug the 15 degree lens to each Luxeon. Hmm… this time the beam is more focused. Good as a flash light! 😀
I open up the lenses and feed the Luxeon with 600 mA. Man, I can’t see the Luxeon right now. Simply too bright!
My conclusion is: This is an excellent LED. Very bright LED. Use 2 or 4 at 600 mA and you are ready to blind your friend’s eyes. The minor problem is the backplate of Luxeon III is not insulated. It means that you have to use special epoxy that will transfer the heat, but not the electrically conductive or better use separate heatsink. The current and voltage regulator are also cheap to design (less than $5). For you who want to make it simple, you can search for special ready to use Luxeon driver (buck or boost version, around $20). But I prefer my own design 😉
October 7, 2007 11:18can you publish the schematic diagram of the drivers that you use in this project ?
Jimmy Auw
July 31, 2008 18:07Hi,
You can check the LM317 datasheet and find the schematic to regulate the Voltage and Current (you will need 2 pcs of LM317 for these two function).
Thank you.
August 1, 2008 07:02Tertarik juga sama LEDnya. bisa beli di mana ? dan berapa harganya ?
Apa di Glodok sudah ada ? Aku boleh pesan khan.
Terima kasih.
Jimmy Auw
August 1, 2008 07:25Saya terakhir beli di Farnell, Singapore. Itupun sudah lama, sekitar 2 tahun lalu.
February 5, 2009 23:36Bro Jimmy,
Lama nggak mampir ke ‘Chip’
Mau tanya, regulatornya ‘current regulator’ dulu atau ‘voltage regulator’ dulu ya?.
Saya DIY driver untuk Luxeon 5 W (6,8 Volt 700 mA), di-suplly accu 12 Volt, LED nya nggak terlalu panas tapi LM 317 nya panas sekali, apakah aman LM-317 + heatsink berjalan di ~90 C
Jimmy Auw
February 6, 2009 00:10Saya agak lupa ya… kayanya current dulu deh.
Sebaiknya download datasheet LM317-nya Pak agar yakin.
Bisa hitung juga disipasi panas-nya. Kalo terlalu panas, tampaknya Anda harus pake heatsink yang lebih gede. 90 derajat sih kepanasan rasanya.
April 22, 2009 11:10bener, baiknya current dulu baru voltage.
kalo IC317 terlalu panas, berarti rating current nya diatas 650mA. meski secara teori dalam datasheet dia bisa sampe 1.5A, tapi pada prakteknya jika dipaksa segede itu akan terbakar.
coba ic 317 diganti dengan LM338T. bisa drive current sampe dengan 7A (peak) dg rata2 5A.
itungan resistornya sama persis degan LM317.