If you haven’t read the first two post, then I would suggest to visit here and here first.
This is the 3rd experiment, and should be final one. I have done several experiments previously (although not published in detail here). So I have come up with final ingredients consisting of several natural materials.
So, let’s start cooking them! 😉
Before I start, please be warned that this cooking way with open fire is not recommended at all! Use electric heater with controlled temperature or double boiler method. Most potting material (example: wax) has a flash point which could be ignited by the open fire. Although the flash point is quite high (few hundreds Celcius), but the temperature of open fire with gas stove itself could easily surpass those hundreds Celcius (hope you understand what I’m talking about). Never leave them unattended and never let them boiled even for a short time. Temperature would raise rapidly with such gas stove. Again, please do at your own risk!
All photos here were taken by my lovely wife 😉 As I have told you, I have to pay extra attention with this open fire technique.
Melted ingredients poured into the Choke.
Half buried Lundahl LL1673 Choke. Hope I’m doing it right although all of this process is reversible, but I believe I wouldn’t expect that to happen.
Completely buried Choke. Looks yummy? 🙂
Curing time would take hours if not days. I think I can fire this thing up for testing around a week.
June 24, 2012 08:20Pagi Ko,
Mantap ko.. Saya bantu doa dari sini biar sukses projectnya dan ga copot antara pot ama fillernya… :))
BTW, sekarang volume fillernya masih segitu atau ada perubahan?
Salam 🙂
June 24, 2012 08:47Your wife takes very helpful pictures . Please thank her for me . Like you secret receipt potting mix. It should be well dampened in this unit look forward to your comments on it sound.
Auw Jimmy
June 24, 2012 09:04Thanks atas doanya bro Agus, tapi sepertinya hal itu ga terlalu diperlukan, karena hal ini sudah diperhitungkan dalam experimen2 sebelumnya. Khususnya dalam campuran filler-nya. Jelas sangat menguras waktu dan kantong (biaya coba2nya aja jelas uda melebihi harga Choke-nya tuh). Tapi overall puas dengan hasilnya. Kalo soal suara, ntar tunggu ada kesempatan coba dulu… Ini mungkin yg perlu doa semoga suaranya tambah bagus 🙂
Thanks 🙂